Tests: Enhance robustness of stdout driven waiting state in Sikuli based tests.
Some tests were randomly passing, because from time to time waiting for idle was skiped. It was combination of multiple problems :
- buffering on stdout (now use readline + flush for each write to log)
- it is sometime required to wait for activity before waiting for timeout added "WaitForChangeAndIdle" to "stdoutIdleObserver"
// widget_tooglebutton.ysl2
widget_desc("ToggleButton") {
Button widget takes one boolean variable path, and reflect current true
or false value by showing "active" or "inactive" labeled element
respectively. Clicking or touching button toggles variable.
shortdesc > Toggle button reflecting given boolean variable
path name="value" accepts="HMI_BOOL" > Boolean variable
widget_class("ToggleButton") {
frequency = 5;
state = 0;
active_style = undefined;
inactive_style = undefined;
dispatch(value) {
this.state = value;
//redraw toggle button
on_click(evt) {
//toggle state and apply
this.state = this.state ? false : true;
this.apply_hmi_value(0, this.state);
//redraw toggle button
activate(val) {
let [active, inactive] = val ? ["none",""] : ["", "none"];
if (this.active_elt)
this.active_elt.style.display = active;
if (this.inactive_elt)
this.inactive_elt.style.display = inactive;
// redraw toggle button on screen refresh
init() {
this.element.onclick = (evt) => this.on_click(evt);
widget_defs("ToggleButton") {
optional_labels("active inactive");