author Andrey Skvortsov <>
Thu, 28 Apr 2016 13:05:57 +0300
changeset 1507 d7f474d10210
parent 728 e0424e96e3fd
child 1511 91538d0c242c
permissions -rw-r--r--
fix issue with sometimes wrong return code of ProcessLogger

As a result of wrong return code Beremiz gives folowing traceback:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 850, in OnMenu
getattr(self.CTR, method)()
File "/home/developer/WorkData/PLC/beremiz/beremiz/", line 925, in _Build
IECGenRes = self._Generate_SoftPLC()
File "/home/developer/WorkData/PLC/beremiz/beremiz/", line 568, in _Generate_SoftPLC
return self._Compile_ST_to_SoftPLC()
File "/home/developer/WorkData/PLC/beremiz/beremiz/", line 661, in _Compile_ST_to_SoftPLC
ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list

The problem is that both threads (for reading stdout and stderr) call self.Proc.poll(),
that updates internal returncode field. This call is done without any locking and the first thread gets correct result,
but other gets 0 as retval. If 0 gets thread, that afterwards calls callback finish, then wrong return code is returned
to the parent. Now only the thread with a callback polls for the return code, other thread just checked local value.

Additionally function spin() waits now until all threads finish reading their pipes, so the results are always correct.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os

from nevow import rend, appserver, inevow, tags, loaders, athena
import simplejson as json

svgfile = '%(svgfile)s'

svguiWidgets = {}

currentId = 0
def getNewId():
    global currentId
    currentId += 1
    return currentId

class SvguiWidget:
    def __init__(self, classname, id, **kwargs):
        self.classname = classname = id
        self.attrs = kwargs.copy()
        self.inputs = {}
        self.outputs = {}
        self.inhibit = False
        self.changed = False

    def setinput(self, attrname, value):
        self.inputs[attrname] = value
    def getinput(self, attrname, default=None):
        if not self.inputs.has_key(attrname):
            self.inputs[attrname] = default
        return self.inputs[attrname]

    def setoutput(self, attrname, value):
        if self.outputs.get(attrname) != value:
            self.outputs[attrname] = value
            self.changed = True
    def updateoutputs(self, **kwargs):
        for attrname, value in kwargs.iteritems():
            if self.outputs.get(attrname) != value:
                self.outputs[attrname] = value
                self.changed = True
    def RefreshInterface(self):
        interface = website.getHMI()
        if isinstance(interface, SVGUI_HMI) and self.changed and not self.inhibit:
            self.changed = False
            d = interface.sendData(self)
            if d is not None:
                self.inhibit = True
    def InterfaceRefreshed(self, result):
        self.inhibit = False
        if self.changed:

def get_object_init_state(obj):
    # Convert objects to a dictionary of their representation
    attrs = obj.attrs.copy()
    d = { '__class__': obj.classname,
          'kwargs': json.dumps(attrs),
    return d

def get_object_current_state(obj):
    # Convert objects to a dictionary of their representation
    d = { '__class__': obj.classname,
          'kwargs': json.dumps(obj.outputs),
    return d

class SVGUI_HMI(website.PLCHMI):
    jsClass = u"LiveSVGPage.LiveSVGWidget"
    docFactory = loaders.stan(tags.div(render=tags.directive('liveElement'))[                                    
                                         tags.xml(loaders.xmlfile(os.path.join(WorkingDir, svgfile))),
    def HMIinitialisation(self):
        gadgets = []
        for gadget in svguiWidgets.values():
            gadgets.append(unicode(json.dumps(gadget, default=get_object_init_state, indent=2), 'ascii'))
        d = self.callRemote('init', gadgets)
    def sendData(self,data):
        if self.initialised:
            return self.callRemote('receiveData',unicode(json.dumps(data, default=get_object_current_state, indent=2), 'ascii'))
        return None
    def setattr(self, id, attrname, value):
        svguiWidgets[id].setinput(attrname, value)

def createSVGUIControl(*args, **kwargs):
    id = getNewId()
    gad = SvguiWidget(args[0], id, **kwargs)
    svguiWidgets[id] = gad
    gadget = [unicode(json.dumps(gad, default=get_object_init_state, indent=2), 'ascii')]
    interface = website.getHMI()
    if isinstance(interface, SVGUI_HMI) and interface.initialised:
        interface.callRemote('init', gadget)
    return id

def setAttr(id, attrname, value):
    gad = svguiWidgets.get(id, None)
    if gad is not None:
        gad.setoutput(attrname, value)

def updateAttr(id, **kwargs):
    gad = svguiWidgets.get(id, None)
    if gad is not None:

def getAttr(id, attrname, default=None):
    gad = svguiWidgets.get(id, None)
    if gad is not None:
        return gad.getinput(attrname, default)
    return default