Drop EtherCAT examples, because they are non-functional without releasing motion control library
Closes #38
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2006 James Tauber and contributors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# pylint: disable=no-absolute-import
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
from types import StringType
import compiler
from compiler import ast
import os
import copy
import cStringIO
# the standard location for builtins (e.g. pyjslib) can be
# over-ridden by changing this. it defaults to sys.prefix
# so that on a system-wide install of pyjamas the builtins
# can be found in e.g. {sys.prefix}/share/pyjamas
# over-rides can be done by either explicitly modifying
# pyjs.prefix or by setting an environment variable, PYJSPREFIX.
prefix = sys.prefix
if 'PYJSPREFIX' in os.environ:
prefix = os.environ['PYJSPREFIX']
# pyjs.path is the list of paths, just like sys.path, from which
# library modules will be searched for, for compile purposes.
# obviously we don't want to use sys.path because that would result
# in compiling standard python modules into javascript!
path = [os.path.abspath('')]
if 'PYJSPATH' in os.environ:
for p in os.environ['PYJSPATH'].split(os.pathsep):
p = os.path.abspath(p)
if os.path.isdir(p):
# this is the python function used to wrap native javascript
UU = ""
def pyjs_builtin_remap(name):
if name == 'list':
name = 'List'
if name == 'object':
name = '__Object'
if name == 'dict':
name = 'Dict'
if name == 'tuple':
name = 'Tuple'
return name
# XXX: this is a hack: these should be dealt with another way
# however, console is currently the only global name which is causing
# problems.
PYJS_GLOBAL_VARS = ("console")
# This is taken from the django project.
# Escape every ASCII character with a value less than 32.
('\\', r'\x5C'),
('\'', r'\x27'),
('"', r'\x22'),
('>', r'\x3E'),
('<', r'\x3C'),
('&', r'\x26'),
(';', r'\x3B')
) + tuple([('%c' % z, '\\x%02X' % z) for z in range(32)])
def escapejs(value):
"""Hex encodes characters for use in JavaScript strings."""
for bad, good in JS_ESCAPES:
value = value.replace(bad, good)
return value
def uuprefix(name, leave_alone=0):
name = name.split(".")
name = name[:leave_alone] + map(lambda x: "__%s" % x, name[leave_alone:])
return '.'.join(name)
class Klass(object):
klasses = {}
def __init__(self, name, name_):
self.name = name
self.name_ = name_
self.klasses[name] = self
self.functions = set()
def set_base(self, base_name):
self.base = self.klasses.get(base_name)
def add_function(self, function_name):
class TranslationError(Exception):
def __init__(self, message, node):
self.message = "line %s:\n%s\n%s" % (node.lineno, message, node)
def __str__(self):
return self.message
def strip_py(name):
return name
def mod_var_name_decl(raw_module_name):
""" function to get the last component of the module e.g.
pyjamas.ui.DOM into the "namespace". i.e. doing
"import pyjamas.ui.DOM" actually ends up with _two_
variables - one pyjamas.ui.DOM, the other just "DOM".
but "DOM" is actually local, hence the "var" prefix.
for PyV8, this might end up causing problems - we'll have
to see: gen_mod_import and mod_var_name_decl might have
to end up in a library-specific module, somewhere.
name = raw_module_name.split(".")
if len(name) == 1:
return ''
child_name = name[-1]
return "var %s = %s;\n" % (child_name, raw_module_name)
def gen_mod_import(parentName, importName, dynamic=1):
# pyjs_ajax_eval("%(n)s.cache.js", null, true);
return """
pyjslib.import_module(sys.loadpath, '%(p)s', '%(n)s', %(d)d, false);
""" % ({'p': parentName, 'd': dynamic, 'n': importName}) + \
class Translator(object):
def __init__(self, mn, module_name, raw_module_name, src, debug, mod, output,
dynamic=0, optimize=False,
if module_name:
self.module_prefix = module_name + "."
self.module_prefix = ""
self.raw_module_name = raw_module_name
src = src.replace("\r\n", "\n")
src = src.replace("\n\r", "\n")
src = src.replace("\r", "\n")
self.src = src.split("\n")
self.debug = debug
self.imported_modules = []
self.imported_modules_as = []
self.imported_js = set()
self.top_level_functions = set()
self.top_level_classes = set()
self.top_level_vars = set()
self.local_arg_stack = [[]]
self.output = output
self.imported_classes = {}
self.method_imported_globals = set()
self.method_self = None
self.nextTupleAssignID = 1
self.dynamic = dynamic
self.optimize = optimize
self.findFile = findFile
if module_name.find(".") >= 0:
vdec = ''
vdec = 'var '
self.printo(UU+"%s%s = function (__mod_name__) {" % (vdec, module_name))
self.printo(" if("+module_name+".__was_initialized__) return;")
self.printo(" "+UU+module_name+".__was_initialized__ = true;")
self.printo(UU+"if (__mod_name__ == null) __mod_name__ = '%s';" % (mn))
self.printo(UU+"%s.__name__ = __mod_name__;" % (raw_module_name))
decl = mod_var_name_decl(raw_module_name)
if decl:
if self.debug:
haltException = self.module_prefix + "HaltException"
self.printo(haltException + ' = function () {')
self.printo(' this.message = "Program Halted";')
self.printo(' this.name = "' + haltException + '";')
self.printo(haltException + ".prototype.__str__ = function()")
self.printo('return this.message ;')
self.printo(haltException + ".prototype.toString = function()")
self.printo('return this.name + ": \\"" + this.message + "\\"";')
isHaltFunction = self.module_prefix + "IsHaltException"
%s = function (s) {
var suffix="HaltException";
if (s.length < suffix.length) {
//alert(s + " " + suffix);
return false;
} else {
var ss = s.substring(s.length, (s.length - suffix.length));
//alert(s + " " + suffix + " " + ss);
return ss == suffix;
""" % isHaltFunction)
for child in mod.node:
if isinstance(child, ast.Function):
elif isinstance(child, ast.Class):
for child in mod.node:
if isinstance(child, ast.Function):
self._function(child, False)
elif isinstance(child, ast.Class):
elif isinstance(child, ast.Import):
importName = child.names[0][0]
if importName == '__pyjamas__': # special module to help make pyjamas modules loadable in the python interpreter
elif importName.endswith('.js'):
elif isinstance(child, ast.From):
if child.modname == '__pyjamas__': # special module to help make pyjamas modules loadable in the python interpreter
elif isinstance(child, ast.Discard):
self._discard(child, None)
elif isinstance(child, ast.Assign):
self._assign(child, None, True)
elif isinstance(child, ast.AugAssign):
self._augassign(child, None)
elif isinstance(child, ast.If):
self._if(child, None)
elif isinstance(child, ast.For):
self._for(child, None)
elif isinstance(child, ast.While):
self._while(child, None)
elif isinstance(child, ast.Subscript):
self._subscript_stmt(child, None)
elif isinstance(child, ast.Global):
self._global(child, None)
elif isinstance(child, ast.Printnl):
self._print(child, None)
elif isinstance(child, ast.Print):
self._print(child, None)
elif isinstance(child, ast.TryExcept):
self._tryExcept(child, None)
elif isinstance(child, ast.Raise):
self._raise(child, None)
elif isinstance(child, ast.Stmt):
self._stmt(child, None)
raise TranslationError("unsupported type (in __init__)", child)
# Initialize all classes for this module
# self.printo("__"+self.modpfx()+\
# "classes_initialize = function() {\n")
# for className in self.top_level_classes:
# self.printo("\t"+UU+self.modpfx()+"__"+className+"_initialize();")
# self.printo("};\n")
self.printo("return this;\n")
self.printo("}; /* end %s */ \n" % module_name)
def printo(self, *args):
print(*args, file=self.output)
def module_imports(self):
return self.imported_modules + self.imported_modules_as
def add_local_arg(self, varname):
local_vars = self.local_arg_stack[-1]
if varname not in local_vars:
def add_imported_module(self, importName):
if importName in self.imported_modules:
name = importName.split(".")
if len(name) != 1:
# add the name of the module to the namespace,
# but don't add the short name to imported_modules
# because then the short name would be attempted to be
# added to the dependencies, and it's half way up the
# module import directory structure!
child_name = name[-1]
def _default_args_handler(self, node, arg_names, current_klass,
if len(node.defaults):
output = output or self.output
default_pos = len(arg_names) - len(node.defaults)
if arg_names and arg_names[0] == self.method_self:
default_pos -= 1
for default_node in node.defaults:
if isinstance(default_node, ast.Const):
default_value = self._const(default_node)
elif isinstance(default_node, ast.Name):
default_value = self._name(default_node, current_klass)
elif isinstance(default_node, ast.UnarySub):
default_value = self._unarysub(default_node, current_klass)
raise TranslationError("unsupported type (in _method)", default_node)
default_name = arg_names[default_pos]
default_pos += 1
self.printo(" if (typeof %s == 'undefined') %s=%s;" % (default_name, default_name, default_value))
def _varargs_handler(self, node, varargname, arg_names, current_klass):
self.printo(" var", varargname, '= new pyjslib.Tuple();')
self.printo(" for(var __va_arg="+str(len(arg_names))+"; __va_arg < arguments.length; __va_arg++) {")
self.printo(" var __arg = arguments[__va_arg];")
self.printo(" "+varargname+".append(__arg);")
self.printo(" }")
def _kwargs_parser(self, node, function_name, arg_names, current_klass):
if len(node.defaults) or node.kwargs:
default_pos = len(arg_names) - len(node.defaults)
if arg_names and arg_names[0] == self.method_self:
default_pos -= 1
self.printo(function_name+'.parse_kwargs = function (', ", ".join(["__kwargs"]+arg_names), ") {")
for _default_node in node.defaults:
# default_value = self.expr(default_node, current_klass)
# if isinstance(default_node, ast.Const):
# default_value = self._const(default_node)
# elif isinstance(default_node, ast.Name):
# default_value = self._name(default_node)
# elif isinstance(default_node, ast.UnarySub):
# default_value = self._unarysub(default_node, current_klass)
# else:
# raise TranslationError("unsupported type (in _method)", default_node)
default_name = arg_names[default_pos]
self.printo(" if (typeof %s == 'undefined')" % (default_name))
self.printo(" %s=__kwargs.%s;" % (default_name, default_name))
default_pos += 1
# self._default_args_handler(node, arg_names, current_klass)
if node.kwargs:
arg_names += ["pyjslib.Dict(__kwargs)"]
self.printo(" var __r = "+"".join(["[", ", ".join(arg_names), "]"])+";")
if node.varargs:
self._varargs_handler(node, "__args", arg_names, current_klass)
self.printo(" __r.push.apply(__r, __args.getArray())")
self.printo(" return __r;")
def _function(self, node, local=False):
if local:
function_name = node.name
function_name = UU + self.modpfx() + node.name
arg_names = list(node.argnames)
normal_arg_names = list(arg_names)
if node.kwargs:
kwargname = normal_arg_names.pop()
if node.varargs:
varargname = normal_arg_names.pop()
declared_arg_names = list(normal_arg_names)
if node.kwargs:
function_args = "(" + ", ".join(declared_arg_names) + ")"
self.printo("%s = function%s {" % (function_name, function_args))
self._default_args_handler(node, normal_arg_names, None)
local_arg_names = normal_arg_names + declared_arg_names
if node.varargs:
self._varargs_handler(node, varargname, declared_arg_names, None)
# stack of local variable names for this function call
for child in node.code:
self._stmt(child, None)
# remove the top local arg names
# we need to return null always, so it is not undefined
lastStmt = [p for p in node.code][-1]
if not isinstance(lastStmt, ast.Return):
if not self._isNativeFunc(lastStmt):
self.printo(" return null;")
self.printo("%s.__name__ = '%s';\n" % (function_name, node.name))
self._kwargs_parser(node, function_name, normal_arg_names, None)
def _return(self, node, current_klass):
expr = self.expr(node.value, current_klass)
# in python a function call always returns None, so we do it
# here too
self.printo(" return " + expr + ";")
def _break(self, node, current_klass):
self.printo(" break;")
def _continue(self, node, current_klass):
self.printo(" continue;")
def _callfunc(self, v, current_klass):
if isinstance(v.node, ast.Name):
if v.node.name in self.top_level_functions:
call_name = self.modpfx() + v.node.name
elif v.node.name in self.top_level_classes:
call_name = self.modpfx() + v.node.name
elif v.node.name in self.imported_classes:
call_name = self.imported_classes[v.node.name] + '.' + v.node.name
elif v.node.name in PYJSLIB_BUILTIN_FUNCTIONS:
call_name = 'pyjslib.' + v.node.name
elif v.node.name in PYJSLIB_BUILTIN_CLASSES:
name = pyjs_builtin_remap(v.node.name)
call_name = 'pyjslib.' + name
elif v.node.name == "callable":
call_name = "pyjslib.isFunction"
call_name = v.node.name
call_args = []
elif isinstance(v.node, ast.Getattr):
attr_name = v.node.attrname
if isinstance(v.node.expr, ast.Name):
call_name = self._name2(v.node.expr, current_klass, attr_name)
call_args = []
elif isinstance(v.node.expr, ast.Getattr):
call_name = self._getattr2(v.node.expr, current_klass, attr_name)
call_args = []
elif isinstance(v.node.expr, ast.CallFunc):
call_name = self._callfunc(v.node.expr, current_klass) + "." + v.node.attrname
call_args = []
elif isinstance(v.node.expr, ast.Subscript):
call_name = self._subscript(v.node.expr, current_klass) + "." + v.node.attrname
call_args = []
elif isinstance(v.node.expr, ast.Const):
call_name = self.expr(v.node.expr, current_klass) + "." + v.node.attrname
call_args = []
raise TranslationError("unsupported type (in _callfunc)", v.node.expr)
raise TranslationError("unsupported type (in _callfunc)", v.node)
call_name = strip_py(call_name)
kwargs = []
star_arg_name = None
if v.star_args:
star_arg_name = self.expr(v.star_args, current_klass)
for ch4 in v.args:
if isinstance(ch4, ast.Keyword):
kwarg = ch4.name + ":" + self.expr(ch4.expr, current_klass)
arg = self.expr(ch4, current_klass)
if kwargs:
fn_args = ", ".join(['{' + ', '.join(kwargs) + '}']+call_args)
fn_args = ", ".join(call_args)
if kwargs or star_arg_name:
if not star_arg_name:
star_arg_name = 'null'
call_this, method_name = call_name.rsplit(".", 1)
except ValueError:
# Must be a function call ...
return ("pyjs_kwargs_function_call("+call_name+", " +
star_arg_name + ", ["+fn_args+"]" + ")")
return ("pyjs_kwargs_method_call("+call_this+", '"+method_name+"', " +
star_arg_name + ", ["+fn_args+"]" + ")")
return call_name + "(" + ", ".join(call_args) + ")"
def _print(self, node, current_klass):
if self.optimize:
call_args = []
for ch4 in node.nodes:
arg = self.expr(ch4, current_klass)
self.printo("pyjslib.printFunc([", ', '.join(call_args), "],", int(isinstance(node, ast.Printnl)), ");")
def _tryExcept(self, node, current_klass):
if len(node.handlers) != 1:
raise TranslationError("except statements in this form are" +
" not supported", node)
expr = node.handlers[0][0]
as_ = node.handlers[0][1]
if as_:
errName = as_.name
errName = 'err'
# XXX TODO: check that this should instead be added as a _separate_
# local scope, temporary to the function. oh dearie me.
self.printo(" try {")
for stmt in node.body.nodes:
self._stmt(stmt, current_klass)
self.printo(" } catch(%s) {" % errName)
if expr:
k = []
if isinstance(expr, ast.Tuple):
for x in expr.nodes:
k.append("(%(err)s.__name__ == %(expr)s.__name__)" % dict(err=errName, expr=self.expr(x, current_klass)))
k = [" (%(err)s.__name__ == %(expr)s.__name__) " % dict(err=errName, expr=self.expr(expr, current_klass))]
self.printo(" if(%s) {" % '||\n\t\t'.join(k))
for stmt in node.handlers[0][2]:
self._stmt(stmt, current_klass)
if expr:
# self.printo("} else { throw(%s); } " % errName)
if node.else_ is not None:
self.printo(" } finally {")
for stmt in node.else_:
self._stmt(stmt, current_klass)
self.printo(" }")
# XXX: change use_getattr to True to enable "strict" compilation
# but incurring a 100% performance penalty. oops.
def _getattr(self, v, current_klass, use_getattr=False):
attr_name = v.attrname
if isinstance(v.expr, ast.Name):
obj = self._name(v.expr, current_klass, return_none_for_module=True)
if obj is None and v.expr.name in self.module_imports():
# XXX TODO: distinguish between module import classes
# and variables. right now, this is a hack to get
# the sys module working.
# if v.expr.name == 'sys':
return v.expr.name+'.'+attr_name
# return v.expr.name+'.__'+attr_name+'.prototype.__class__'
if not use_getattr or attr_name == '__class__' or \
attr_name == '__name__':
return obj + "." + attr_name
return "pyjslib.getattr(%s, '%s')" % (obj, attr_name)
elif isinstance(v.expr, ast.Getattr):
return self._getattr(v.expr, current_klass) + "." + attr_name
elif isinstance(v.expr, ast.Subscript):
return self._subscript(v.expr, self.modpfx()) + "." + attr_name
elif isinstance(v.expr, ast.CallFunc):
return self._callfunc(v.expr, self.modpfx()) + "." + attr_name
raise TranslationError("unsupported type (in _getattr)", v.expr)
def modpfx(self):
return strip_py(self.module_prefix)
def _name(self, v, current_klass, top_level=False,
if v.name == 'ilikesillynamesfornicedebugcode':
print(top_level, current_klass, repr(v))
local_var_names = None
las = len(self.local_arg_stack)
if las > 0:
local_var_names = self.local_arg_stack[-1]
if v.name == "True":
return "true"
elif v.name == "False":
return "false"
elif v.name == "None":
return "null"
elif v.name == '__name__' and current_klass is None:
return self.modpfx() + v.name
elif v.name == self.method_self:
return "this"
elif v.name in self.top_level_functions:
return UU+self.modpfx() + v.name
elif v.name in self.method_imported_globals:
return UU+self.modpfx() + v.name
elif not current_klass and las == 1 and v.name in self.top_level_vars:
return UU+self.modpfx() + v.name
elif v.name in local_var_names:
return v.name
elif v.name in self.imported_classes:
return UU+self.imported_classes[v.name] + '.__' + v.name + ".prototype.__class__"
elif v.name in self.top_level_classes:
return UU+self.modpfx() + "__" + v.name + ".prototype.__class__"
elif v.name in self.module_imports() and return_none_for_module:
return None
return "pyjslib." + pyjs_builtin_remap(v.name)
elif current_klass:
if v.name not in local_var_names and \
v.name not in self.top_level_vars and \
v.name not in PYJS_GLOBAL_VARS and \
v.name not in self.top_level_functions:
cls_name = current_klass
if hasattr(cls_name, "name"):
cls_name_ = cls_name.name_
cls_name = cls_name.name
cls_name_ = current_klass + "_" # XXX ???
name = UU+cls_name_ + ".prototype.__class__." + v.name
if v.name == 'listener':
name = 'listener+' + name
return name
return v.name
def _name2(self, v, current_klass, attr_name):
obj = v.name
if obj in self.method_imported_globals:
call_name = UU+self.modpfx() + obj + "." + attr_name
elif obj in self.imported_classes:
# attr_str = ""
# if attr_name != "__init__":
attr_str = ".prototype.__class__." + attr_name
call_name = UU+self.imported_classes[obj] + '.__' + obj + attr_str
elif obj in self.module_imports():
call_name = obj + "." + attr_name
elif obj[0] == obj[0].upper(): # XXX HACK ALERT
call_name = UU + self.modpfx() + "__" + obj + ".prototype.__class__." + attr_name
call_name = UU+self._name(v, current_klass) + "." + attr_name
return call_name
def _getattr2(self, v, current_klass, attr_name):
if isinstance(v.expr, ast.Getattr):
call_name = self._getattr2(v.expr, current_klass, v.attrname + "." + attr_name)
elif isinstance(v.expr, ast.Name) and v.expr.name in self.module_imports():
call_name = UU+v.expr.name + '.__' + v.attrname+".prototype.__class__."+attr_name
obj = self.expr(v.expr, current_klass)
call_name = obj + "." + v.attrname + "." + attr_name
return call_name
def _class(self, node):
Handle a class definition.
In order to translate python semantics reasonably well, the following
structure is used:
A special object is created for the class, which inherits attributes
from the superclass, or Object if there's no superclass. This is the
class object; the object which you refer to when specifying the
class by name. Static, class, and unbound methods are copied
from the superclass object.
A special constructor function is created with the same name as the
class, which is used to create instances of that class.
A javascript class (e.g. a function with a prototype attribute) is
created which is the javascript class of created instances, and
which inherits attributes from the class object. Bound methods are
copied from the superclass into this class rather than inherited,
because the class object contains unbound, class, and static methods
that we don't necessarily want to inherit.
The type of a method can now be determined by inspecting its
static_method, unbound_method, class_method, or instance_method
attribute; only one of these should be true.
Much of this work is done in pyjs_extend, is pyjslib.py
class_name = self.modpfx() + uuprefix(node.name, 1)
class_name_ = self.modpfx() + uuprefix(node.name)
current_klass = Klass(class_name, class_name_)
init_method = None
for child in node.code:
if isinstance(child, ast.Function):
if child.name == "__init__":
init_method = child
if len(node.bases) == 0:
base_class = "pyjslib.__Object"
elif len(node.bases) == 1:
if isinstance(node.bases[0], ast.Name):
if node.bases[0].name in self.imported_classes:
base_class_ = self.imported_classes[node.bases[0].name] + '.__' + node.bases[0].name
base_class = self.imported_classes[node.bases[0].name] + '.' + node.bases[0].name
base_class_ = self.modpfx() + "__" + node.bases[0].name
base_class = self.modpfx() + node.bases[0].name
elif isinstance(node.bases[0], ast.Getattr):
# the bases are not in scope of the class so do not
# pass our class to self._name
base_class_ = self._name(node.bases[0].expr, None) + \
".__" + node.bases[0].attrname
base_class = \
self._name(node.bases[0].expr, None) + \
"." + node.bases[0].attrname
raise TranslationError("unsupported type (in _class)", node.bases[0])
raise TranslationError("more than one base (in _class)", node)
self.printo(UU+class_name_ + " = function () {")
# call superconstructor
# if base_class:
# self.printo(" __" + base_class + ".call(this);")
if not init_method:
init_method = ast.Function([], "__init__", ["self"], [], 0, None, [])
# self._method(init_method, current_klass, class_name)
# Generate a function which constructs the object
clsfunc = ast.Function(
[], node.name,
[ast.Discard(ast.CallFunc(ast.Name("JS"), [ast.Const(
# I attempted lazy initialization, but then you can't access static class members
# " if(!__"+base_class+".__was_initialized__)"+
# " __" + class_name + "_initialize();\n" +
" var instance = new " + UU + class_name_ + "();\n" +
" if(instance.__init__) instance.__init__.apply(instance, arguments);\n" +
" return instance;"
self._function(clsfunc, False)
self.printo(UU+class_name_ + ".__initialize__ = function () {")
self.printo(" if("+UU+class_name_+".__was_initialized__) return;")
self.printo(" "+UU+class_name_+".__was_initialized__ = true;")
cls_obj = UU+class_name_ + '.prototype.__class__'
if class_name == "pyjslib.__Object":
self.printo(" "+cls_obj+" = {};")
if base_class and base_class not in ("object", "pyjslib.__Object"):
self.printo(" if(!"+UU+base_class_+".__was_initialized__)")
self.printo(" "+UU+base_class_+".__initialize__();")
self.printo(" pyjs_extend(" + UU+class_name_ + ", "+UU+base_class_+");")
self.printo(" pyjs_extend(" + UU+class_name_ + ", "+UU+"pyjslib.__Object);")
self.printo(" "+cls_obj+".__new__ = "+UU+class_name+";")
self.printo(" "+cls_obj+".__name__ = '"+UU+node.name+"';")
for child in node.code:
if isinstance(child, ast.Pass):
elif isinstance(child, ast.Function):
self._method(child, current_klass, class_name, class_name_)
elif isinstance(child, ast.Assign):
self.classattr(child, current_klass)
elif isinstance(child, ast.Discard) and isinstance(child.expr, ast.Const):
# Probably a docstring, turf it
raise TranslationError("unsupported type (in _class)", child)
def classattr(self, node, current_klass):
self._assign(node, current_klass, True)
def _raise(self, node, current_klass):
if node.expr2:
raise TranslationError("More than one expression unsupported",
self.printo("throw (%s);" % self.expr(
node.expr1, current_klass))
def _method(self, node, current_klass, class_name, class_name_):
# reset global var scope
self.method_imported_globals = set()
arg_names = list(node.argnames)
classmethod = False
staticmethod = False
if node.decorators:
for d in node.decorators:
if d.name == "classmethod":
classmethod = True
elif d.name == "staticmethod":
staticmethod = True
if staticmethod:
staticfunc = ast.Function([], class_name_+"."+node.name, node.argnames, node.defaults, node.flags, node.doc, node.code, node.lineno)
self._function(staticfunc, True)
self.printo(" " + UU+class_name_ + ".prototype.__class__." + node.name + " = " + class_name_+"."+node.name+";")
self.printo(" " + UU+class_name_ + ".prototype.__class__." + node.name + ".static_method = true;")
if len(arg_names) == 0:
raise TranslationError("methods must take an argument 'self' (in _method)", node)
self.method_self = arg_names[0]
# if not classmethod and arg_names[0] != "self":
# raise TranslationError("first arg not 'self' (in _method)", node)
normal_arg_names = arg_names[1:]
if node.kwargs:
kwargname = normal_arg_names.pop()
if node.varargs:
varargname = normal_arg_names.pop()
declared_arg_names = list(normal_arg_names)
if node.kwargs:
function_args = "(" + ", ".join(declared_arg_names) + ")"
if classmethod:
fexpr = UU + class_name_ + ".prototype.__class__." + node.name
fexpr = UU + class_name_ + ".prototype." + node.name
self.printo(" "+fexpr + " = function" + function_args + " {")
# default arguments
self._default_args_handler(node, normal_arg_names, current_klass)
local_arg_names = normal_arg_names + declared_arg_names
if node.varargs:
self._varargs_handler(node, varargname, declared_arg_names, current_klass)
# stack of local variable names for this function call
for child in node.code:
self._stmt(child, current_klass)
# remove the top local arg names
self.printo(" };")
self._kwargs_parser(node, fexpr, normal_arg_names, current_klass)
if classmethod:
# Have to create a version on the instances which automatically passes the
# class as "self"
altexpr = UU + class_name_ + ".prototype." + node.name
self.printo(" "+altexpr + " = function() {")
self.printo(" return " + fexpr + ".apply(this.__class__, arguments);")
self.printo(" };")
self.printo(" "+fexpr+".class_method = true;")
self.printo(" "+altexpr+".instance_method = true;")
# For instance methods, we need an unbound version in the class object
altexpr = UU + class_name_ + ".prototype.__class__." + node.name
self.printo(" "+altexpr + " = function() {")
self.printo(" return " + fexpr + ".call.apply("+fexpr+", arguments);")
self.printo(" };")
self.printo(" "+altexpr+".unbound_method = true;")
self.printo(" "+fexpr+".instance_method = true;")
self.printo(" "+altexpr+".__name__ = '%s';" % node.name)
self.printo(UU + class_name_ + ".prototype.%s.__name__ = '%s';" %
(node.name, node.name))
if node.kwargs or len(node.defaults):
self.printo(" "+altexpr + ".parse_kwargs = " + fexpr + ".parse_kwargs;")
self.method_self = None
self.method_imported_globals = set()
def _isNativeFunc(self, node):
if isinstance(node, ast.Discard):
if isinstance(node.expr, ast.CallFunc):
if isinstance(node.expr.node, ast.Name) and \
node.expr.node.name == NATIVE_JS_FUNC_NAME:
return True
return False
def _stmt(self, node, current_klass):
debugStmt = self.debug and not self._isNativeFunc(node)
if debugStmt:
self.printo(' try {')
if isinstance(node, ast.Return):
self._return(node, current_klass)
elif isinstance(node, ast.Break):
self._break(node, current_klass)
elif isinstance(node, ast.Continue):
self._continue(node, current_klass)
elif isinstance(node, ast.Assign):
self._assign(node, current_klass)
elif isinstance(node, ast.AugAssign):
self._augassign(node, current_klass)
elif isinstance(node, ast.Discard):
self._discard(node, current_klass)
elif isinstance(node, ast.If):
self._if(node, current_klass)
elif isinstance(node, ast.For):
self._for(node, current_klass)
elif isinstance(node, ast.While):
self._while(node, current_klass)
elif isinstance(node, ast.Subscript):
self._subscript_stmt(node, current_klass)
elif isinstance(node, ast.Global):
self._global(node, current_klass)
elif isinstance(node, ast.Pass):
elif isinstance(node, ast.Function):
self._function(node, True)
elif isinstance(node, ast.Printnl):
self._print(node, current_klass)
elif isinstance(node, ast.Print):
self._print(node, current_klass)
elif isinstance(node, ast.TryExcept):
self._tryExcept(node, current_klass)
elif isinstance(node, ast.Raise):
self._raise(node, current_klass)
raise TranslationError("unsupported type (in _stmt)", node)
if debugStmt:
lt = self.get_line_trace(node)
isHaltFunction = self.module_prefix + "IsHaltException"
out = (
' } catch (__err) {',
' if (' + isHaltFunction + '(__err.name)) {',
' throw __err;',
' } else {',
' st = sys.printstack() + ' + '"%s"' % lt + "+ '\\n' ;"
' alert("' + 'Error in ' + lt + '"' +
'+"\\n"+__err.name+": "+__err.message' +
'+"\\n\\nStack trace:\\n"' + '+st' + ');',
' debugger;',
' throw new ' + self.module_prefix + 'HaltException();',
' }',
' }'
for s in out:
def get_line_trace(self, node):
lineNum = "Unknown"
srcLine = ""
if hasattr(node, "lineno"):
if node.lineno is not None:
lineNum = node.lineno
srcLine = self.src[min(lineNum, len(self.src))-1]
srcLine = srcLine.replace('\\', '\\\\')
srcLine = srcLine.replace('"', '\\"')
srcLine = srcLine.replace("'", "\\'")
return self.raw_module_name + ".py, line " \
+ str(lineNum) + ":"\
+ "\\n" \
+ " " + srcLine
def _augassign(self, node, current_klass):
v = node.node
if isinstance(v, ast.Getattr):
# XXX HACK! don't allow += on return result of getattr.
# TODO: create a temporary variable or something.
lhs = self._getattr(v, current_klass, False)
lhs = self._name(node.node, current_klass)
op = node.op
rhs = self.expr(node.expr, current_klass)
self.printo(" " + lhs + " " + op + " " + rhs + ";")
def _assign(self, node, current_klass, top_level=False):
if len(node.nodes) != 1:
tempvar = '__temp'+str(node.lineno)
tnode = ast.Assign([ast.AssName(tempvar, "OP_ASSIGN", node.lineno)], node.expr, node.lineno)
self._assign(tnode, current_klass, top_level)
for v in node.nodes:
tnode2 = ast.Assign([v], ast.Name(tempvar, node.lineno), node.lineno)
self._assign(tnode2, current_klass, top_level)
local_var_names = None
if len(self.local_arg_stack) > 0:
local_var_names = self.local_arg_stack[-1]
def _lhsFromAttr(v, current_klass):
attr_name = v.attrname
if isinstance(v.expr, ast.Name):
lhs = self._name(v.expr, current_klass) + "." + attr_name
elif isinstance(v.expr, ast.Getattr):
lhs = self._getattr(v, current_klass)
elif isinstance(v.expr, ast.Subscript):
lhs = self._subscript(v.expr, current_klass) + "." + attr_name
raise TranslationError("unsupported type (in _assign)", v.expr)
return lhs
def _lhsFromName(v, top_level, current_klass):
if top_level:
if current_klass:
lhs = UU+current_klass.name_ + ".prototype.__class__." \
+ v.name
vname = self.modpfx() + v.name
if not self.modpfx() and v.name not in\
lhs = "var " + vname
lhs = UU + vname
if v.name in local_var_names:
lhs = v.name
elif v.name in self.method_imported_globals:
lhs = self.modpfx() + v.name
lhs = "var " + v.name
return lhs
dbg = 0
v = node.nodes[0]
if isinstance(v, ast.AssAttr):
lhs = _lhsFromAttr(v, current_klass)
if v.flags == "OP_ASSIGN":
op = "="
raise TranslationError("unsupported flag (in _assign)", v)
elif isinstance(v, ast.AssName):
lhs = _lhsFromName(v, top_level, current_klass)
if v.flags == "OP_ASSIGN":
op = "="
raise TranslationError("unsupported flag (in _assign)", v)
elif isinstance(v, ast.Subscript):
if v.flags == "OP_ASSIGN":
obj = self.expr(v.expr, current_klass)
if len(v.subs) != 1:
raise TranslationError("must have one sub (in _assign)", v)
idx = self.expr(v.subs[0], current_klass)
value = self.expr(node.expr, current_klass)
self.printo(" " + obj + ".__setitem__(" + idx + ", " + value + ");")
raise TranslationError("unsupported flag (in _assign)", v)
elif isinstance(v, (ast.AssList, ast.AssTuple)):
uniqueID = self.nextTupleAssignID
self.nextTupleAssignID += 1
tempName = "__tupleassign" + str(uniqueID) + "__"
self.printo(" var " + tempName + " = " + self.expr(node.expr, current_klass) + ";")
for index, child in enumerate(v.getChildNodes()):
rhs = tempName + ".__getitem__(" + str(index) + ")"
if isinstance(child, ast.AssAttr):
lhs = _lhsFromAttr(child, current_klass)
elif isinstance(child, ast.AssName):
lhs = _lhsFromName(child, top_level, current_klass)
elif isinstance(child, ast.Subscript):
if child.flags == "OP_ASSIGN":
obj = self.expr(child.expr, current_klass)
if len(child.subs) != 1:
raise TranslationError("must have one sub " +
"(in _assign)", child)
idx = self.expr(child.subs[0], current_klass)
value = self.expr(node.expr, current_klass)
self.printo(" " + obj + ".__setitem__(" + idx + ", " + rhs + ");")
self.printo(" " + lhs + " = " + rhs + ";")
raise TranslationError("unsupported type (in _assign)", v)
rhs = self.expr(node.expr, current_klass)
if dbg:
print("b", repr(node.expr), rhs)
self.printo(" " + lhs + " " + op + " " + rhs + ";")
def _discard(self, node, current_klass):
if isinstance(node.expr, ast.CallFunc):
debugStmt = self.debug and not self._isNativeFunc(node)
if debugStmt and isinstance(node.expr.node, ast.Name) and \
node.expr.node.name == 'import_wait':
debugStmt = False
if debugStmt:
st = self.get_line_trace(node)
self.printo("sys.addstack('%s');\n" % st)
if isinstance(node.expr.node, ast.Name) and node.expr.node.name == NATIVE_JS_FUNC_NAME:
if len(node.expr.args) != 1:
raise TranslationError("native javascript function %s must have one arg" % NATIVE_JS_FUNC_NAME, node.expr)
if not isinstance(node.expr.args[0], ast.Const):
raise TranslationError("native javascript function %s must have constant arg" % NATIVE_JS_FUNC_NAME, node.expr)
raw_js = node.expr.args[0].value
expr = self._callfunc(node.expr, current_klass)
self.printo(" " + expr + ";")
if debugStmt:
elif isinstance(node.expr, ast.Const):
if node.expr.value is not None: # Empty statements generate ignore None
raise TranslationError("unsupported type (in _discard)", node.expr)
def _if(self, node, current_klass):
for i in range(len(node.tests)):
test, consequence = node.tests[i]
if i == 0:
keyword = "if"
keyword = "else if"
self._if_test(keyword, test, consequence, current_klass)
if node.else_:
keyword = "else"
test = None
consequence = node.else_
self._if_test(keyword, test, consequence, current_klass)
def _if_test(self, keyword, test, consequence, current_klass):
if test:
expr = self.expr(test, current_klass)
self.printo(" " + keyword + " (pyjslib.bool(" + expr + ")) {")
self.printo(" " + keyword + " {")
if isinstance(consequence, ast.Stmt):
for child in consequence.nodes:
self._stmt(child, current_klass)
raise TranslationError("unsupported type (in _if_test)", consequence)
self.printo(" }")
def _from(self, node):
for name in node.names:
# look up "hack" in AppTranslator as to how findFile gets here
module_name = node.modname + "." + name[0]
ff = self.findFile(module_name + ".py")
except Exception:
ff = None
if ff:
self.imported_classes[name[0]] = node.modname
def _compare(self, node, current_klass):
lhs = self.expr(node.expr, current_klass)
if len(node.ops) != 1:
raise TranslationError("only one ops supported (in _compare)", node)
op = node.ops[0][0]
rhs_node = node.ops[0][1]
rhs = self.expr(rhs_node, current_klass)
if op == "==":
return "pyjslib.eq(%s, %s)" % (lhs, rhs)
if op == "in":
return rhs + ".__contains__(" + lhs + ")"
elif op == "not in":
return "!" + rhs + ".__contains__(" + lhs + ")"
elif op == "is":
op = "==="
elif op == "is not":
op = "!=="
return "(" + lhs + " " + op + " " + rhs + ")"
def _not(self, node, current_klass):
expr = self.expr(node.expr, current_klass)
return "!(" + expr + ")"
def _or(self, node, current_klass):
expr = "("+(") || (".join([self.expr(child, current_klass) for child in node.nodes]))+')'
return expr
def _and(self, node, current_klass):
expr = "("+(") && (".join([self.expr(child, current_klass) for child in node.nodes]))+")"
return expr
def _for(self, node, current_klass):
assign_name = ""
assign_tuple = ""
# based on Bob Ippolito's Iteration in Javascript code
if isinstance(node.assign, ast.AssName):
assign_name = node.assign.name
if node.assign.flags == "OP_ASSIGN":
op = "="
elif isinstance(node.assign, ast.AssTuple):
op = "="
i = 0
for child in node.assign:
child_name = child.name
if assign_name == "":
assign_name = "temp_" + child_name
assign_tuple += """
var %(child_name)s %(op)s %(assign_name)s.__getitem__(%(i)i);
""" % locals()
i += 1
raise TranslationError("unsupported type (in _for)", node.assign)
if isinstance(node.list, ast.Name):
list_expr = self._name(node.list, current_klass)
elif isinstance(node.list, ast.Getattr):
list_expr = self._getattr(node.list, current_klass)
elif isinstance(node.list, ast.CallFunc):
list_expr = self._callfunc(node.list, current_klass)
raise TranslationError("unsupported type (in _for)", node.list)
lhs = "var " + assign_name
iterator_name = "__" + assign_name
loc_dict = {
"iterator_name": iterator_name,
"list_expr": list_expr,
"lhs": lhs,
"op": op,
"assign_tuple": assign_tuple,
var %(iterator_name)s = %(list_expr)s.__iter__();
try {
while (true) {
%(lhs)s %(op)s %(iterator_name)s.next();
""" % loc_dict)
for node in node.body.nodes:
self._stmt(node, current_klass)
} catch (e) {
if (e.__name__ != pyjslib.StopIteration.__name__) {
throw e;
def _while(self, node, current_klass):
test = self.expr(node.test, current_klass)
self.printo(" while (pyjslib.bool(" + test + ")) {")
if isinstance(node.body, ast.Stmt):
for child in node.body.nodes:
self._stmt(child, current_klass)
raise TranslationError("unsupported type (in _while)", node.body)
self.printo(" }")
def _const(self, node):
if isinstance(node.value, int):
return str(node.value)
elif isinstance(node.value, float):
return str(node.value)
elif isinstance(node.value, basestring):
v = node.value
if isinstance(node.value, unicode):
v = v.encode('utf-8')
return "String('%s')" % escapejs(v)
elif node.value is None:
return "null"
raise TranslationError("unsupported type (in _const)", node)
def _unaryadd(self, node, current_klass):
return self.expr(node.expr, current_klass)
def _unarysub(self, node, current_klass):
return "-" + self.expr(node.expr, current_klass)
def _add(self, node, current_klass):
return self.expr(node.left, current_klass) + " + " + self.expr(node.right, current_klass)
def _sub(self, node, current_klass):
return self.expr(node.left, current_klass) + " - " + self.expr(node.right, current_klass)
def _div(self, node, current_klass):
return self.expr(node.left, current_klass) + " / " + self.expr(node.right, current_klass)
def _mul(self, node, current_klass):
return self.expr(node.left, current_klass) + " * " + self.expr(node.right, current_klass)
def _mod(self, node, current_klass):
if isinstance(node.left, ast.Const) and isinstance(node.left.value, StringType):
self.imported_js.add("sprintf.js") # Include the sprintf functionality if it is used
return "sprintf("+self.expr(node.left, current_klass) + ", " + self.expr(node.right, current_klass)+")"
return self.expr(node.left, current_klass) + " % " + self.expr(node.right, current_klass)
def _invert(self, node, current_klass):
return "~" + self.expr(node.expr, current_klass)
def _bitand(self, node, current_klass):
return " & ".join([self.expr(child, current_klass) for child in node.nodes])
def _bitshiftleft(self, node, current_klass):
return self.expr(node.left, current_klass) + " << " + self.expr(node.right, current_klass)
def _bitshiftright(self, node, current_klass):
return self.expr(node.left, current_klass) + " >>> " + self.expr(node.right, current_klass)
def _bitxor(self, node, current_klass):
return " ^ ".join([self.expr(child, current_klass) for child in node.nodes])
def _bitor(self, node, current_klass):
return " | ".join([self.expr(child, current_klass) for child in node.nodes])
def _subscript(self, node, current_klass):
if node.flags == "OP_APPLY":
if len(node.subs) == 1:
return self.expr(node.expr, current_klass) + ".__getitem__(" + self.expr(node.subs[0], current_klass) + ")"
raise TranslationError("must have one sub (in _subscript)", node)
raise TranslationError("unsupported flag (in _subscript)", node)
def _subscript_stmt(self, node, current_klass):
if node.flags == "OP_DELETE":
self.printo(" " + self.expr(node.expr, current_klass) + ".__delitem__(" + self.expr(node.subs[0], current_klass) + ");")
raise TranslationError("unsupported flag (in _subscript)", node)
def _list(self, node, current_klass):
return "new pyjslib.List([" + ", ".join([self.expr(x, current_klass) for x in node.nodes]) + "])"
def _dict(self, node, current_klass):
items = []
for x in node.items:
key = self.expr(x[0], current_klass)
value = self.expr(x[1], current_klass)
items.append("[" + key + ", " + value + "]")
return "new pyjslib.Dict([" + ", ".join(items) + "])"
def _tuple(self, node, current_klass):
return "new pyjslib.Tuple([" + ", ".join([self.expr(x, current_klass) for x in node.nodes]) + "])"
def _lambda(self, node, current_klass):
if node.varargs:
raise TranslationError("varargs are not supported in Lambdas", node)
if node.kwargs:
raise TranslationError("kwargs are not supported in Lambdas", node)
res = cStringIO.StringIO()
arg_names = list(node.argnames)
function_args = ", ".join(arg_names)
for child in node.getChildNodes():
expr = self.expr(child, None)
print("function (%s){" % function_args, file=res)
self._default_args_handler(node, arg_names, None,
print('return %s;}' % expr, file=res)
return res.getvalue()
def _slice(self, node, current_klass):
if node.flags == "OP_APPLY":
lower = "null"
upper = "null"
if node.lower is not None:
lower = self.expr(node.lower, current_klass)
if node.upper is not None:
upper = self.expr(node.upper, current_klass)
return "pyjslib.slice(" + self.expr(node.expr, current_klass) + ", " + lower + ", " + upper + ")"
raise TranslationError("unsupported flag (in _slice)", node)
def _global(self, node, current_klass):
for name in node.names:
def expr(self, node, current_klass):
if isinstance(node, ast.Const):
return self._const(node)
# @@@ not sure if the parentheses should be here or in individual operator functions - JKT
elif isinstance(node, ast.Mul):
return " ( " + self._mul(node, current_klass) + " ) "
elif isinstance(node, ast.Add):
return " ( " + self._add(node, current_klass) + " ) "
elif isinstance(node, ast.Sub):
return " ( " + self._sub(node, current_klass) + " ) "
elif isinstance(node, ast.Div):
return " ( " + self._div(node, current_klass) + " ) "
elif isinstance(node, ast.Mod):
return self._mod(node, current_klass)
elif isinstance(node, ast.UnaryAdd):
return self._unaryadd(node, current_klass)
elif isinstance(node, ast.UnarySub):
return self._unarysub(node, current_klass)
elif isinstance(node, ast.Not):
return self._not(node, current_klass)
elif isinstance(node, ast.Or):
return self._or(node, current_klass)
elif isinstance(node, ast.And):
return self._and(node, current_klass)
elif isinstance(node, ast.Invert):
return self._invert(node, current_klass)
elif isinstance(node, ast.Bitand):
return "("+self._bitand(node, current_klass)+")"
elif isinstance(node, ast.LeftShift):
return self._bitshiftleft(node, current_klass)
elif isinstance(node, ast.RightShift):
return self._bitshiftright(node, current_klass)
elif isinstance(node, ast.Bitxor):
return "("+self._bitxor(node, current_klass)+")"
elif isinstance(node, ast.Bitor):
return "("+self._bitor(node, current_klass)+")"
elif isinstance(node, ast.Compare):
return self._compare(node, current_klass)
elif isinstance(node, ast.CallFunc):
return self._callfunc(node, current_klass)
elif isinstance(node, ast.Name):
return self._name(node, current_klass)
elif isinstance(node, ast.Subscript):
return self._subscript(node, current_klass)
elif isinstance(node, ast.Getattr):
return self._getattr(node, current_klass)
elif isinstance(node, ast.List):
return self._list(node, current_klass)
elif isinstance(node, ast.Dict):
return self._dict(node, current_klass)
elif isinstance(node, ast.Tuple):
return self._tuple(node, current_klass)
elif isinstance(node, ast.Slice):
return self._slice(node, current_klass)
elif isinstance(node, ast.Lambda):
return self._lambda(node, current_klass)
raise TranslationError("unsupported type (in expr)", node)
def translate(file_name, module_name, debug=False):
f = file(file_name, "r")
src = f.read()
output = cStringIO.StringIO()
mod = compiler.parseFile(file_name)
Translator(module_name, module_name, module_name, src, debug, mod, output)
return output.getvalue()
class PlatformParser(object):
def __init__(self, platform_dir="", verbose=True):
self.platform_dir = platform_dir
self.parse_cache = {}
self.platform = ""
self.verbose = verbose
def setPlatform(self, platform):
self.platform = platform
def parseModule(self, module_name, file_name):
importing = False
if file_name not in self.parse_cache:
importing = True
mod = compiler.parseFile(file_name)
self.parse_cache[file_name] = mod
mod = self.parse_cache[file_name]
override = False
platform_file_name = self.generatePlatformFilename(file_name)
if self.platform and os.path.isfile(platform_file_name):
mod = copy.deepcopy(mod)
mod_override = compiler.parseFile(platform_file_name)
self.merge(mod, mod_override)
override = True
if self.verbose:
if override:
print("Importing %s (Platform %s)" % (module_name, self.platform))
elif importing:
print("Importing %s" % (module_name))
return mod, override
def generatePlatformFilename(self, file_name):
(module_name, extension) = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_name))
platform_file_name = module_name + self.platform + extension
return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file_name), self.platform_dir, platform_file_name)
def merge(self, tree1, tree2):
for child in tree2.node:
if isinstance(child, ast.Function):
self.replaceFunction(tree1, child.name, child)
elif isinstance(child, ast.Class):
self.replaceClassMethods(tree1, child.name, child)
return tree1
def replaceFunction(self, tree, function_name, function_node):
# find function to replace
for child in tree.node:
if isinstance(child, ast.Function) and child.name == function_name:
self.copyFunction(child, function_node)
raise TranslationError("function not found: " + function_name, function_node)
def replaceClassMethods(self, tree, class_name, class_node):
# find class to replace
old_class_node = None
for child in tree.node:
if isinstance(child, ast.Class) and child.name == class_name:
old_class_node = child
if not old_class_node:
raise TranslationError("class not found: " + class_name, class_node)
# replace methods
for function_node in class_node.code:
if isinstance(function_node, ast.Function):
found = False
for child in old_class_node.code:
if isinstance(child, ast.Function) and child.name == function_node.name:
found = True
self.copyFunction(child, function_node)
if not found:
raise TranslationError("class method not found: " + class_name + "." + function_node.name, function_node)
def copyFunction(self, target, source):
target.code = source.code
target.argnames = source.argnames
target.defaults = source.defaults
target.doc = source.doc # @@@ not sure we need to do this any more
def dotreplace(fname):
path, ext = os.path.splitext(fname)
return path.replace(".", "/") + ext
class AppTranslator(object):
def __init__(self, library_dirs=None, parser=None, dynamic=False,
optimize=False, verbose=True):
self.extension = ".py"
self.optimize = optimize
self.library_modules = []
self.overrides = {}
library_dirs = [] if library_dirs is None else library_dirs
self.library_dirs = path + library_dirs
self.dynamic = dynamic
self.verbose = verbose
if not parser:
self.parser = PlatformParser()
self.parser = parser
self.parser.dynamic = dynamic
def findFile(self, file_name):
if os.path.isfile(file_name):
return file_name
for library_dir in self.library_dirs:
file_name = dotreplace(file_name)
full_file_name = os.path.join(
os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), library_dir, file_name)
if os.path.isfile(full_file_name):
return full_file_name
fnameinit, _ext = os.path.splitext(file_name)
fnameinit = fnameinit + "/__init__.py"
full_file_name = os.path.join(
os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), library_dir, fnameinit)
if os.path.isfile(full_file_name):
return full_file_name
raise Exception("file not found: " + file_name)
def _translate(self, module_name, is_app=True, debug=False,
if module_name not in self.library_modules:
file_name = self.findFile(module_name + self.extension)
output = cStringIO.StringIO()
f = file(file_name, "r")
src = f.read()
mod, override = self.parser.parseModule(module_name, file_name)
if override:
override_name = "%s.%s" % (self.parser.platform.lower(),
self.overrides[override_name] = override_name
if is_app:
mn = '__main__'
mn = module_name
t = Translator(mn, module_name, module_name,
src, debug, mod, output, self.dynamic, self.optimize,
module_str = output.getvalue()
if imported_js is None:
imported_js = set()
imported_modules_str = ""
for module in t.imported_modules:
if module not in self.library_modules:
# imported_js.update(set(t.imported_js))
# imported_modules_str += self._translate(
# module, False, debug=debug, imported_js=imported_js)
return imported_modules_str + module_str
def translate(self, module_name, is_app=True, debug=False,
app_code = cStringIO.StringIO()
lib_code = cStringIO.StringIO()
imported_js = set()
self.library_modules = []
self.overrides = {}
if library_modules is not None:
for library in library_modules:
if library.endswith(".js"):
if self.verbose:
print('Including LIB', library)
print('\n//\n// BEGIN LIB '+library+'\n//\n', file=lib_code)
print(self._translate(library, False, debug=debug, imported_js=imported_js),
print("/* initialize static library */", file=lib_code)
print("%s%s();\n" % (UU, library), file=lib_code)
print('\n//\n// END LIB '+library+'\n//\n', file=lib_code)
if module_name:
print(self._translate(module_name, is_app, debug=debug, imported_js=imported_js),
for js in imported_js:
path = self.findFile(js)
if os.path.isfile(path):
if self.verbose:
print('Including JS', js)
print('\n//\n// BEGIN JS '+js+'\n//\n', file=lib_code)
print(file(path).read(), file=lib_code)
print('\n//\n// END JS '+js+'\n//\n', file=lib_code)
print('Warning: Unable to find imported javascript:', js, file=sys.stderr)
return lib_code.getvalue(), app_code.getvalue()
usage = """
usage: %s file_name [module_name]
def main():
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print(usage % sys.argv[0], file=sys.stderr)
file_name = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1])
if not os.path.isfile(file_name):
print("File not found %s" % file_name, file=sys.stderr)
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
module_name = sys.argv[2]
module_name = None
print(translate(file_name, module_name), end="")
if __name__ == "__main__":