author Schlumpf <schlumpf@kr-ll.de>
Mon, 07 Jan 2019 18:32:03 +0100
changeset 2497 e04824ad26e4
parent 1401 611fded24ce4
child 2680 6bfed6757495
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix an exception on wx-3.0-gtk3 in PLCOpenEditor when generating ST files.

On Python2.7 with WX3.0 and GTK3, an assertionError rises on generating a ST file if the name is already set. The first generation works without problems, if you generate the file a second one, PLCOpenEditor tries to open the file
save dialog with the pre entered name from last run. Then the following assertion pops up:

PyAssertionError: C++ assertion "volDummy.empty() && pathDummy.empty()" failed at ./src/common/filename.cpp(568) in Assign(): the file name shouldn't contain the path

This fix reduces the filepath of the ST file the to the filename. Now it works fine.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<PyFile xmlns:xhtml="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <variable name="Test_Python_Var" type="INT" initial="4"/>
    <variable name="Second_Python_Var" type="INT" initial="5"/>
import time,sys,ctypes
Python_to_C_Call = PLCBinary.Python_to_C_Call
Python_to_C_Call.restype = ctypes.c_int
Python_to_C_Call.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int)]

def MyPythonFunc(arg):
    i = ctypes.c_int()
    if(Python_to_C_Call(arg, i)):
        res = i.value
        print "toC:", arg, "from C:", res, "FBID:", FBID
        print "Failed Python_to_C_Call failed"
        res = None
    print "Python read PLC global :",PLCGlobals.Test_Python_Var
    PLCGlobals.Second_Python_Var = 789
    return res

async_error_test_code = """
def badaboom():

import wx
def badaboomwx():

from threading import Timer
a = Timer(3, badaboom)

b = Timer(6, badaboomwx)
global x, y
x = 2
y = 5
print "py_runtime init:", x, ",", y
print "py_runtime cleanup"
global x, y
print "py_runtime start", x * x + y * y
print "py_runtime stop"