author Edouard Tisserant
Fri, 12 Jul 2019 11:51:47 +0200
changeset 2622 e10a1095f577
parent 2437 105c20fdeb19
child 2647 990004083eb8
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fixed repetitive freezing of IDE when connection drops.
when connection lost error was beeing displayed, the involved wxYield
was calling pending plc status periodic update, itself trying to use connector.
At that time connector is still not destroyed and connection
is attempted again when calling GetPLCStatus.
=> Hack : Ensure connector is destroyed before reporting error.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# This file is part of Beremiz, a Integrated Development Environment for
# programming IEC 61131-3 automates supporting plcopen standard and CanFestival.
# Copyright (c) 2016 Mario de Sousa (
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# This code is made available on the understanding that it will not be
# used in safety-critical situations without a full and competent review.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from six.moves import xrange

# dictionary implementing:
# key   - string with the description we want in the request plugin GUI
# tuple - (modbus function number, request type, max count value,
# data_type, bit_size)
modbus_function_dict = {
    "01 - Read Coils":                ('1',  'req_input', 2000, "BOOL",  1, "Q", "X", "Coil"),
    "02 - Read Input Discretes":      ('2',  'req_input', 2000, "BOOL",  1, "I", "X", "Input Discrete"),
    "03 - Read Holding Registers":    ('3',  'req_input',  125, "WORD", 16, "Q", "W", "Holding Register"),
    "04 - Read Input Registers":      ('4',  'req_input',  125, "WORD", 16, "I", "W", "Input Register"),
    "05 - Write Single coil":         ('5', 'req_output',    1, "BOOL",  1, "Q", "X", "Coil"),
    "06 - Write Single Register":     ('6', 'req_output',    1, "WORD", 16, "Q", "W", "Holding Register"),
    "15 - Write Multiple Coils":     ('15', 'req_output', 1968, "BOOL",  1, "Q", "X", "Coil"),
    "16 - Write Multiple Registers": ('16', 'req_output',  123, "WORD", 16, "Q", "W", "Holding Register")}

# Configuration tree value acces helper
def GetCTVal(child, index):
    return child.GetParamsAttributes()[0]["children"][index]["value"]

# Configuration tree value acces helper, for multiple values
def GetCTVals(child, indexes):
    return map(lambda index: GetCTVal(child, index), indexes)

def GetTCPServerNodePrinted(self, child):
    Outputs a string to be used on C files
    params: child - the correspondent subplugin in Beremiz
    node_init_template = '''/*node %(locnodestr)s*/
{"%(locnodestr)s", %(slaveid)s, {naf_tcp, {.tcp = {%(host)s, "%(port)s", DEF_CLOSE_ON_SILENCE}}}, -1 /* mb_nd */, 0 /* init_state */}'''

    location = ".".join(map(str, child.GetCurrentLocation()))
    host, port, slaveid = GetCTVals(child, range(3))
    if host == "#ANY#":
        host = 'INADDR_ANY'
        host = '"' + host + '"'
    # slaveid = GetCTVal(child, 2)
    # if int(slaveid) not in xrange(256):
        # self.GetCTRoot().logger.write_error("Error: Wrong slave ID in %s server node\nModbus Plugin C code returns empty\n"%location)
        # return None

    node_dict = {"locnodestr": location,
                 "host": host,
                 "port": port,
                 "slaveid": slaveid}
    return node_init_template % node_dict

def GetTCPServerMemAreaPrinted(self, child, nodeid):
    Outputs a string to be used on C files
    params: child - the correspondent subplugin in Beremiz
            nodeid - on C code, each request has it's own parent node (sequential, 0..NUMBER_OF_NODES)
                     It's this parameter.
    return: None - if any definition error found
            The string that should be added on C code - if everything goes allright
    request_dict = {}

    request_dict["locreqstr"] = "_".join(map(str, child.GetCurrentLocation()))
    request_dict["nodeid"] = str(nodeid)
    request_dict["address"] = GetCTVal(child, 2)
    if int(request_dict["address"]) not in xrange(65536):
            "Modbus plugin: Invalid Start Address in server memory area node %(locreqstr)s (Must be in the range [0..65535])\nModbus plugin: Aborting C code generation for this node\n" % request_dict)
        return None
    request_dict["count"] = GetCTVal(child, 1)
    if int(request_dict["count"]) not in xrange(1, 65536):
            "Modbus plugin: Invalid number of channels in server memory area node %(locreqstr)s (Must be in the range [1..65536-start_address])\nModbus plugin: Aborting C code generation for this node\n" % request_dict)
        return None
    if (int(request_dict["address"]) + int(request_dict["count"])) not in xrange(1, 65537):
            "Modbus plugin: Invalid number of channels in server memory area node %(locreqstr)s (Must be in the range [1..65536-start_address])\nModbus plugin: Aborting C code generation for this node\n" % request_dict)
        return None

    return ""

modbus_serial_baudrate_list = [
    "110", "300", "600", "1200", "2400", "4800", "9600", "19200", "38400", "57600", "115200"]
modbus_serial_stopbits_list = ["1", "2"]
modbus_serial_parity_dict = {"none": 0, "odd": 1, "even": 2}

def GetRTUSlaveNodePrinted(self, child):
    Outputs a string to be used on C files
    params: child - the correspondent subplugin in Beremiz
    node_init_template = '''/*node %(locnodestr)s*/
{"%(locnodestr)s", %(slaveid)s, {naf_rtu, {.rtu = {"%(device)s", %(baud)s /*baud*/, %(parity)s /*parity*/, 8 /*data bits*/, %(stopbits)s, 0 /* ignore echo */}}}, -1 /* mb_nd */, 0 /* init_state */}'''

    location = ".".join(map(str, child.GetCurrentLocation()))
    device, baud, parity, stopbits, slaveid = GetCTVals(child, range(5))

    node_dict = {"locnodestr": location,
                 "device": device,
                 "baud": baud,
                 "parity": modbus_serial_parity_dict[parity],
                 "stopbits": stopbits,
                 "slaveid": slaveid}
    return node_init_template % node_dict

def GetRTUClientNodePrinted(self, child):
    Outputs a string to be used on C files
    params: child - the correspondent subplugin in Beremiz
    node_init_template = '''/*node %(locnodestr)s*/
{"%(locnodestr)s", {naf_rtu, {.rtu = {"%(device)s", %(baud)s /*baud*/, %(parity)s /*parity*/, 8 /*data bits*/, %(stopbits)s, 0 /* ignore echo */}}}, -1 /* mb_nd */, 0 /* init_state */, %(coms_period)s /* communication period */}'''

    location = ".".join(map(str, child.GetCurrentLocation()))
    device, baud, parity, stopbits, coms_period = GetCTVals(child, range(5))

    node_dict = {"locnodestr": location,
                 "device": device,
                 "baud": baud,
                 "parity": modbus_serial_parity_dict[parity],
                 "stopbits": stopbits,
                 "coms_period": coms_period}
    return node_init_template % node_dict

def GetTCPClientNodePrinted(self, child):
    Outputs a string to be used on C files
    params: child - the correspondent subplugin in Beremiz
    node_init_template = '''/*node %(locnodestr)s*/
{"%(locnodestr)s", {naf_tcp, {.tcp = {"%(host)s", "%(port)s", DEF_CLOSE_ON_SILENCE}}}, -1 /* mb_nd */, 0 /* init_state */, %(coms_period)s /* communication period */, 0 /* prev_error */}'''

    location = ".".join(map(str, child.GetCurrentLocation()))
    host, port, coms_period = GetCTVals(child, range(3))

    node_dict = {"locnodestr": location,
                 "host": host,
                 "port": port,
                 "coms_period": coms_period}
    return node_init_template % node_dict

def GetClientRequestPrinted(self, child, nodeid):
    Outputs a string to be used on C files
    params: child - the correspondent subplugin in Beremiz
            nodeid - on C code, each request has it's own parent node (sequential, 0..NUMBER_OF_NODES)
                     It's this parameter.
    return: None - if any definition error found
            The string that should be added on C code - if everything goes allright

    req_init_template = '''/*request %(locreqstr)s*/
{"%(locreqstr)s", %(nodeid)s, %(slaveid)s, %(iotype)s, %(func_nr)s, %(address)s , %(count)s,
DEF_REQ_SEND_RETRIES, 0 /* error_code */, 0 /* prev_code */, {%(timeout_s)d, %(timeout_ns)d} /* timeout */,
{%(buffer)s}, {%(buffer)s}}'''

    timeout = int(GetCTVal(child, 4))
    timeout_s = timeout // 1000
    timeout_ms = timeout - (timeout_s * 1000)
    timeout_ns = timeout_ms * 1000000

    request_dict = {
        "locreqstr": "_".join(map(str, child.GetCurrentLocation())),
        "nodeid": str(nodeid),
        "slaveid": GetCTVal(child, 1),
        "address": GetCTVal(child, 3),
        "count": GetCTVal(child, 2),
        "timeout": timeout,
        "timeout_s": timeout_s,
        "timeout_ns": timeout_ns,
        "buffer": ",".join(['0'] * int(GetCTVal(child, 2))),
        "func_nr": modbus_function_dict[GetCTVal(child, 0)][0],
        "iotype": modbus_function_dict[GetCTVal(child, 0)][1],
        "maxcount": modbus_function_dict[GetCTVal(child, 0)][2]}

    if int(request_dict["slaveid"]) not in xrange(256):
            "Modbus plugin: Invalid slaveID in TCP client request node %(locreqstr)s (Must be in the range [0..255])\nModbus plugin: Aborting C code generation for this node\n" % request_dict)
        return None
    if int(request_dict["address"]) not in xrange(65536):
            "Modbus plugin: Invalid Start Address in TCP client request node %(locreqstr)s (Must be in the range [0..65535])\nModbus plugin: Aborting C code generation for this node\n" % request_dict)
        return None
    if int(request_dict["count"]) not in xrange(1, 1 + int(request_dict["maxcount"])):
            "Modbus plugin: Invalid number of channels in TCP client request node %(locreqstr)s (Must be in the range [1..%(maxcount)s])\nModbus plugin: Aborting C code generation for this node\n" % request_dict)
        return None
    if (int(request_dict["address"]) + int(request_dict["count"])) not in xrange(1, 65537):
            "Modbus plugin: Invalid number of channels in TCP client request node %(locreqstr)s (start_address + nr_channels must be less than 65536)\nModbus plugin: Aborting C code generation for this node\n" % request_dict)
        return None

    return req_init_template % request_dict