SVGHMI: still quite naive path substitution whn prepearing widget for DnD, but now uses label generation.
Multiple widget DnD and mutiple variable still make no sense because all path are replaced with same path, but atleast min/max value are preserved...
// widget_multistate.ysl2
template "widget[@type='MultiState']", mode="widget_class"
class MultiStateWidget extends Widget{
frequency = 5;
state = 0;
dispatch(value) {
this.state = value;
for(let choice of this.choices){
if(this.state != choice.value){
choice.elt.setAttribute("style", "display:none");
} else {
on_click(evt) {
//get current selected value
let next_ind;
for(next_ind=0; next_ind<this.choices.length; next_ind++){
if(this.state == this.choices[next_ind].value){
next_ind = next_ind + 1;
//get next selected value
if(this.choices.length > next_ind){
this.state = this.choices[next_ind].value;
this.state = this.choices[0].value;
//post value to plc
this.apply_hmi_value(0, this.state);
init() {
this.element.setAttribute("onclick", "hmi_widgets['"+this.element_id+"'].on_click(evt)");
template "widget[@type='MultiState']", mode="widget_defs" {
param "hmi_element";
| choices: [
const "regex",!"'^(\"[^\"].*\"|\-?[0-9]+|false|true)(#.*)?$'"!;
foreach "$result_svg_ns//*[@id = $hmi_element/@id]//*[regexp:test(@inkscape:label,$regex)]" {
const "literal", "regexp:match(@inkscape:label,$regex)[2]";
| {
| elt:id("«@id»"),
| style:"«@style»",
| value:«$literal»
| }`if "position()!=last()" > ,`
| ],