author Edouard Tisserant
Thu, 17 Nov 2022 11:08:36 +0100
changeset 3682 c613afdab571
parent 3625 bb1eff4091ab
permissions -rw-r--r--
IDE: Optimization of modification events processing in text editors.

Too many modifications types where registered, and then too many events were fired.
Also, in case of uninterrupted sequence of events, updates to the model is deferred to the end of that sequence (wx.Callafter).
// geometry.ysl2
// Geometry (bounding box intersection) definitions

// This retrieves geometry obtained through "inkscape -S"
// already parsed by python and presented as a list of
// <bbox x="0" y="0" w="42" h="42">
const "all_geometry", "ns:GetSVGGeometry()";
const "defs", "//svg:defs/descendant-or-self::svg:*";
const "geometry", "$all_geometry[not(@Id = $defs/@id)]";

// Debug data
emit "debug:geometry" {
    | ID, x, y, w, h
    foreach "$geometry"
        |  «@Id» «@x» «@y» «@w» «@h»

// Rates 1D intersection of 2 segments A and B
// described respectively with a0,a1 and b0,b1
def "func:intersect_1d" {
    // it is assumed that a1 > a0 and b1 > b0
    param "a0";
    param "a1";
    param "b0";
    param "b1";

    const "d0", "$a0 >= $b0";
    const "d1", "$a1 >= $b1";
    choose {
        when "not($d0) and $d1"
            // b contained in a
            //   a0<b0 b1<a1
            // a +--------+
            // b    +--+
            result "3";
        when "$d0 and not($d1)"
            // a contained in b
            //   b0<a0 a1<b1
            // a    +--+
            // b +--------+
            result "2";
        when "$d0 and $d1 and $a0 < $b1"
            // a and b are overlapped 
            //   b0<a0<b1<a1
            // a    +-----+
            // b +-----+
            result "1";
        when "not($d0) and not($d1) and $b0 < $a1"
            // a and b are overlapped
            //   a0<b0<a1<b1
            // a +-----+
            // b    +-----+
            result "1";
            // since orientation doesn't matter,
            // rated same as previous symetrical overlapping
            result "0"; /* no intersection*/

// Rates intersection A and B areas described with x,y,w and h 
// attributes passed as $a and $b parameters.
// returns :
// 0 - no intersection
//            .-----.
//    .-----. |    b|
//    |     | |     |
//    |     | '-----'
//    |a    |
//    '-----'
// 1 - overlapping
//        .-----.
//    .---|--. b|
//    |   |  |  |
//    |   '-----'
//    |a     |
//    '------'
// 2 - overlapping
//        .-----.
//        |  a  |
//    .---|-----|---.
//    |   '-----'   |
//    | b           |
//    '-------------'
// 3 - overlapping
//        .-----.
//        |  b  |
//    .---|-----|---.
//    |   '-----'   |
//    | a           |
//    '-------------'
// 4 - a contained in b
//    .-------------.
//    |   .-----.   |
//    |   |  a  |   |
//    |b  '-----'   |
//    '-------------'
// 6 - overlapping
//        .----.
//        |   b|
//    .---|----|---.
//    |a  |    |   |
//    '---|----|---'
//        '----'
// 9 - b contained in a
//    .-------------.
//    |   .-----.   |
//    |   |  b  |   |
//    |a  '-----'   |
//    '-------------'
def "func:intersect" {
    param "a";
    param "b";

    const "x_intersect", "func:intersect_1d($a/@x, $a/@x+$a/@w, $b/@x, $b/@x+$b/@w)";

        when "$x_intersect != 0"{
            const "y_intersect", "func:intersect_1d($a/@y, $a/@y+$a/@h, $b/@y, $b/@y+$b/@h)";
            result "$x_intersect * $y_intersect";
        otherwise result "0";

const "groups", "/svg:svg | //svg:g";

// return overlapping geometry for a given element
// all intersercting element are returned
// except groups, that must be contained to be counted in
def "func:overlapping_geometry" {
    param "elt";
    const "g", "$geometry[@Id = $elt/@id]"; 
    const "candidates", "$geometry[@Id != $elt/@id]";
    result """$candidates[(@Id = $groups/@id and (func:intersect($g, .) = 9)) or 
                          (not(@Id = $groups/@id) and (func:intersect($g, .) > 0 ))]""";

def "func:offset" {
    param "elt1";
    param "elt2";
    const "g1", "$geometry[@Id = $elt1/@id]";
    const "g2", "$geometry[@Id = $elt2/@id]";
    const "result" vector {
        attrib "x" value "$g2/@x - $g1/@x";
        attrib "y" value "$g2/@y - $g1/@y";
    result "exsl:node-set($result)";