author Edouard Tisserant <>
Sat, 05 Mar 2022 11:14:00 +0100
changeset 3437 ce366d67a5b7
parent 3386 608f48ad3dfc
child 3513 7d4a16e59337
permissions -rw-r--r--
Tests: Enhance robustness of stdout driven waiting state in Sikuli based tests.

Some tests were randomly passing, because from time to time waiting for idle was skiped. It was combination of multiple problems :
- buffering on stdout (now use readline + flush for each write to log)
- it is sometime required to wait for activity before waiting for timeout added "WaitForChangeAndIdle" to "stdoutIdleObserver"
// widget_switch.ysl2

widget_desc("Switch") {
    Switch widget hides all subelements whose label do not match given
    variable current value representation. For exemple if given variable type
    is HMI_INT and value is 1, then elements with label '1' will be displayed.
    Label can have comments, so '1#some comment' would also match. If matching
    variable of type HMI_STRING, then double quotes must be used. For exemple,
    '"hello"' or '"hello"#another comment' match HMI_STRING 'hello'.

    shortdesc > Show elements whose label matches value.

    // TODO: add optional format/precision argument to support floating points
    // TODO: support (in)equations and ranges

    path name="value" accepts="HMI_INT,HMI_STRING" > value to compare to labels

        frequency = 5;
        dispatch(value) {
            for(let choice of this.choices){
                if(value != choice.value){
                    choice.elt.setAttribute("style", "display:none");
                } else {

widget_defs("Switch") {
    |     choices: [
    const "regex",!"'^(\"[^\"].*\"|\-?[0-9]+|false|true)(#.*)?$'"!;

    const "subelts", "$result_widgets[@id = $hmi_element/@id]//*";
    const "subwidgets", "$subelts//*[@id = $hmi_widgets/@id]";
    const "accepted", "$subelts[not(ancestor-or-self::*/@id = $subwidgets/@id)]";

    foreach "$accepted[regexp:test(@inkscape:label,$regex)]" {
        const "literal", "regexp:match(@inkscape:label,$regex)[2]";
    |         {
    |             elt:id("«@id»"),
                  // TODO : use style.display = "none" to hide element
    |             style:"«@style»",
    |             value:«$literal»
    |         }`if "position()!=last()" > ,`
    |     ],