author Edouard Tisserant
Thu, 17 Nov 2022 11:08:36 +0100
changeset 3682 c613afdab571
parent 3556 5d73bed497de
permissions -rw-r--r--
IDE: Optimization of modification events processing in text editors.

Too many modifications types where registered, and then too many events were fired.
Also, in case of uninterrupted sequence of events, updates to the model is deferred to the end of that sequence (wx.Callafter).
// widget_textlist.ysl2

widget_desc("TextList") {
    TextList widget is a svg:group, list items are labeled elements
    in that group.

    To use a TextList, clone (svg:use) one of the items inside the widget 
    that expects a TextList.

    In this list, (translated) text content is what matters. Nevertheless
    text style of the cloned item will be applied in client widget.

    shortdesc > A named list of ordered texts 

    arg name="listname"

widget_defs("TextList") {
    |     texts: [
    foreach "func:refered_elements($hmi_element/*[@inkscape:label])[self::svg:text]" {
    |         id("«@id»"),
    // could find a proper way in xpath to reverse()
    |     ].reverse(),
