author Edouard Tisserant <>
Tue, 13 Apr 2021 21:04:46 +0200
changeset 3229 c5be4fd425e7
parent 3195 cdd2a032b424
child 3232 7bdb766c2a4d
permissions -rw-r--r--
SVGHMI: still quite naive path substitution whn prepearing widget for DnD, but now uses label generation.

Multiple widget DnD and mutiple variable still make no sense because all path are replaced with same path, but atleast min/max value are preserved...
// widget_jsontable.ysl2

template "widget[@type='JsonTable']", mode="widget_class"
    class JsonTableWidget extends Widget{
        // arbitrary defaults to avoid missing entries in query
        cache = [0,0,0];
        init_common() {
            this.spread_json_data_bound = this.spread_json_data.bind(this);
            this.handle_http_response_bound = this.handle_http_response.bind(this);
            this.fetch_error_bound = this.fetch_error.bind(this);
            this.promised = false;

        handle_http_response(response) {
            if (!response.ok) {
              console.log("HTTP error, status = " + response.status);
            return response.json();

            console.log("HTTP fetch error, message = " + e.message + "Widget:" + this.element_id);

        do_http_request(...opt) {
            this.abort_controller = new AbortController();
            return Promise.resolve().then(() => {

                const query = {
                    args: this.args,
                    range: this.cache[1],
                    position: this.cache[2],
                    visible: this.visible,
                    extra: this.cache.slice(4),
                    options: opt

                const options = {
                     method: 'POST',
                     body: JSON.stringify(query),
                     headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
                     signal: this.abort_controller.signal

                return fetch(this.args[0], options)


            this.cache[0] = undefined;

        dispatch(value, oldval, index) {

            if(this.cache[index] != value)
                this.cache[index] = value;

                this.promised = true;
                this.do_http_request().finally(() => {
                    this.promised = false;
            let that = this;
            return function(evt){
        // on_click(evt, ...options) {
        //     this.do_http_request(...options);
        // }

template "svg:*", mode="json_table_elt_render" {
    error > JsonTable Widget can't contain element of type «local-name()».

const "hmi_textstylelists_descs", "$parsed_widgets/widget[@type = 'TextStyleList']";
const "hmi_textstylelists", "$hmi_elements[@id = $hmi_textstylelists_descs/@id]";

const "textstylelist_related" foreach "$hmi_textstylelists" list {
    attrib "listid" value "@id";
    foreach "func:refered_elements(.)" elt {
        attrib "eltid" value "@id";
const "textstylelist_related_ns", "exsl:node-set($textstylelist_related)";

def "func:json_expressions" {
    param "expressions";
    param "label";

    // compute javascript expressions to access JSON data
    // desscribed in given svg element's "label"
    // knowing that parent element already has given "expressions".

    choose {
        when "$label" {
            const "suffixes", "str:split($label)";
            const "res" foreach "$suffixes" expression {
                const "suffix",".";
                const "pos","position()";
                // take last available expression (i.e can have more suffixes than expressions)
                const "expr","$expressions[position() <= $pos][last()]/expression";
                choose {
                    when "contains($suffix,'=')" {
                        const "name", "substring-before($suffix,'=')";
                        if "$expr/@name[. != $name]"
                            error > JsonTable : missplaced '=' or inconsistent names in Json data expressions.
                        attrib "name" value "$name";
                        attrib "content" > «$expr/@content»«substring-after($suffix,'=')»
                    otherwise {
                        copy "$expr/@name";
                        attrib "content" > «$expr/@content»«$suffix»
            result "exsl:node-set($res)";
        // Empty labels are ignored, expressions are then passed as-is.
        otherwise result "$expressions";


const "initexpr" expression attrib "content" > jdata
const "initexpr_ns", "exsl:node-set($initexpr)";

template "svg:use", mode="json_table_elt_render" {
    param "expressions";
    // cloned element must be part of a HMI:List
    const "targetid", "substring-after(@xlink:href,'#')";
    const "from_list", "$hmi_lists[(@id | */@id) = $targetid]";

    choose {
        when "count($from_list) > 0" {
            |         id("«@id»").setAttribute("xlink:href",
            // obtain new target id from HMI:List widget
            |             "#"+hmi_widgets["«$from_list/@id»"].items[«$expressions/expression[1]/@content»]);
            warning > Clones (svg:use) in JsonTable Widget must point to a valid HMI:List widget or item. Reference "«@xlink:href»" is not valid and will not be updated.

template "svg:text", mode="json_table_elt_render" {
    param "expressions";
    const "value_expr", "$expressions/expression[1]/@content";
    const "original", "@original";
    const "from_textstylelist", "$textstylelist_related_ns/list[elt/@eltid = $original]";
    choose {

        when "count($from_textstylelist) > 0" {
            const "content_expr", "$expressions/expression[2]/@content";
            if "string-length($content_expr) = 0 or $expressions/expression[2]/@name != 'textContent'"
                error > Clones (svg:use) in JsonTable Widget pointing to a HMI:TextStyleList widget or item must have a "textContent=.someVal" assignement following value expression in label.
            |         {
            |           let elt = id("«@id»");
            |           elt.textContent = String(«$content_expr»);
            |  = hmi_widgets["«$from_textstylelist/@listid»"].styles[«$value_expr»];
            |         }
        otherwise {
            |         id("«@id»").textContent = String(«$value_expr»);

// only labels comming from Json widget are counted in
def "func:filter_non_widget_label" {
    param "elt";
    param "widget_elts";
    const "eltid" choose {
        when "$elt/@original" value "$elt/@original";
        otherwise value "$elt/@id";
    result "$widget_elts[@id=$eltid]/@inkscape:label";

template "svg:*", mode="json_table_render_except_comments"{
    param "expressions";
    param "widget_elts";

    const "label", "func:filter_non_widget_label(., $widget_elts)";
    // filter out "# commented" elements
    if "not(starts-with($label,'#'))" 
        apply ".", mode="json_table_render"{
            with "expressions", "$expressions";
            with "widget_elts", "$widget_elts";
            with "label", "$label";

template "svg:*", mode="json_table_render" {
    param "expressions";
    param "widget_elts";
    param "label";

    const "new_expressions", "func:json_expressions($expressions, $label)";

    const "elt",".";
    foreach "$new_expressions/expression[position() > 1][starts-with(@name,'onClick')]"
    |         id("«$elt/@id»").onclick = this.make_on_click('«@name»', «@content»);

    apply ".", mode="json_table_elt_render"
        with "expressions", "$new_expressions";

template "svg:g", mode="json_table_render" {
    param "expressions";
    param "widget_elts";
    param "label";

    // use intermediate variables for optimization
    const "varprefix" > obj_«@id»_
    |         try {

    foreach "$expressions/expression"{
    |          let «$varprefix»«position()» = «@content»;
    |          if(«$varprefix»«position()» == undefined) {
    |               throw null;
    |          }

    // because we put values in a variables, we can replace corresponding expression with variable name
    const "new_expressions" foreach "$expressions/expression" xsl:copy {
        copy "@name";
        attrib "content" > «$varprefix»«position()»

    // revert hiding in case it did happen before
    |           id("«@id»").style = "«@style»";

    apply "*", mode="json_table_render_except_comments" {
        with "expressions", "func:json_expressions(exsl:node-set($new_expressions), $label)";
        with "widget_elts", "$widget_elts";
    |         } catch(err) {
    |           id("«@id»").style = "display:none";
    |         }

template "widget[@type='JsonTable']", mode="widget_defs" {
    param "hmi_element";
    const "data_elt", "$result_svg_ns//*[@id = $hmi_element/@id]/*[@inkscape:label = 'data']";
    |     visible: «count($data_elt/*[@inkscape:label])»,
    |     spread_json_data: function(janswer) {
    |         let [range,position,jdata] = janswer;
    |         [[1, range], [2, position], [3, this.visible]].map(([i,v]) => {
    |              this.apply_hmi_value(i,v);
    |              this.cache[i] = v;
    |         });
    apply "$data_elt", mode="json_table_render_except_comments" {
        with "expressions","$initexpr_ns";
        with "widget_elts","$hmi_element/*[@inkscape:label = 'data']/descendant::svg:*";
    |     },
    |     init() {
    |        this.init_common();
    foreach "$hmi_element/*[starts-with(@inkscape:label,'action_')]" {
    |         id("«@id»").onclick = this.make_on_click("«func:escape_quotes(@inkscape:label)»");
    |     }
