Now python files provided by extentions have init, start, stop and cleanup hooks
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<CFile xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="cext_xsd.xsd">
<![CDATA[#include "stdio.h"]]>
<variable name="TestInput" type="SINT" class="input"/>
<variable name="TestOutput" type="SINT" class="output"/>
<![CDATA[volatile long Lock=0;
volatile char PtoC=1,CtoP=2;
int Simple_C_Call(int val){
return val+1;
int Python_to_C_Call(char toC, char *fromC){
/* Code called by python should never touch to
variables modified by PLC thread directly
AtomicCompareExchange comes from
beremiz' runtime implementation */
int res = 0;
if(!AtomicCompareExchange(&Lock, 0, 1)){
AtomicCompareExchange(&Lock, 1, 0);
printf("C code called by Python: toC %d fromC %d\n",toC,*fromC);
return res;
int PLC_C_Call(char fromPLC, char *toPLC){
/* PLC also have to be realy carefull not to
conflict with asynchronous python access */
int res;
if(!AtomicCompareExchange(&Lock, 0, 1)){
CtoP = fromPLC;
*toPLC = PtoC;
AtomicCompareExchange(&Lock, 1, 0);
return 1;
return 0;
<![CDATA[if(!AtomicCompareExchange(&Lock, 0, 1)){
TestInput = CtoP + PtoC + TestOutput;
AtomicCompareExchange(&Lock, 1, 0);