IDE: Optimization of modification events processing in text editors.
Too many modifications types where registered, and then too many events were fired.
Also, in case of uninterrupted sequence of events, updates to the model is deferred to the end of that sequence (wx.Callafter).
// widget_display.ysl2
widget_desc("Display") {
If Display widget is a svg:text element, then text content is replaced by
value of given variables, space separated.
Otherwise, if Display widget is a group containing a svg:text element
labelled "format", then text content is replaced by printf-like formated
string. In other words, if "format" labeled text is "%d %s %f", then 3
variables paths are expected : HMI_IN, HMI_STRING and HMI_REAL.
In case Display widget is a svg::text element, it is also possible to give
format string as first argument.
shortdesc > Printf-like formated text display
arg name="format" count="optional" accepts="string" > printf-like format string when not given as svg:text
path name="fields" count="many" accepts="HMI_INT,HMI_REAL,HMI_STRING,HMI_BOOL" > variables to be displayed
frequency = 5;
dispatch(value, oldval, index) {
this.fields[index] = value;
this.readyfields[index] = true;
this.ready = this.readyfields.every(x=>x);
widget_defs("Display") {
const "format" optional_labels("format");
const "has_format","string-length($format)>0";
value "$format";
if "$hmi_element[not(self::svg:text)] and not($has_format)"
error > Display Widget id="«$hmi_element/@id»" must be a svg::text element itself or a group containing a svg:text element labelled "format"
const "field_initializer" foreach "path" {
when "@type='HMI_STRING'" > ""
otherwise > 0
if "position()!=last()" > ,
| fields: [«$field_initializer»],
const "readyfield_initializer" foreach "path" {
> false
if "position()!=last()" > ,
| readyfields: [«$readyfield_initializer»],
| ready: false,
| animate: function(){
choose {
when "$has_format" {
| if(this.format_elt.getAttribute("lang")) {
| this.format = svg_text_to_multiline(this.format_elt);
| this.format_elt.removeAttribute("lang");
| }
| let str = vsprintf(this.format,this.fields);
| multiline_to_svg_text(this.format_elt, str, !this.ready);
otherwise {
| let str = this.args.length == 1 ? vsprintf(this.args[0],this.fields) : this.fields.join(' ');
| multiline_to_svg_text(this.element, str, !this.ready);
| },
| init: function() {
if "$has_format" {
| this.format = svg_text_to_multiline(this.format_elt);
| this.animate();
| },