IDE: Optimization of modification events processing in text editors.
Too many modifications types where registered, and then too many events were fired.
Also, in case of uninterrupted sequence of events, updates to the model is deferred to the end of that sequence (wx.Callafter).
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# See COPYING file for copyrights details.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from itertools import repeat, islice, chain
from connectors.SchemeEditor import SchemeEditor
model = [('host', _("Host:")),
('port', _("Port:"))]
# (scheme, model, secure)
models = [("LOCAL", [], False), ("PYRO", model, False), ("PYROS", model, True)]
Schemes = list(zip(*models)[0])
_PerSchemeConf = {sch: (mod, sec) for sch, mod, sec in models}
class PYRO_dialog(SchemeEditor):
def __init__(self, scheme, *args, **kwargs):
# ID selector is enabled only on PYROS (secure)
self.model, self.EnableIDSelector = _PerSchemeConf[scheme]
SchemeEditor.__init__(self, scheme, *args, **kwargs)
# pylint: disable=unused-variable
def SetLoc(self, loc):
hostport, ID = list(islice(chain(loc.split("#"), repeat("")), 2))
host, port = list(islice(chain(hostport.split(":"), repeat("")), 2))
def GetLoc(self):
if self.model:
fields = self.GetFields()
template = "{host}"
if fields['port']:
template += ":{port}"
if self.EnableIDSelector:
if fields['ID']:
template += "#{ID}"
return template.format(**fields)
return ''