Added "", a file that is executed in python thread in runtime, before handling python_eval FBs requests. Added small python editor taken from wxPython demo, and appropriate icon and button to launch it.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<Interface xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="def_xsd.xsd" id="1" name="Interface">
<Button toggle="true" unselected_id="fill_off" selected_id="fill_on" id="2" name="fill" background_id="fill_bck"/>
<Button toggle="true" unselected_id="empty_off" selected_id="empty_on" id="3" name="empty" background_id="Empty_bck"/>
<Transform moving_id="gague_mobile" id="4" name="gauge" enable="false" background_id="gauge_bck"/>