author Edouard Tisserant <>
Wed, 05 Oct 2022 16:10:17 +0200
changeset 3617 c3aae4c95bc1
parent 3403 4a048b5b9e3b
permissions -rw-r--r--
Runtime: work around 1s delay added when using twisted reactor's callLater.

Since wxPython4, using wxReactor from non-main thread was producing
exceptions in wxWidget's C++ code. Then was called from
main thread, and runtime's worker was delegating calls to reactor
with callLater(0, callable).

While this worked perfectly with wxReactor, it did introduce an unexplained
1 second delay to each worker call when using nomal linux reactors
(i.e. without wxPython). As a workaround reactor runs in a thread when using
twisted without wxPython
// widget_switch.ysl2

widget_desc("ListSwitch") {
    ListSwitch widget displays one item of an HMI:List depending on value of
    given variable. Main element of the widget must be a clone of the list or
    of an item of that list.  

    Given variable's current value is compared to list items
    label. For exemple if given variable type
    is HMI_INT and value is 1, then item with label '1' will be displayed.
    If matching variable of type HMI_STRING, then no quotes are needed. 
    For exemple, 'hello' match HMI_STRING 'hello'.

    shortdesc > Displays item of an HMI:List whose label matches value.

    path name="value" accepts="HMI_INT,HMI_STRING" > value to compare to labels

        frequency = 5;

widget_defs("ListSwitch") {
    // cloned element must be part of a HMI:List or a HMI:List
    const "targetid", "substring-after($hmi_element/@xlink:href,'#')";
    const "from_list", "$hmi_lists[(@id | */@id) = $targetid]";
        dispatch: function(value) {
            this.element.href.baseVal = "#"+hmi_widgets["«$from_list/@id»"].items[value];