author Edouard Tisserant <edouard.tisserant@gmail.com>
Tue, 13 Apr 2021 21:04:46 +0200
changeset 3229 c5be4fd425e7
parent 3181 50d0fef791d5
child 3269 5d174cdf4d98
permissions -rw-r--r--
SVGHMI: still quite naive path substitution whn prepearing widget for DnD, but now uses label generation.

Multiple widget DnD and mutiple variable still make no sense because all path are replaced with same path, but atleast min/max value are preserved...
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<PyFile xmlns:xhtml="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
    <variable name="AlarmNotify" type="HMI_INT"/>
    <variable name="SendAlarm" type="HMI_INT" onchange="TriggerAlarm"/>
    <variable name="AlarmText" type="HMI_STRING" initial="'POS'"/>
    <variable name="AlarmStatus" type="HMI_STRING" initial="'alarm'"/>
from twisted.web.resource import Resource
import json, time, random, collections

Alarms = []
AlarmIndex = {}
lastid = 0

def TriggerAlarm(changed_var_name):
    global Alarms, lastid
    new_entry = [time.time(), PLCGlobals.AlarmText, PLCGlobals.AlarmStatus, lastid]
    AlarmIndex[lastid] = new_entry
    lastid = lastid + 1
    PLCGlobals.AlarmNotify = random.randint(0, 4294967296)

class AlarmJsonResource(Resource):
    def render_GET(self, request):
        return ''

    def render_POST(self, request):
        newstr = request.content.getvalue()
        newdata = json.loads(newstr)
        args = newdata[u'args']
        range_feedback = newdata[u'range']
        slider_position = newdata[u'position']
        visible = newdata[u'visible']
        extra = newdata[u'extra']
        options = newdata[u'options']

        if len(options) == 1 :
            action, = options
            if action == "action_reset":
                del Alarms[:]
        elif len(options) == 2 :
            action, alarmid = options
            if action == "onClick[acknowledge]":
                AlarmIndex[int(alarmid)][2] = "ack"

        answer = self.renderTable(range_feedback, slider_position, visible, extra)
        janswer = json.dumps(answer)
        return janswer

    def renderTable(self, old_range, old_position, visible, extra):
        if len(extra) > 0 and extra[0] != "":
            fAlarms = [alrm for alrm in Alarms if alrm[1].find(extra[0])!=-1]
            fAlarms = Alarms[:]
        new_range = len(fAlarms)
        delta = new_range - visible
        new_position = 0 if delta <= 0 else delta if old_position > delta else old_position
        new_visible = new_range if delta <= 0 else visible
        visible_alarms = []
        for ts, text, status, alarmid in fAlarms[new_position:new_position + new_visible]:
                "time": time.ctime(ts),
                "text": text, # TODO translate text
                "status": status,
                "alarmid": alarmid

        return new_range, new_position, visible_alarms


svghmi_root.putChild("alarms", AlarmJsonResource())
