SVGHMI: intermediate commit while working on dropdown widget.
Here is the plan :
HMI:DropDown : svg:g of svg:rect + svg:text
rect is extended to match content size, and if content size exceed page size, user can scroll
HMI:List : either HMI:List:ListName as svg:text, one tspan per list entry
or HMI:List:ListName:Foreach:HMI_CLASS:SUB/PATH/TO/VALUE@/ROOT/PATH as empty svg:g
from __future__ import absolute_import
import sys
import gluon.contrib.simplejson as simplejson
class JSONRPCServiceBase(object):
def __init__(self):
self.methods = {}
def response(self, id, result):
return simplejson.dumps({'version': '1.1', 'id': id,
'result': result, 'error': None})
def error(self, id, code, message):
return simplejson.dumps({
'id': id,
'version': '1.1',
'error': {'name': 'JSONRPCError',
'code': code,
'message': message}
def add_method(self, name, method):
self.methods[name] = method
def process(self, data):
data = simplejson.loads(data)
id, method, params = data["id"], data["method"], data["params"]
if method in self.methods:
result = self.methods[method](*params)
return self.response(id, result)
except Exception:
etype, eval, _etb = sys.exc_info()
return self.error(id, 100, 'Exception %s: %s' % (etype, eval))
except BaseException:
etype, eval, _etb = sys.exc_info()
return self.error(id, 100, '%s: %s' % (etype.__name__, eval))
return self.error(id, 100, 'method "%s" does not exist' % method)
def listmethods(self):
return self.methods.keys()