Tests: Enhance robustness of stdout driven waiting state in Sikuli based tests.
Some tests were randomly passing, because from time to time waiting for idle was skiped. It was combination of multiple problems :
- buffering on stdout (now use readline + flush for each write to log)
- it is sometime required to wait for activity before waiting for timeout added "WaitForChangeAndIdle" to "stdoutIdleObserver"
// widget_textlist.ysl2
widget_desc("TextList") {
TextList widget is a svg:group, list items are labeled elements
in that group.
To use a TextList, clone (svg:use) one of the items inside the widget
that expects a TextList.
In this list, (translated) text content is what matters. Nevertheless
text style of the cloned item will be applied in client widget.
shortdesc > A named list of ordered texts
arg name="listname"
widget_defs("TextList") {
| texts: [
foreach "func:refered_elements($hmi_element/*[@inkscape:label])[self::svg:text]" {
| id("«@id»"),
// could find a proper way in xpath to reverse()
| ].reverse(),