author Edouard Tisserant <>
Thu, 05 Dec 2024 13:56:59 +0100
changeset 4060 d2f5eb3c7d6e
parent 3556 5d73bed497de
permissions -rw-r--r--
py_ext: fix CSV Writer

fix POU logic :
- SAVE is a BOOL
- invocation of py_eval on rising edge of SAVE
- remove save python argument

fix python:
- use no encoding for file open (python2)
- re-use detected dialect if any
- use no "rt+" and truncate since no need to re-sniff dialect for output file
- return "OK" instead of "#SUCCESS", preventing POU logic to ACK result
- support creating new line if writing just after last line
- support appending data on short rows

fix example:
- use a HMI:Button to trigger CSV write instead of HMI:Input +1
- reload CSVs on on each new CSV opened in file browser
- add display of CSV write output
// widget_list.ysl2

widget_desc("List") {
    List widget is a svg:group, list items are labeled elements
    in that group.

    To use a List, clone (svg:use) one of the items inside the widget that
    expects a List.

    Positions of items are relative to each other, and they must all be in the
    same place. In order to make editing easier it is therefore recommanded to
    make stacked clones of svg elements spread nearby the list.

    shortdesc > A named list of named graphical elements

    arg name="listname"

widget_defs("List") {
    |     items: {
    foreach "$hmi_element/*[@inkscape:label]" {
    |         "«@inkscape:label»": "«@id»",
    |     },
