author Edouard Tisserant
Thu, 09 Apr 2020 09:52:34 +0200
changeset 2922 ddce4ebdf010
parent 2586 b89484560a97
child 3750 f62625418bff
permissions -rw-r--r--
SVGHMI: intermediate commit while working on dropdown widget.

Here is the plan :
HMI:DropDown : svg:g of svg:rect + svg:text
rect is extended to match content size, and if content size exceed page size, user can scroll
HMI:List : either HMI:List:ListName as svg:text, one tspan per list entry
or HMI:List:ListName:Foreach:HMI_CLASS:SUB/PATH/TO/VALUE@/ROOT/PATH as empty svg:g
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import traceback
import sys

from runtime.Worker import worker
MainWorker = worker()

_PLCObjectSingleton = None

def GetPLCObjectSingleton():
    assert _PLCObjectSingleton is not None
    return _PLCObjectSingleton

def LogMessageAndException(msg, exp=None):
    if exp is None:
        exp = sys.exc_info()
    if _PLCObjectSingleton is not None:
        _PLCObjectSingleton.LogMessage(0, msg + '\n'.join(traceback.format_exception(*exp)))

def CreatePLCObjectSingleton(*args, **kwargs):
    global _PLCObjectSingleton
    from runtime.PLCObject import PLCObject  # noqa # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
    _PLCObjectSingleton = PLCObject(*args, **kwargs)

def default_evaluator(tocall, *args, **kwargs):
        res = (tocall(*args, **kwargs), None)
    except Exception:
        res = (None, sys.exc_info())
    return res