MQTT: WIP, now publishes initial values at init.
#include <string.h>
#include <filesystem>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "Logging.hpp"
#include "PLCObject.hpp"
#include "beremiz.h"
// File name of the last transferred PLC md5 hex digest
// with typo in the name, for compatibility with Python runtime
#define LastTransferredPLC "lasttransferedPLC.md5"
// File name of the extra files list
#define ExtraFilesList "extra_files.txt"
m_status.PLCstatus = Empty;
m_handle = NULL;
m_debugToken = 0;
m_argc = 0;
m_argv = NULL;
m_PSK_ID = "";
m_PSK_secret = "";
uint32_t PLCObject::AppendChunkToBlob(
const binary_t *data, const binary_t *blobID, binary_t *newBlobID)
// Append data to blob with given blobID
// Output new blob's md5 into newBlobID
// Return 0 if success
newBlobID->data = (uint8_t *)malloc(MD5::digestsize);
if (newBlobID->data == NULL)
return ENOMEM;
std::vector<uint8_t> k(blobID->data, blobID->data + blobID->dataLength);
auto nh = m_mapBlobIDToBlob.extract(k);
if (nh.empty())
return ENOENT;
Blob *blob = nh.mapped();
uint32_t res = blob->appendChunk(data->data, data->dataLength);
if (res != 0)
return res;
MD5::digest_t digest = blob->digest();
std::vector<uint8_t> nk((uint8_t*), (uint8_t*) + MD5::digestsize);
nh.key() = nk;
memcpy(newBlobID->data,, MD5::digestsize);
newBlobID->dataLength = MD5::digestsize;
return 0;
uint32_t PLCObject::AutoLoad()
// Load PLC object
uint32_t res = LoadPLC();
if (res != 0)
return res;
// Start PLC object
res = StartPLC();
if (res != 0)
return res;
return 0;
#define LOG_READ_BUFFER_SIZE 1 << 10 // 1KB
uint32_t PLCObject::GetLogMessage(
uint8_t level, uint32_t msgID, log_message *message)
uint32_t tick;
uint32_t tv_sec;
uint32_t tv_nsec;
uint32_t resultLen;
if(m_status.PLCstatus == Empty){
resultLen = 0;
} else {
resultLen = m_PLCSyms.GetLogMessage(
level, msgID, buf, LOG_READ_BUFFER_SIZE - 1,
&tick, &tv_sec, &tv_nsec);
// Get log message with given msgID
message->msg = (char *)malloc(resultLen + 1);
if (message->msg == NULL)
return ENOMEM;
// Copy the log message into eRPC message
memcpy(message->msg, buf, resultLen);
message->msg[resultLen] = '\0';
message->tick = tick;
message->sec = tv_sec;
message->nsec = tv_nsec;
return 0;
uint32_t PLCObject::GetPLCID(PSKID *plcID)
// Get PSK ID
plcID->ID = (char *)malloc(m_PSK_ID.size() + 1);
if (plcID->ID == NULL)
return ENOMEM;
memcpy(plcID->ID, m_PSK_ID.c_str(), m_PSK_ID.size());
plcID->ID[m_PSK_ID.size()] = '\0';
// Get PSK secret
plcID->PSK = (char *)malloc(m_PSK_secret.size() + 1);
if (plcID->PSK == NULL)
return ENOMEM;
memcpy(plcID->PSK, m_PSK_secret.c_str(), m_PSK_secret.size());
plcID->PSK[m_PSK_secret.size()] = '\0';
return 0;
uint32_t PLCObject::GetPLCstatus(PLCstatus *status)
if(m_status.PLCstatus == Empty){
for(int lvl = 0; lvl < 4; lvl++){
m_status.logcounts[lvl] = 0;
} else {
// Get log counts
for(int lvl = 0; lvl < 4; lvl++){
m_status.logcounts[lvl] = m_PLCSyms.GetLogCount(lvl);
// Get PLC status
*status = m_status;
return 0;
uint32_t PLCObject::GetTraceVariables(
uint32_t debugToken, TraceVariables *traces)
if(debugToken != m_debugToken)
return EINVAL;
// Check if there are any traces
size_t sz = m_traces.size();
if(sz > 0)
// Allocate memory for traces
traces->traces.elements = (trace_sample *)malloc(sz * sizeof(trace_sample));
if(traces->traces.elements == NULL)
return ENOMEM;
// Copy traces from vector
memcpy(traces->traces.elements,, sz * sizeof(trace_sample));
// Clear the vector
// note that the data is not freed here, it is meant to be freed by eRPC server code
traces->traces.elementsCount = sz;
traces->PLCstatus = m_status.PLCstatus;
return 0;
uint32_t PLCObject::MatchMD5(const char *MD5, bool *match)
// an empty PLC is never considered to match
if(m_status.PLCstatus == Empty)
*match = false;
return 0;
// Load the last transferred PLC md5 hex digest
std::string md5sum;
try {
std::ifstream(std::string(LastTransferredPLC), std::ios::binary) >> md5sum;
} catch (std::exception e) {
*match = false;
return 0;
// Compare the given MD5 with the last transferred PLC md5
*match = (md5sum == MD5);
return 0;
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
// For Windows platform
#define SHARED_OBJECT_EXT ".dll"
#elif defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__MACH__)
// For MacOS platform
#define SHARED_OBJECT_EXT ".dylib"
// For Linux/Unix platform
#define SHARED_OBJECT_EXT ".so"
uint32_t PLCObject::BlobAsFile(
const binary_t *BlobID, std::filesystem::path filename)
// Extract the blob from the map
auto nh = m_mapBlobIDToBlob.extract(
std::vector<uint8_t>(BlobID->data, BlobID->data + BlobID->dataLength));
if (nh.empty())
return ENOENT;
Blob *blob = nh.mapped();
// Realize the blob into a file
uint32_t res = blob->asFile(filename);
delete blob;
if (res != 0)
return res;
return 0;
uint32_t PLCObject::NewPLC(
const char *md5sum, const binary_t *plcObjectBlobID,
const list_extra_file_1_t *extrafiles, bool *success)
if(m_status.PLCstatus == Started)
*success = false;
return EBUSY;
if(m_status.PLCstatus == Broken)
*success = false;
return EINVAL;
// Unload the PLC object
// Purge the PLC object
// Concatenate md5sum and shared object extension to obtain filename
std::filesystem::path filename =
std::filesystem::path(md5sum) += SHARED_OBJECT_EXT;
// Create the PLC object shared object file
BlobAsFile(plcObjectBlobID, filename);
// create "lasttransferedPLC.md5" file and Save md5sum in it
std::ofstream(std::string(LastTransferredPLC), std::ios::binary) << md5sum;
// create "extra_files.txt" file
std::ofstream extra_files_log(std::string(ExtraFilesList), std::ios::binary);
// Create extra files
for (int i = 0; i < extrafiles->elementsCount; i++)
extra_file *extrafile = extrafiles->elements + i;
BlobAsFile(plcObjectBlobID, extrafile->fname);
// Save the extra file name in "extra_files.txt"
extra_files_log << extrafile->fname << std::endl;
// Load the PLC object
uint32_t res = LoadPLC();
if (res != 0)
*success = false;
return res;
m_status.PLCstatus = Stopped;
*success = true;
return 0;
#define DLSYM(sym) \
do \
{ \
m_PLCSyms.sym = (decltype(m_PLCSyms.sym))dlsym(m_handle, #sym); \
if (m_PLCSyms.sym == NULL) \
{ \
/* TODO: use log instead */ \
std::cout << "Error dlsym " #sym ": " << dlerror() << std::endl; \
return errno; \
} \
} while (0);
uint32_t PLCObject::LoadPLC(void)
// Load the last transferred PLC md5 hex digest
std::string md5sum;
try {
std::ifstream(std::string(LastTransferredPLC), std::ios::binary) >> md5sum;
} catch (std::exception e) {
return ENOENT;
// Concatenate md5sum and shared object extension to obtain filename
std::filesystem::path filename(md5sum + SHARED_OBJECT_EXT);
// Load the shared object file
m_handle = dlopen(std::filesystem::absolute(filename).c_str(), RTLD_NOW);
if (m_handle == NULL)
std::cout << "Error: " << dlerror() << std::endl;
return errno;
// Resolve shared object symbols
// Set content of PLC_ID to md5sum
m_PLCSyms.PLC_ID = (uint8_t *)malloc(md5sum.size() + 1);
if (m_PLCSyms.PLC_ID == NULL)
return ENOMEM;
memcpy(m_PLCSyms.PLC_ID, md5sum.c_str(), md5sum.size());
m_PLCSyms.PLC_ID[md5sum.size()] = '\0';
return 0;
#define ULSYM(sym) \
do \
{ \
m_PLCSyms.sym = NULL; \
} while (0);
uint32_t PLCObject::UnLoadPLC(void)
// Unload the shared object file
if(m_handle != NULL)
m_handle = NULL;
return 0;
uint32_t PLCObject::PurgeBlobs(void)
// Purge all blobs
for (auto &blob : m_mapBlobIDToBlob)
delete blob.second;
return 0;
uint32_t PLCObject::PurgePLC(void)
// Open the extra files list
std::ifstream extra_files_log(std::string(ExtraFilesList), std::ios::binary);
// Remove extra files
std::string extra_file;
while (std::getline(extra_files_log, extra_file))
// Load the last transferred PLC md5 hex digest
std::string md5sum;
try {
std::ifstream(std::string(LastTransferredPLC), std::ios::binary) >> md5sum;
// Remove the PLC object shared object file
std::filesystem::remove(md5sum + SHARED_OBJECT_EXT);
} catch (std::exception e) {
// ignored
try {
// Remove the last transferred PLC md5 hex digest
// Remove the extra files list
} catch (std::exception e) {
// ignored
return 0;
uint32_t PLCObject::RepairPLC(void)
// Repair the PLC object
if(m_status.PLCstatus == Broken)
// Unload the PLC object
// Purge the PLC object
LogMessage(LOG_WARNING, "RepairPLC not implemented");
return 0;
uint32_t PLCObject::ResetLogCount(void)
return 0;
uint32_t PLCObject::SeedBlob(const binary_t *seed, binary_t *blobID)
// Create a blob with given seed
// Output new blob's md5 into blobID
// Return 0 if success
Blob *blob = NULL;
blob = new Blob(seed->data, seed->dataLength);
catch (int e)
return e;
MD5::digest_t digest = blob->digest();
std::vector<uint8_t> k((uint8_t*), (uint8_t*) + MD5::digestsize);
m_mapBlobIDToBlob[k] = blob;
blobID->data = (uint8_t *)malloc(MD5::digestsize);
if (blobID->data == NULL)
return ENOMEM;
memcpy(blobID->data,, MD5::digestsize);
blobID->dataLength = MD5::digestsize;
return 0;
void PLCObject::PurgeTraceBuffer(void)
// Free trace buffer
for(trace_sample s : m_traces){
uint32_t PLCObject::SetTraceVariablesList(
const list_trace_order_1_t *orders, int32_t *debugtoken)
if(m_status.PLCstatus == Empty)
return EINVAL;
// increment debug token
if(orders->elementsCount == 0)
// actually disables debug
*debugtoken = -5; // DEBUG_SUSPENDED
return 0;
// suspend debug before any operation
int res = m_PLCSyms.suspendDebug(0);
if(res == 0)
// forget about all previous debug variables
// call RegisterTraceVariables for each trace order
for (int i = 0; i < orders->elementsCount; i++)
trace_order *order = orders->elements + i;
res = m_PLCSyms.RegisterDebugVariable(order->idx, order->, order->force.dataLength);
if(res != 0)
// if any error, disable debug
// since debug is already suspended, resume it first
*debugtoken = -res;
return EINVAL;
// old traces are not valid anymore
// Start debug thread if not already started
m_traceThread = std::thread(&PLCObject::TraceThreadProc, this);
*debugtoken = m_debugToken;
return 0;
return res;
uint32_t PLCObject::StartPLC(void)
LogMessage(LOG_INFO, "Starting PLC");
uint32_t res = m_PLCSyms.startPLC(m_argc, m_argv);
if(res != 0)
m_status.PLCstatus = Broken;
return res;
m_status.PLCstatus = Started;
return 0;
uint32_t PLCObject::StopPLC(bool *success)
LogMessage(LOG_INFO, "Stopping PLC");
uint32_t res = m_PLCSyms.stopPLC();
if(res == 0)
m_status.PLCstatus = Stopped;
} else {
m_status.PLCstatus = Broken;
// Stop debug thread
return res;
uint32_t PLCObject::LogMessage(uint8_t level, std::string message)
// if PLC isn't loaded, log to stdout
if(m_PLCSyms.LogMessage == NULL)
std::cout << level << message << std::endl;
return ENOSYS;
// Log std::string message with given level
return m_PLCSyms.LogMessage(level, (char *)message.c_str(), message.size());
void PLCObject::TraceThreadProc(void)
uint32_t err = 0;
while(m_status.PLCstatus == Started)
unsigned int tick;
unsigned int size;
void * buff;
// Data allocated here is meant to be freed by eRPC server code
uint8_t* ourData = NULL;
int res = m_PLCSyms.GetDebugData(&tick, &size, &buff);
if(res == 0)
ourData = (uint8_t *)malloc(size);
if(ourData != NULL)
memcpy(ourData, buff, size);
if(ourData == NULL)
err = res == 0 ? ENOMEM : res;
} else {
m_traces.push_back(trace_sample{tick, binary_t{ourData, size}});
LogMessage(err ? LOG_CRITICAL : LOG_INFO,
err == ENOMEM ? "Out of memory in TraceThreadProc" :
err ? "TraceThreadProc ended because of error" :
"TraceThreadProc ended normally");