WIP adding searching capabilities in python files. was done :
- fixed stub CTN search results so that they can be accepted by search result panel
- worked on search result panel so that it can display those CTN results
- made search result panel display correctly stub search result, for variables and body matches
- EditProjectElement now opens CTN node as well as PlcOpen project nodes
#! gmake
yml := ../../yml2
ysl2files := $(wildcard *.ysl2)
xsltfiles := $(patsubst %.ysl2, %.xslt, $(ysl2files))
%.xslt: %.ysl2 yslt_noindent.yml2
$(yml)/yml2c -I $(yml) $< -o $@.tmp
xmlstarlet fo $@.tmp > $@
rm $@.tmp
rm -f $(xsltfiles)