author Edouard Tisserant
Wed, 02 Apr 2014 15:03:32 +0200
changeset 2152 e6946c298a42
parent 2111 f2cffda17d00
permissions -rw-r--r--
Cherry-pick and re-commit to legitimate ancestor of commit 'Ethercat Management Function Refactoring Source by RTES Lab.' from youcu <>
import features

def GetEtherLabLibClass():
    from EthercatMaster import EtherlabLibrary
    return EtherlabLibrary

    ('Etherlab', GetEtherLabLibClass))

def GetEtherLabClass():
    from etherlab import RootClass
    return RootClass

    ('etherlab', _('EtherCat Master'), _('Map located variables over EtherCat'), GetEtherLabClass))