author Edouard Tisserant <>
Wed, 05 Oct 2022 16:10:17 +0200
changeset 3617 c3aae4c95bc1
parent 3556 5d73bed497de
permissions -rw-r--r--
Runtime: work around 1s delay added when using twisted reactor's callLater.

Since wxPython4, using wxReactor from non-main thread was producing
exceptions in wxWidget's C++ code. Then was called from
main thread, and runtime's worker was delegating calls to reactor
with callLater(0, callable).

While this worked perfectly with wxReactor, it did introduce an unexplained
1 second delay to each worker call when using nomal linux reactors
(i.e. without wxPython). As a workaround reactor runs in a thread when using
twisted without wxPython
// widget_list.ysl2

widget_desc("List") {
    List widget is a svg:group, list items are labeled elements
    in that group.

    To use a List, clone (svg:use) one of the items inside the widget that
    expects a List.

    Positions of items are relative to each other, and they must all be in the
    same place. In order to make editing easier it is therefore recommanded to
    make stacked clones of svg elements spread nearby the list.

    shortdesc > A named list of named graphical elements

    arg name="listname"

widget_defs("List") {
    |     items: {
    foreach "$hmi_element/*[@inkscape:label]" {
    |         "«@inkscape:label»": "«@id»",
    |     },
