Fix an exception on wx-3.0-gtk3 in PLCOpenEditor when generating ST files.
On Python2.7 with WX3.0 and GTK3, an assertionError rises on generating a ST file if the name is already set. The first generation works without problems, if you generate the file a second one, PLCOpenEditor tries to open the file
save dialog with the pre entered name from last run. Then the following assertion pops up:
PyAssertionError: C++ assertion "volDummy.empty() && pathDummy.empty()" failed at ./src/common/filename.cpp(568) in Assign(): the file name shouldn't contain the path
This fix reduces the filepath of the ST file the to the filename. Now it works fine.
Template C code used to produce target Ethercat C code.
Copyright (C) 2011-2014: Laurent BESSARD, Edouard TISSERANT
Distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
See COPYING file for copyrights details.
#include "iec_types_all.h"
#define FREE 0
#define ACQUIRED 1
#define ANSWERED 2
long SDOLock = FREE;
extern long AtomicCompareExchange(long* atomicvar,long compared, long exchange);
int AcquireSDOLock() {
return AtomicCompareExchange(&SDOLock, FREE, ACQUIRED) == FREE;
void SDOAnswered() {
AtomicCompareExchange(&SDOLock, ACQUIRED, ANSWERED);
int HasAnswer() {
return SDOLock == ANSWERED;
void ReleaseSDOLock() {
AtomicCompareExchange(&SDOLock, ANSWERED, FREE);
int __init_etherlab_ext()
return 0;
void __cleanup_etherlab_ext()
void __retrieve_etherlab_ext()
void __publish_etherlab_ext()