author Edouard Tisserant
Mon, 15 Mar 2021 11:25:24 +0100
changeset 3188 c173452bf894
parent 2457 9deec258ab1a
child 3750 f62625418bff
permissions -rw-r--r--
SVGHMI: Fixed problems happening when value is higher than maximum or lower than minimum in Input widget. "max" and "min" string was getting into keypad text field, was not diplayed systematically, and was staying forever sometime.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# This file is part of Beremiz, a Integrated Development Environment for
# programming IEC 61131-3 automates supporting plcopen standard and CanFestival.
# Copyright (C) 2007: Edouard TISSERANT and Laurent BESSARD
# See COPYING file for copyrights details.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import re
import datetime
from types import FunctionType
from xml.dom import minidom
from future.builtins import round
from six import string_types
from past.builtins import long

from xmlclass.xmlclass import *

def GenerateDictFacets(facets):
    return dict([(name, (None, False)) for name in facets])

def GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(function):
    def generateXMLTextMethod(value, name=None, indent=0):
        text = ""
        if name is not None:
            ind1, _ind2 = getIndent(indent, name)
            text += ind1 + "<%s>" % name
        text += function(value)
        if name is not None:
            text += "</%s>\n" % name
        return text
    return generateXMLTextMethod

def GenerateFloatXMLText(extra_values=None, decimal=None):
    float_format = (lambda x: "{:.{width}f}".format(x, width=decimal).rstrip('0')
                    if decimal is not None else str)
    extra_values = [] if extra_values is None else extra_values

    def generateXMLTextMethod(value, name=None, indent=0):
        text = ""
        if name is not None:
            ind1, _ind2 = getIndent(indent, name)
            text += ind1 + "<%s>" % name
        if isinstance(value, int):
            text += str(value)
        elif value in extra_values or value % 1 != 0:
            text += float_format(value)
            text += "{:.0f}".format(value)
        if name is not None:
            text += "</%s>\n" % name
        return text
    return generateXMLTextMethod

DEFAULT_FACETS = GenerateDictFacets(["pattern", "whiteSpace", "enumeration"])
NUMBER_FACETS = GenerateDictFacets(DEFAULT_FACETS.keys() + ["maxInclusive", "maxExclusive", "minInclusive", "minExclusive"])
DECIMAL_FACETS = GenerateDictFacets(NUMBER_FACETS.keys() + ["totalDigits", "fractionDigits"])
STRING_FACETS = GenerateDictFacets(DEFAULT_FACETS.keys() + ["length", "minLength", "maxLength"])

ALL_FACETS = ["pattern", "whiteSpace", "enumeration", "maxInclusive",
              "maxExclusive", "minInclusive", "minExclusive", "totalDigits",
              "fractionDigits", "length", "minLength", "maxLength"]

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#                           Structure reducing functions
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Documentation elements

def ReduceAppInfo(factory, attributes, elements):
    return {"type": "appinfo", "source": attributes.get("source", None),
            "content": "\n".join(elements)}

def ReduceDocumentation(factory, attributes, elements):
    return {"type": "documentation", "source": attributes.get("source", None),
            "language": attributes.get("lang", "any"), "content": "\n".join(elements)}

def ReduceAnnotation(factory, attributes, elements):
    _annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)
    annotation = {"type": "annotation", "appinfo": [], "documentation": {}}
    for child in children:
        if child["type"] == "appinfo":
            annotation["appinfo"].append((child["source"], child["content"]))
        elif child["type"] == "documentation":
            if child["source"] is not None:
                text = "(source: %(source)s):\n%(content)s\n\n" % child
                text = child["content"] + "\n\n"
            if not child["language"] in annotation["documentation"]:
                annotation["documentation"] = text
                annotation["documentation"] += text
    return annotation

# Simple type elements

def GenerateFacetReducing(facetname, canbefixed):
    def ReduceFacet(factory, attributes, elements):
        annotations, _children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)
        if "value" in attributes:
            facet = {"type": facetname, "value": attributes["value"], "doc": annotations}
            if canbefixed:
                facet["fixed"] = attributes.get("fixed", False)
            return facet
        raise ValueError("A value must be defined for the \"%s\" facet!" % facetname)
    return ReduceFacet

def ReduceList(factory, attributes, elements):
    annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)
    list = {"type": "list", "itemType": attributes.get("itemType", None), "doc": annotations}

    if len(children) > 0 and children[0]["type"] == SIMPLETYPE:
        if list["itemType"] is None:
            list["itemType"] = children[0]
            raise ValueError("Only one base type can be defined for restriction!")
    if list["itemType"] is None:
        raise ValueError("No base type has been defined for list!")
    return list

def ReduceUnion(factory, attributes, elements):
    annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)
    union = {"type": "union", "memberTypes": attributes.get("memberTypes", []), "doc": annotations}

    for child in children:
        if child["type"] == SIMPLETYPE:
    if len(union["memberTypes"]) == 0:
        raise ValueError("No base type has been defined for union!")
    return union

def CreateSimpleType(factory, attributes, typeinfos):
    # Initialize type informations
    facets = {}
    simpleType = {"type": SIMPLETYPE, "final": attributes.get("final", [])}
    if "name" in attributes:
        simpleType["name"] = attributes["name"]

    if typeinfos["type"] in ["restriction", "extension"]:
        # Search for base type definition
        if isinstance(typeinfos["base"], string_types):
            basetypeinfos = factory.FindSchemaElement(typeinfos["base"], SIMPLETYPE)
            if basetypeinfos is None:
                raise "\"%s\" isn't defined!" % typeinfos["base"]
            basetypeinfos = typeinfos["base"]

        # Check that base type is a simple type
        if basetypeinfos["type"] != SIMPLETYPE:
            raise ValueError("Base type given isn't a simpleType!")

        simpleType["basename"] = basetypeinfos["basename"]

        # Check that derivation is allowed
        if "final" in basetypeinfos:
            if "#all" in basetypeinfos["final"]:
                raise ValueError("Base type can't be derivated!")
            if "restriction" in basetypeinfos["final"] and typeinfos["type"] == "restriction":
                raise ValueError("Base type can't be derivated by restriction!")

        # Extract simple type facets
        for facet in typeinfos.get("facets", []):
            facettype = facet["type"]
            if facettype not in basetypeinfos["facets"]:
                raise ValueError("\"%s\" facet can't be defined for \"%s\" type!" % (facettype, type))
            elif basetypeinfos["facets"][facettype][1]:
                raise ValueError("\"%s\" facet is fixed on base type!" % facettype)
            value = facet["value"]
            basevalue = basetypeinfos["facets"][facettype][0]
            if facettype in ["enumeration", "pattern"]:
                value = basetypeinfos["extract"](value, False)
                if len(facets) == 0:
                    facets[facettype] = ([value], False)
                elif facets.keys() == [facettype]:
                    raise ValueError("\"%s\" facet can't be defined with another facet type!" % facettype)
            elif "enumeration" in facets:
                raise ValueError("\"enumeration\" facet can't be defined with another facet type!")
            elif "pattern" in facets:
                raise ValueError("\"pattern\" facet can't be defined with another facet type!")
            elif facettype in facets:
                raise ValueError("\"%s\" facet can't be defined two times!" % facettype)
            elif facettype == "length":
                if "minLength" in facets:
                    raise ValueError("\"length\" and \"minLength\" facets can't be defined at the same time!")
                if "maxLength" in facets:
                    raise ValueError("\"length\" and \"maxLength\" facets can't be defined at the same time!")
                    value = int(value)
                except Exception:
                    raise ValueError("\"length\" must be an integer!")
                if value < 0:
                    raise ValueError("\"length\" can't be negative!")
                elif basevalue is not None and basevalue != value:
                    raise ValueError("\"length\" can't be different from \"length\" defined in base type!")
            elif facettype == "minLength":
                if "length" in facets:
                    raise ValueError("\"length\" and \"minLength\" facets can't be defined at the same time!")
                    value = int(value)
                except Exception:
                    raise ValueError("\"minLength\" must be an integer!")
                if value < 0:
                    raise ValueError("\"minLength\" can't be negative!")
                elif "maxLength" in facets and value > facets["maxLength"]:
                    raise ValueError("\"minLength\" must be lesser than or equal to \"maxLength\"!")
                elif basevalue is not None and basevalue < value:
                    raise ValueError("\"minLength\" can't be lesser than \"minLength\" defined in base type!")
            elif facettype == "maxLength":
                if "length" in facets:
                    raise ValueError("\"length\" and \"maxLength\" facets can't be defined at the same time!")
                    value = int(value)
                except Exception:
                    raise ValueError("\"maxLength\" must be an integer!")
                if value < 0:
                    raise ValueError("\"maxLength\" can't be negative!")
                elif "minLength" in facets and value < facets["minLength"]:
                    raise ValueError("\"minLength\" must be lesser than or equal to \"maxLength\"!")
                elif basevalue is not None and basevalue > value:
                    raise ValueError("\"maxLength\" can't be greater than \"maxLength\" defined in base type!")
            elif facettype == "minInclusive":
                if "minExclusive" in facets:
                    raise ValueError("\"minExclusive\" and \"minInclusive\" facets can't be defined at the same time!")
                value = basetypeinfos["extract"](facet["value"], False)
                if "maxInclusive" in facets and value > facets["maxInclusive"][0]:
                    raise ValueError("\"minInclusive\" must be lesser than or equal to \"maxInclusive\"!")
                elif "maxExclusive" in facets and value >= facets["maxExclusive"][0]:
                    raise ValueError("\"minInclusive\" must be lesser than \"maxExclusive\"!")
            elif facettype == "minExclusive":
                if "minInclusive" in facets:
                    raise ValueError("\"minExclusive\" and \"minInclusive\" facets can't be defined at the same time!")
                value = basetypeinfos["extract"](facet["value"], False)
                if "maxInclusive" in facets and value >= facets["maxInclusive"][0]:
                    raise ValueError("\"minExclusive\" must be lesser than \"maxInclusive\"!")
                elif "maxExclusive" in facets and value >= facets["maxExclusive"][0]:
                    raise ValueError("\"minExclusive\" must be lesser than \"maxExclusive\"!")
            elif facettype == "maxInclusive":
                if "maxExclusive" in facets:
                    raise ValueError("\"maxExclusive\" and \"maxInclusive\" facets can't be defined at the same time!")
                value = basetypeinfos["extract"](facet["value"], False)
                if "minInclusive" in facets and value < facets["minInclusive"][0]:
                    raise ValueError("\"minInclusive\" must be lesser than or equal to \"maxInclusive\"!")
                elif "minExclusive" in facets and value <= facets["minExclusive"][0]:
                    raise ValueError("\"minExclusive\" must be lesser than \"maxInclusive\"!")
            elif facettype == "maxExclusive":
                if "maxInclusive" in facets:
                    raise ValueError("\"maxExclusive\" and \"maxInclusive\" facets can't be defined at the same time!")
                value = basetypeinfos["extract"](facet["value"], False)
                if "minInclusive" in facets and value <= facets["minInclusive"][0]:
                    raise ValueError("\"minInclusive\" must be lesser than \"maxExclusive\"!")
                elif "minExclusive" in facets and value <= facets["minExclusive"][0]:
                    raise ValueError("\"minExclusive\" must be lesser than \"maxExclusive\"!")
            elif facettype == "whiteSpace":
                if basevalue == "collapse" and value in ["preserve", "replace"] or basevalue == "replace" and value == "preserve":
                    raise ValueError("\"whiteSpace\" is incompatible with \"whiteSpace\" defined in base type!")
            elif facettype == "totalDigits":
                if "fractionDigits" in facets and value <= facets["fractionDigits"][0]:
                    raise ValueError("\"fractionDigits\" must be lesser than or equal to \"totalDigits\"!")
                elif basevalue is not None and value > basevalue:
                    raise ValueError("\"totalDigits\" can't be greater than \"totalDigits\" defined in base type!")
            elif facettype == "fractionDigits":
                if "totalDigits" in facets and value <= facets["totalDigits"][0]:
                    raise ValueError("\"fractionDigits\" must be lesser than or equal to \"totalDigits\"!")
                elif basevalue is not None and value > basevalue:
                    raise ValueError("\"totalDigits\" can't be greater than \"totalDigits\" defined in base type!")
            facets[facettype] = (value, facet.get("fixed", False))

        # Report not redefined facet from base type to new created type
        for facettype, facetvalue in basetypeinfos["facets"].items():
            if facettype not in facets:
                facets[facettype] = facetvalue

        # Generate extract value for new created type
        def ExtractSimpleTypeValue(attr, extract=True):
            value = basetypeinfos["extract"](attr, extract)
            for facetname, (facetvalue, _facetfixed) in facets.items():
                if facetvalue is not None:
                    if facetname == "enumeration" and value not in facetvalue:
                        raise ValueError("\"%s\" not in enumerated values" % value)
                    elif facetname == "length" and len(value) != facetvalue:
                        raise ValueError("value must have a length of %d" % facetvalue)
                    elif facetname == "minLength" and len(value) < facetvalue:
                        raise ValueError("value must have a length of %d at least" % facetvalue)
                    elif facetname == "maxLength" and len(value) > facetvalue:
                        raise ValueError("value must have a length of %d at most" % facetvalue)
                    elif facetname == "minInclusive" and value < facetvalue:
                        raise ValueError("value must be greater than or equal to %s" % str(facetvalue))
                    elif facetname == "minExclusive" and value <= facetvalue:
                        raise ValueError("value must be greater than %s" % str(facetvalue))
                    elif facetname == "maxInclusive" and value > facetvalue:
                        raise ValueError("value must be lesser than or equal to %s" % str(facetvalue))
                    elif facetname == "maxExclusive" and value >= facetvalue:
                        raise ValueError("value must be lesser than %s" % str(facetvalue))
                    elif facetname == "pattern":
                        model = re.compile("(?:%s)?$" % "|".join(map(lambda x: "(?:%s)" % x, facetvalue)))
                        result = model.match(value)
                        if result is None:
                            if len(facetvalue) > 1:
                                raise ValueError("value doesn't follow any of the patterns %s" % ",".join(facetvalue))
                                raise ValueError("value doesn't follow the pattern %s" % facetvalue[0])
                    elif facetname == "whiteSpace":
                        if facetvalue == "replace":
                            value = GetNormalizedString(value, False)
                        elif facetvalue == "collapse":
                            value = GetToken(value, False)
            return value

        def CheckSimpleTypeValue(value):
            for facetname, (facetvalue, _facetfixed) in facets.items():
                if facetvalue is not None:
                    if facetname == "enumeration" and value not in facetvalue:
                        return False
                    elif facetname == "length" and len(value) != facetvalue:
                        return False
                    elif facetname == "minLength" and len(value) < facetvalue:
                        return False
                    elif facetname == "maxLength" and len(value) > facetvalue:
                        return False
                    elif facetname == "minInclusive" and value < facetvalue:
                        return False
                    elif facetname == "minExclusive" and value <= facetvalue:
                        return False
                    elif facetname == "maxInclusive" and value > facetvalue:
                        return False
                    elif facetname == "maxExclusive" and value >= facetvalue:
                        return False
                    elif facetname == "pattern":
                        model = re.compile("(?:%s)?$" % "|".join(map(lambda x: "(?:%s)" % x, facetvalue)))
                        result = model.match(value)
                        if result is None:
                            if len(facetvalue) > 1:
                                raise ValueError("value doesn't follow any of the patterns %s" % ",".join(facetvalue))
                                raise ValueError("value doesn't follow the pattern %s" % facetvalue[0])
            return True

        def SimpleTypeInitialValue():
            for facetname, (facetvalue, _facetfixed) in facets.items():
                if facetvalue is not None:
                    if facetname == "enumeration":
                        return facetvalue[0]
                    elif facetname == "length":
                        return " "*facetvalue
                    elif facetname == "minLength":
                        return " "*facetvalue
                    elif facetname == "minInclusive" and facetvalue > 0:
                        return facetvalue
                    elif facetname == "minExclusive" and facetvalue >= 0:
                        return facetvalue + 1
                    elif facetname == "maxInclusive" and facetvalue < 0:
                        return facetvalue
                    elif facetname == "maxExclusive" and facetvalue <= 0:
                        return facetvalue - 1
            return basetypeinfos["initial"]()

        GenerateSimpleType = basetypeinfos["generate"]

    elif typeinfos["type"] == "list":
        # Search for item type definition
        if isinstance(typeinfos["itemType"], string_types):
            itemtypeinfos = factory.FindSchemaElement(typeinfos["itemType"], SIMPLETYPE)
            if itemtypeinfos is None:
                raise "\"%s\" isn't defined!" % typeinfos["itemType"]
            itemtypeinfos = typeinfos["itemType"]

        # Check that item type is a simple type
        if itemtypeinfos["type"] != SIMPLETYPE:
            raise ValueError("Item type given isn't a simpleType!")

        simpleType["basename"] = "list"

        # Check that derivation is allowed
        if "final" in itemtypeinfos:
            if "#all" in itemtypeinfos["final"]:
                raise ValueError("Item type can't be derivated!")
            if "list" in itemtypeinfos["final"]:
                raise ValueError("Item type can't be derivated by list!")

        # Generate extract value for new created type
        def ExtractSimpleTypeValue(attr, extract=True):
            values = []
            for value in GetToken(attr, extract).split(" "):
                values.append(itemtypeinfos["extract"](value, False))
            return values

        def CheckSimpleTypeValue(value):
            for item in value:
                result = itemtypeinfos["check"](item)
                if not result:
                    return result
            return True

        def SimpleTypeInitialValue():
            return []

        GenerateSimpleType = GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(lambda x: " ".join(map(itemtypeinfos["generate"], x)))

        facets = GenerateDictFacets(["length", "maxLength", "minLength", "enumeration", "pattern"])
        facets["whiteSpace"] = ("collapse", False)

    elif typeinfos["type"] == "union":
        # Search for member types definition
        membertypesinfos = []
        for membertype in typeinfos["memberTypes"]:
            if isinstance(membertype, string_types):
                infos = factory.FindSchemaElement(membertype, SIMPLETYPE)
                if infos is None:
                    raise ValueError("\"%s\" isn't defined!" % membertype)
                infos = membertype

            # Check that member type is a simple type
            if infos["type"] != SIMPLETYPE:
                raise ValueError("Member type given isn't a simpleType!")

            # Check that derivation is allowed
            if "final" in infos:
                if "#all" in infos["final"]:
                    raise ValueError("Item type can't be derivated!")
                if "union" in infos["final"]:
                    raise ValueError("Member type can't be derivated by union!")


        simpleType["basename"] = "union"

        # Generate extract value for new created type
        def ExtractSimpleTypeValue(attr, extract=True):
            for infos in membertypesinfos:
                    return infos["extract"](attr, False)
                except Exception:
            raise ValueError("\"%s\" isn't valid for type defined for union!")

        def CheckSimpleTypeValue(value):
            for infos in membertypesinfos:
                result = infos["check"](value)
                if result:
                    return result
            return False

        SimpleTypeInitialValue = membertypesinfos[0]["initial"]

        def GenerateSimpleTypeFunction(value):
            if isinstance(value, bool):
                return {True: "true", False: "false"}[value]
                return str(value)
        GenerateSimpleType = GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(GenerateSimpleTypeFunction)

        facets = GenerateDictFacets(["pattern", "enumeration"])

    simpleType["facets"] = facets
    simpleType["extract"] = ExtractSimpleTypeValue
    simpleType["initial"] = SimpleTypeInitialValue
    simpleType["check"] = CheckSimpleTypeValue
    simpleType["generate"] = GenerateSimpleType
    return simpleType

def ReduceSimpleType(factory, attributes, elements):
    # Reduce all the simple type children
    annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)

    simpleType = CreateSimpleType(factory, attributes, children[0])
    simpleType["doc"] = annotations

    return simpleType

# Complex type

def ExtractAttributes(factory, elements, base=None):
    attrs = []
    attrnames = {}
    if base is not None:
        basetypeinfos = factory.FindSchemaElement(base)
        if not isinstance(basetypeinfos, string_types) and basetypeinfos["type"] == COMPLEXTYPE:
            attrnames = dict(map(lambda x: (x["name"], True), basetypeinfos["attributes"]))

    for element in elements:
        if element["type"] == ATTRIBUTE:
            if attrnames.get(element["name"], False):
                raise ValueError("\"%s\" attribute has been defined two times!" % element["name"])
                attrnames[element["name"]] = True
        elif element["type"] == "attributeGroup":
            attrgroup = factory.FindSchemaElement(element["ref"], ATTRIBUTESGROUP)
            for attr in attrgroup["attributes"]:
                if attrnames.get(attr["name"], False):
                    raise ValueError("\"%s\" attribute has been defined two times!" % attr["name"])
                    attrnames[attr["name"]] = True
        elif element["type"] == "anyAttribute":
            raise ValueError("\"anyAttribute\" element isn't supported yet!")
    return attrs

def ReduceRestriction(factory, attributes, elements):
    annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)
    restriction = {"type": "restriction", "base": attributes.get("base", None), "facets": [], "doc": annotations}
    if len(children) > 0 and children[0]["type"] == SIMPLETYPE:
        if restriction["base"] is None:
            restriction["base"] = children.pop(0)
            raise ValueError("Only one base type can be defined for restriction!")
    if restriction["base"] is None:
        raise ValueError("No base type has been defined for restriction!")

    while len(children) > 0 and children[0]["type"] in ALL_FACETS:
    restriction["attributes"] = ExtractAttributes(factory, children, restriction["base"])
    return restriction

def ReduceExtension(factory, attributes, elements):
    annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)
    if "base" not in attributes:
        raise ValueError("No base type has been defined for extension!")
    extension = {"type": "extension", "attributes": [], "elements": [], "base": attributes["base"], "doc": annotations}
    if len(children) > 0:
        if children[0]["type"] in ["group", "all", CHOICE, "sequence"]:
            group = children.pop(0)
            if group["type"] in ["all", "sequence"]:
                extension["elements"] = group["elements"]
                extension["order"] = group["order"]
            elif group["type"] == CHOICE:
                content = group.copy()
                content["name"] = "content"
            elif group["type"] == "group":
                elmtgroup = factory.FindSchemaElement(group["ref"], ELEMENTSGROUP)
                if "elements" in elmtgroup:
                    extension["elements"] = elmtgroup["elements"]
                    extension["order"] = elmtgroup["order"]
                    content = elmtgroup.copy()
                    content["name"] = "content"
        extension["attributes"] = ExtractAttributes(factory, children)
    return extension

def ReduceSimpleContent(factory, attributes, elements):
    annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)

    simpleContent = children[0].copy()

    basetypeinfos = factory.FindSchemaElement(simpleContent["base"])
    if basetypeinfos["type"] == SIMPLETYPE:
        contenttypeinfos = simpleContent.copy()
    elif (basetypeinfos["type"] == COMPLEXTYPE and
          len(basetypeinfos["elements"]) == 1 and
          basetypeinfos["elements"][0]["name"] == "content" and
          "elmt_type" in basetypeinfos["elements"][0] and
          basetypeinfos["elements"][0]["elmt_type"]["type"] == SIMPLETYPE):
        contenttypeinfos = simpleContent.copy()
        contenttypeinfos["base"] = basetypeinfos["elements"][0]["elmt_type"]
        raise ValueError("No compatible base type defined for simpleContent!")
    contenttypeinfos = CreateSimpleType(factory, attributes, contenttypeinfos)

    simpleContent["elements"] = [{"name": "content", "type": ELEMENT,
                                  "elmt_type": contenttypeinfos, "doc": annotations,
                                  "minOccurs": 1, "maxOccurs": 1}]
    simpleContent["type"] = "simpleContent"
    return simpleContent

def ReduceComplexContent(factory, attributes, elements):
    _annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)
    complexContent = children[0].copy()
    complexContent["type"] = "complexContent"
    return complexContent

def ReduceComplexType(factory, attributes, elements):
    annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)

    if len(children) > 0:
        if children[0]["type"] in ["simpleContent", "complexContent"]:
            complexType = children[0].copy()
            complexType["type"] = COMPLEXTYPE
            return complexType
        elif children[0]["type"] in ["group", "all", CHOICE, "sequence"]:
            complexType = {"type": COMPLEXTYPE, "elements": [], "order": True, "doc": annotations}
            group = children.pop(0)
            if group["type"] in ["all", "sequence"]:
                choice_number = 0
                for element in group["elements"]:
                    if element["type"] == CHOICE:
                        choice_number += 1
                if (group["minOccurs"] == 0 or group["maxOccurs"] != 1) and len(group["elements"]) > 1 or choice_number > 1:
                    content = {"type": CHOICE, "name": "content", "choices": [group], "minOccurs": 1, "maxOccurs": 1}
                    if len(group["elements"]) == 1:
                        if group["minOccurs"] == 0:
                            group["elements"][0]["minOccurs"] = group["minOccurs"]
                        if group["maxOccurs"] != 1:
                            group["elements"][0]["maxOccurs"] = group["maxOccurs"]
                    for element in group["elements"]:
                        if element["type"] == CHOICE:
                            element["name"] = "content"
                    complexType["elements"] = group["elements"]
                    complexType["order"] = group["order"]
            elif group["type"] == CHOICE:
                content = group.copy()
                content["name"] = "content"
            elif group["type"] == "group":
                elmtgroup = factory.FindSchemaElement(group["ref"], ELEMENTSGROUP)
                if "elements" in elmtgroup:
                    complexType["elements"] = elmtgroup["elements"]
                    complexType["order"] = elmtgroup["order"]
                    content = elmtgroup.copy()
                    content["name"] = "content"
            complexType = {"elements": [], "order": True, "doc": annotations}
            complexType["type"] = COMPLEXTYPE
        complexType["attributes"] = ExtractAttributes(factory, children)
        return complexType
        raise ValueError("\"ComplexType\" can't be empty!")

# Attribute elements

def ReduceAnyAttribute(factory, attributes, elements):
    return {"type": "anyAttribute"}

def ReduceAttribute(factory, attributes, elements):
    annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)

    if "default" in attributes:
        if "fixed" in attributes:
            raise ValueError("\"default\" and \"fixed\" can't be defined at the same time!")
        elif attributes.get("use", "optional") != "optional":
            raise ValueError("if \"default\" present, \"use\" can only have the value \"optional\"!")

    attribute = {"type": ATTRIBUTE, "attr_type": attributes.get("type", None), "doc": annotations}
    if len(children) > 0:
        if attribute["attr_type"] is None:
            attribute["attr_type"] = children[0]
            raise ValueError("Only one type can be defined for attribute!")

    if "ref" in attributes:
        if "name" in attributes:
            raise ValueError("\"ref\" and \"name\" can't be defined at the same time!")
        elif "form" in attributes:
            raise ValueError("\"ref\" and \"form\" can't be defined at the same time!")
        elif attribute["attr_type"] is not None:
            raise ValueError("if \"ref\" is present, no type can be defined!")
    elif attribute["attr_type"] is None:
        raise ValueError("No type has been defined for attribute \"%s\"!" % attributes["name"])

    if "type" in attributes:
        tmp_attrs = attributes.copy()
    return attribute

def ReduceAttributeGroup(factory, attributes, elements):
    annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)
    if "ref" in attributes:
        return {"type": "attributeGroup", "ref": attributes["ref"], "doc": annotations}
        return {"type": ATTRIBUTESGROUP, "attributes": ExtractAttributes(factory, children), "doc": annotations}

# Elements groups

def ReduceAny(factory, attributes, elements):
    annotations, _children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)

    any = {"type": ANY, "doc": annotations}
    return any

def ReduceElement(factory, attributes, elements):
    annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)

    types = []
    constraints = []
    for child in children:
        if child["type"] == CONSTRAINT:

    if "default" in attributes and "fixed" in attributes:
        raise ValueError("\"default\" and \"fixed\" can't be defined at the same time!")

    if "ref" in attributes:
        for attr in ["name", "default", "fixed", "form", "block", "type"]:
            if attr in attributes:
                raise ValueError("\"ref\" and \"%s\" can't be defined at the same time!" % attr)
        if "nillable" in attributes:
            raise ValueError("\"ref\" and \"nillable\" can't be defined at the same time!")
        if len(types) > 0:
            raise ValueError("No type and no constraints can be defined where \"ref\" is defined!")

        infos = factory.FindSchemaElement(attributes["ref"], ELEMENT)
        if infos is not None:
            element = infos.copy()
            element["constraints"] = constraints
            element["minOccurs"] = attributes["minOccurs"]
            element["maxOccurs"] = attributes["maxOccurs"]
            return element
            raise ValueError("\"%s\" base type isn't defined or circular referenced!" % attributes["ref"])

    elif "name" in attributes:
        element = {"type": ELEMENT, "elmt_type": attributes.get("type", None), "constraints": constraints, "doc": annotations}
        if len(types) > 0:
            if element["elmt_type"] is None:
                element["elmt_type"] = types[0]
                raise ValueError("Only one type can be defined for attribute!")
        elif element["elmt_type"] is None:
            element["elmt_type"] = "tag"
            element["type"] = TAG

        if "type" in attributes:
            tmp_attrs = attributes.copy()
        return element
        raise ValueError("\"Element\" must have at least a \"ref\" or a \"name\" defined!")

def ReduceAll(factory, attributes, elements):
    annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)

    for child in children:
        if child["maxOccurs"] == "unbounded" or child["maxOccurs"] > 1:
            raise ValueError("\"all\" item can't have \"maxOccurs\" attribute greater than 1!")

    return {"type": "all", "elements": children, "minOccurs": attributes["minOccurs"],
            "maxOccurs": attributes["maxOccurs"], "order": False, "doc": annotations}

def ReduceChoice(factory, attributes, elements):
    annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)

    choices = []
    for child in children:
        if child["type"] in [ELEMENT, ANY, TAG]:
        elif child["type"] == "sequence":
            child["minOccurs"] = child["maxOccurs"] = 1
            # raise ValueError("\"sequence\" in \"choice\" is not supported. Create instead a new complex type!")
        elif child["type"] == CHOICE:
        elif child["type"] == "group":
            elmtgroup = factory.FindSchemaElement(child["ref"], ELEMENTSGROUP)
            if "choices" not in elmtgroup:
                raise ValueError("Only group composed of \"choice\" can be referenced in \"choice\" element!")
            choices_tmp = []
            for choice in elmtgroup["choices"]:
                if not isinstance(choice["elmt_type"], string_types) and choice["elmt_type"]["type"] == COMPLEXTYPE:
                    elmt_type = "%s_%s" % (elmtgroup["name"], choice["name"])
                    if factory.TargetNamespace is not None:
                        elmt_type = "%s:%s" % (factory.TargetNamespace, elmt_type)
                    new_choice = choice.copy()
                    new_choice["elmt_type"] = elmt_type

    for choice in choices:
        attributes["minOccurs"] = min(attributes["minOccurs"], choice["minOccurs"])
        choice["minOccurs"] = 1

    return {"type": CHOICE, "choices": choices, "minOccurs": attributes["minOccurs"],
            "maxOccurs": attributes["maxOccurs"], "doc": annotations}

def ReduceSequence(factory, attributes, elements):
    annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)

    sequence = []
    for child in children:
        if child["type"] in [ELEMENT, ANY, TAG, CHOICE]:
        elif child["type"] == "sequence":
        elif child["type"] == "group":
            elmtgroup = factory.FindSchemaElement(child["ref"], ELEMENTSGROUP)
            if "elements" not in elmtgroup or not elmtgroup["order"]:
                raise ValueError("Only group composed of \"sequence\" can be referenced in \"sequence\" element!")
            elements_tmp = []
            for element in elmtgroup["elements"]:
                if not isinstance(element["elmt_type"], string_types) and element["elmt_type"]["type"] == COMPLEXTYPE:
                    elmt_type = "%s_%s" % (elmtgroup["name"], element["name"])
                    if factory.TargetNamespace is not None:
                        elmt_type = "%s:%s" % (factory.TargetNamespace, elmt_type)
                    new_element = element.copy()
                    new_element["elmt_type"] = elmt_type

    return {"type": "sequence", "elements": sequence, "minOccurs": attributes["minOccurs"],
            "maxOccurs": attributes["maxOccurs"], "order": True, "doc": annotations}

def ReduceGroup(factory, attributes, elements):
    annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)

    if "ref" in attributes:
        return {"type": "group", "ref": attributes["ref"], "doc": annotations}
        element = children[0]
        group = {"type": ELEMENTSGROUP, "doc": annotations}
        if element["type"] == CHOICE:
            group["choices"] = element["choices"]
            group.update({"elements": element["elements"], "order": element["order"]})
        return group

# Constraint elements

def ReduceUnique(factory, attributes, elements):
    _annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)

    unique = {"type": CONSTRAINT, "const_type": "unique", "selector": children[0], "fields": children[1:]}
    return unique

def ReduceKey(factory, attributes, elements):
    _annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)

    key = {"type": CONSTRAINT, "const_type": "key", "selector": children[0], "fields": children[1:]}
    return key

def ReduceKeyRef(factory, attributes, elements):
    _annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements)

    keyref = {"type": CONSTRAINT, "const_type": "keyref", "selector": children[0], "fields": children[1:]}
    return keyref

def ReduceSelector(factory, attributes, elements):

    selector = {"type": CONSTRAINT, "const_type": "selector"}
    return selector

def ReduceField(factory, attributes, elements):

    field = {"type": CONSTRAINT, "const_type": "field"}
    return field

# Inclusion elements

def ReduceImport(factory, attributes, elements):
    raise ValueError("\"import\" element isn't supported yet!")

def ReduceInclude(factory, attributes, elements):

    if factory.FileName is None:
        raise ValueError("Include in XSD string not yet supported")
    filepath = attributes["schemaLocation"]
    if filepath is not None and not os.path.exists(filepath):
        filepath = os.path.join(factory.BaseFolder, filepath)
        if not os.path.exists(filepath):
            raise ValueError("No file '%s' found for include" % attributes["schemaLocation"])
    xsdfile = open(filepath, 'r')
    include_factory = XSDClassFactory(minidom.parse(xsdfile), filepath)

    if factory.TargetNamespace == include_factory.TargetNamespace:
        factory.Namespaces[include_factory.TargetNamespace] = include_factory.Namespaces[include_factory.TargetNamespace]
    return None

def ReduceRedefine(factory, attributes, elements):
    raise ValueError("\"redefine\" element isn't supported yet!")

# Schema element

def ReduceSchema(factory, attributes, elements):
    factory.AttributeFormDefault = attributes["attributeFormDefault"]
    factory.ElementFormDefault = attributes["elementFormDefault"]
    factory.BlockDefault = attributes["blockDefault"]
    factory.FinalDefault = attributes["finalDefault"]

    targetNamespace = attributes.get("targetNamespace", None)
    factory.TargetNamespace = factory.DefinedNamespaces.get(targetNamespace, None)
    if factory.TargetNamespace is not None:
        factory.etreeNamespaceFormat = "{%s}%%s" % targetNamespace
    factory.Namespaces[factory.TargetNamespace] = {}

    _annotations, children = factory.ReduceElements(elements, True)

    for child in children:
        if "name" in child:
            infos = factory.GetQualifiedNameInfos(child["name"], factory.TargetNamespace, True)
            if infos is None:
                factory.Namespaces[factory.TargetNamespace][child["name"]] = child
            elif not CompareSchema(infos, child):
                raise ValueError("\"%s\" is defined twice in targetNamespace!" % child["name"])

def CompareSchema(schema, reference):
    if isinstance(schema, list):
        if not isinstance(reference, list) or len(schema) != len(reference):
            return False
        for i, value in enumerate(schema):
            result = CompareSchema(value, reference[i])
            if not result:
                return result
        return True
    elif isinstance(schema, dict):
        if not isinstance(reference, dict) or len(schema) != len(reference):
            return False
        for name, value in schema.items():
            ref_value = reference.get(name, None)
            if ref_value is None and value is not None:
                return False
            result = CompareSchema(value, ref_value)
            if not result:
                return result
        return True
    elif isinstance(schema, FunctionType):
        if not isinstance(reference, FunctionType) or schema.__name__ != reference.__name__:
            return False
            return True
    return schema == reference

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#                       Base class for XSD schema extraction
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

class XSDClassFactory(ClassFactory):

    def __init__(self, document, filepath=None, debug=False):
        ClassFactory.__init__(self, document, filepath, debug)
        self.Namespaces["xml"] = {
            "lang": {
                "type": SYNTAXATTRIBUTE,
                "extract": {
                    "default": GenerateModelNameExtraction("lang", LANGUAGE_model)
        self.Namespaces["xsi"] = {
            "noNamespaceSchemaLocation": {
                "type": SYNTAXATTRIBUTE,
                "extract": {
                    "default": NotSupportedYet("noNamespaceSchemaLocation")
            "nil": {
                "type": SYNTAXATTRIBUTE,
                "extract": {
                    "default": NotSupportedYet("nil")
            "schemaLocation": {
                "type": SYNTAXATTRIBUTE,
                "extract": {
                    "default": NotSupportedYet("schemaLocation")
            "type": {
                "type": SYNTAXATTRIBUTE,
                "extract": {
                    "default": NotSupportedYet("type")

    def ParseSchema(self):
        for child in self.Document.childNodes:
            if child.nodeType == self.Document.ELEMENT_NODE:
                schema = child
        for qualified_name, attr in schema._attrs.items():
            namespace, name = DecomposeQualifiedName(qualified_name)
            if namespace == "xmlns":
                value = GetAttributeValue(attr)
                self.DefinedNamespaces[value] = name
                self.NSMAP[name] = value
                if value == "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema":
                    self.SchemaNamespace = name
                    self.Namespaces[self.SchemaNamespace] = XSD_NAMESPACE
        self.Schema = XSD_NAMESPACE["schema"]["extract"]["default"](self, schema)
        ReduceSchema(self, self.Schema[1], self.Schema[2])

    def FindSchemaElement(self, element_name, element_type=None):
        namespace, name = DecomposeQualifiedName(element_name)
        element = self.GetQualifiedNameInfos(name, namespace, True)
        if element is None and namespace == self.TargetNamespace and name not in self.CurrentCompilations:
            element = self.CreateSchemaElement(name, element_type)
            if element is not None:
                self.Namespaces[self.TargetNamespace][name] = element
        if element is None:
            if name in self.CurrentCompilations:
                if self.Debug:
                    print("Warning : \"%s\" is circular referenced!" % element_name)
                raise ValueError("\"%s\" isn't defined!" % element_name)
        if element_type is not None and element["type"] != element_type:
            raise ValueError("\"%s\" isn't of the expected type!" % element_name)
        return element

    def CreateSchemaElement(self, element_name, element_type):
        for type, attributes, elements in self.Schema[2]:
            _namespace, name = DecomposeQualifiedName(type)
            if attributes.get("name", None) == element_name:
                element_infos = None
                if element_type in (ATTRIBUTE, None) and name == "attribute":
                    element_infos = ReduceAttribute(self, attributes, elements)
                elif element_type in (ELEMENT, None) and name == "element":
                    element_infos = ReduceElement(self, attributes, elements)
                elif element_type in (ATTRIBUTESGROUP, None) and name == "attributeGroup":
                    element_infos = ReduceAttributeGroup(self, attributes, elements)
                elif element_type in (ELEMENTSGROUP, None) and name == "group":
                    element_infos = ReduceGroup(self, attributes, elements)
                elif element_type in (SIMPLETYPE, None) and name == "simpleType":
                    element_infos = ReduceSimpleType(self, attributes, elements)
                elif element_type in (COMPLEXTYPE, None) and name == "complexType":
                    element_infos = ReduceComplexType(self, attributes, elements)
                if element_infos is not None:
                    self.Namespaces[self.TargetNamespace][element_name] = element_infos
                    return element_infos
        return None

def GenerateParserFromXSD(filepath):
    This function opens the xsd file and generate a xml parser with class lookup from
    the xml tree
    xsdfile = open(filepath, 'r')
    xsdstring = xsdfile.read()
    cwd = os.getcwd()
    parser = GenerateParser(XSDClassFactory(minidom.parseString(xsdstring), filepath), xsdstring)
    return parser

def GenerateParserFromXSDstring(xsdstring):
    This function generate a xml from the xsd given as a string
    return GenerateParser(XSDClassFactory(minidom.parseString(xsdstring)), xsdstring)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#                           XSD schema syntax elements
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #                           Syntax elements definition
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    "all": {
        "struct": """
          id = ID
          maxOccurs = 1 : 1
          minOccurs = (0 | 1) : 1
          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
          Content: (annotation?, element*)
        "type": SYNTAXELEMENT,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateElement(
                "all", ["id", "maxOccurs", "minOccurs"],
                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:element )*)"))
        "reduce": ReduceAll

    "annotation": {
        "struct": """
          id = ID
          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
          Content: (appinfo | documentation)*
        "type": SYNTAXELEMENT,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateElement(
                "annotation", ["id"],
                re.compile("((?:app_info |documentation )*)"))
        "reduce": ReduceAnnotation

    "any": {
        "struct": """
          id = ID
          maxOccurs = (nonNegativeInteger | unbounded)  : 1
          minOccurs = nonNegativeInteger : 1
          namespace = ((##any | ##other) | List of (anyURI | (##targetNamespace | ##local)) )  : ##any
          processContents = (lax | skip | strict) : strict
          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
          Content: (annotation?)
        "type": SYNTAXELEMENT,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateElement(
                ["id", "maxOccurs", "minOccurs", "namespace", "processContents"],
                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:simpleType )*)"))
        "reduce": ReduceAny

    "anyAttribute": {
        "struct": """
          id = ID
          namespace = ((##any | ##other) | List of (anyURI | (##targetNamespace | ##local)) )  : ##any
          processContents = (lax | skip | strict) : strict
          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
          Content: (annotation?)
        "type": SYNTAXELEMENT,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateElement(
                "anyAttribute", ["id", "namespace", "processContents"], ONLY_ANNOTATION)
        "reduce": ReduceAnyAttribute

    "appinfo": {
        "struct": """
          source = anyURI
          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
          Content: ({any})*
        "type": SYNTAXELEMENT,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateElement("appinfo", ["source"], re.compile("(.*)"), True)
        "reduce": ReduceAppInfo

    "attribute": {
        "struct": """
          default = string
          fixed = string
          form = (qualified | unqualified)
          id = ID
          name = NCName
          ref = QName
          type = QName
          use = (optional | prohibited | required) : optional
          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
          Content: (annotation?, simpleType?)
        "type": SYNTAXELEMENT,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateElement(
                ["default", "fixed", "form", "id", "name", "ref", "type", "use"],
                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:simpleType )?)")),
            "schema": GenerateElement(
                ["default", "fixed", "form", "id", "name", "type"],
                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:simpleType )?)"))
        "reduce": ReduceAttribute

    "attributeGroup": {
        "struct": """
          id = ID
          name = NCName
          ref = QName
          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
          Content: (annotation?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))
        "type": SYNTAXELEMENT,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateElement(
                ["id", "ref"], ONLY_ANNOTATION),
            "schema": GenerateElement(
                ["id", "name"],
                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:(?:attribute |attributeGroup )*(?:anyAttribute )?))"))
        "reduce": ReduceAttributeGroup

    "choice": {
        "struct": """
          id = ID
          maxOccurs = (nonNegativeInteger | unbounded)  : 1
          minOccurs = nonNegativeInteger : 1
          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
          Content: (annotation?, (element | group | choice | sequence | any)*)
        "type": SYNTAXELEMENT,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateElement(
                ["id", "maxOccurs", "minOccurs"],
                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:element |group |choice |sequence |any )*)"))
        "reduce": ReduceChoice

    "complexContent": {
        "struct": """
          id = ID
          mixed = boolean
          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
          Content: (annotation?, (restriction | extension))
        "type": SYNTAXELEMENT,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateElement(
                ["id", "mixed"],
                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:restriction |extension ))"))
        "reduce": ReduceComplexContent

    "complexType": {
        "struct": """
          abstract = boolean : false
          block = (#all | List of (extension | restriction))
          final = (#all | List of (extension | restriction))
          id = ID
          mixed = boolean : false
          name = NCName
          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
          Content: (annotation?, (simpleContent | complexContent | ((group | all | choice | sequence)?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))))
        "type": SYNTAXELEMENT,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateElement(
                ["abstract", "block", "final", "id", "mixed", "name"],
                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:simpleContent |complexContent |(?:(?:group |all |choice |sequence )?(?:(?:attribute |attributeGroup )*(?:anyAttribute )?))))"))
        "reduce": ReduceComplexType

    "documentation": {
        "struct": """
          source = anyURI
          xml:lang = language
          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
          Content: ({any})*
        "type": SYNTAXELEMENT,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateElement(
                ["source", "lang"],
                re.compile("(.*)"), True)
        "reduce": ReduceDocumentation

    "element": {
        "struct": """
          abstract = boolean : false
          block = (#all | List of (extension | restriction | substitution))
          default = string
          final = (#all | List of (extension | restriction))
          fixed = string
          form = (qualified | unqualified)
          id = ID
          maxOccurs = (nonNegativeInteger | unbounded)  : 1
          minOccurs = nonNegativeInteger : 1
          name = NCName
          nillable = boolean : false
          ref = QName
          substitutionGroup = QName
          type = QName
          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
          Content: (annotation?, ((simpleType | complexType)?, (unique | key | keyref)*))
        "type": SYNTAXELEMENT,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateElement(
                ["abstract", "block", "default", "final", "fixed", "form", "id", "maxOccurs", "minOccurs", "name", "nillable", "ref", "substitutionGroup", "type"],
                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:simpleType |complexType )?(?:unique |key |keyref )*)")),
            "schema": GenerateElement(
                ["abstract", "block", "default", "final", "fixed", "form", "id", "name", "nillable", "substitutionGroup", "type"],
                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:simpleType |complexType )?(?:unique |key |keyref )*)"))
        "reduce": ReduceElement

    "enumeration": {
        "struct": """
          id = ID
          value = anySimpleType
          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
          Content: (annotation?)
        "type": SYNTAXELEMENT,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateElement("enumeration", ["id", "value"], ONLY_ANNOTATION)
        "reduce": GenerateFacetReducing("enumeration", False)

    "extension": {
        "struct": """
          base = QName
          id = ID
          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
          Content: (annotation?, ((group | all | choice | sequence)?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?)))
        "type": SYNTAXELEMENT,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateElement(
                ["base", "id"],
                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:(?:attribute |attributeGroup )*(?:anyAttribute )?))")),
            "complexContent": GenerateElement(
                ["base", "id"],
                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:group |all |choice |sequence )?(?:(?:attribute |attributeGroup )*(?:anyAttribute )?))"))
        "reduce": ReduceExtension

    "field": {
        "struct": """
          id = ID
          xpath = a subset of XPath expression, see below
          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
          Content: (annotation?)
        "type": SYNTAXELEMENT,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateElement("field", ["id", "xpath"], ONLY_ANNOTATION)
        "reduce": ReduceField

    "fractionDigits": {
        "struct": """
          fixed = boolean : false
          id = ID
          value = nonNegativeInteger
          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
          Content: (annotation?)
        "type": SYNTAXELEMENT,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateElement(
                ["fixed", "id", "value"],
        "reduce": GenerateFacetReducing("fractionDigits", True)

    "group": {
        "struct": """
          id = ID
          maxOccurs = (nonNegativeInteger | unbounded)  : 1
          minOccurs = nonNegativeInteger : 1
          name = NCName
          ref = QName
          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
          Content: (annotation?, (all | choice | sequence)?)
        "type": SYNTAXELEMENT,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateElement(
                ["id", "maxOccurs", "minOccurs", "ref"],
                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:all |choice |sequence )?)")),
            "schema": GenerateElement(
                ["id", "name"],
                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:all |choice |sequence )?)"))
        "reduce": ReduceGroup

    "import": {
        "struct": """
          id = ID
          namespace = anyURI
          schemaLocation = anyURI
          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
          Content: (annotation?)
        "type": SYNTAXELEMENT,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateElement(
                ["id", "namespace", "schemaLocation"],
        "reduce": ReduceImport

    "include": {
        "struct": """
          id = ID
          schemaLocation = anyURI
          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
          Content: (annotation?)
        "type": SYNTAXELEMENT,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateElement(
                ["id", "schemaLocation"],
        "reduce": ReduceInclude

    "key": {
        "struct": """
          id = ID
          name = NCName
          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
          Content: (annotation?, (selector, field+))
        "type": SYNTAXELEMENT,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateElement(
                "key", ["id", "name"],
                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:selector (?:field )+))"))
        "reduce": ReduceKey

    "keyref": {
        "struct": """
          id = ID
          name = NCName
          refer = QName
          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
          Content: (annotation?, (selector, field+))
        "type": SYNTAXELEMENT,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateElement(
                "keyref", ["id", "name", "refer"],
                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:selector (?:field )+))"))
        "reduce": ReduceKeyRef

    "length": {
        "struct": """
          fixed = boolean : false
          id = ID
          value = nonNegativeInteger
          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
          Content: (annotation?)
        "type": SYNTAXELEMENT,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateElement(
                "length", ["fixed", "id", "value"], ONLY_ANNOTATION)
        "reduce": GenerateFacetReducing("length", True)

    "list": {
        "struct": """
          id = ID
          itemType = QName
          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
          Content: (annotation?, simpleType?)
        "type": SYNTAXELEMENT,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateElement(
                "list", ["id", "itemType"],
                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:simpleType )?)$"))
        "reduce": ReduceList

    "maxExclusive": {
        "struct": """
          fixed = boolean : false
          id = ID
          value = anySimpleType
          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
          Content: (annotation?)
        "type": SYNTAXELEMENT,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateElement(
                "maxExclusive", ["fixed", "id", "value"], ONLY_ANNOTATION)
        "reduce": GenerateFacetReducing("maxExclusive", True)

    "maxInclusive": {
        "struct": """
          fixed = boolean : false
          id = ID
          value = anySimpleType
          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
          Content: (annotation?)
        "type": SYNTAXELEMENT,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateElement(
                "maxInclusive", ["fixed", "id", "value"], ONLY_ANNOTATION)
        "reduce": GenerateFacetReducing("maxInclusive", True)

    "maxLength": {
        "struct": """
          fixed = boolean : false
          id = ID
          value = nonNegativeInteger
          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
          Content: (annotation?)
        "type": SYNTAXELEMENT,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateElement(
                "maxLength", ["fixed", "id", "value"], ONLY_ANNOTATION)
        "reduce": GenerateFacetReducing("maxLength", True)

    "minExclusive": {
        "struct": """
          fixed = boolean : false
          id = ID
          value = anySimpleType
          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
          Content: (annotation?)
        "type": SYNTAXELEMENT,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateElement(
                "minExclusive", ["fixed", "id", "value"], ONLY_ANNOTATION)
        "reduce": GenerateFacetReducing("minExclusive", True)

    "minInclusive": {
        "struct": """
          fixed = boolean : false
          id = ID
          value = anySimpleType
          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
          Content: (annotation?)
        "type": SYNTAXELEMENT,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateElement(
                "minInclusive", ["fixed", "id", "value"], ONLY_ANNOTATION)
        "reduce": GenerateFacetReducing("minInclusive", True)

    "minLength": {
        "struct": """
          fixed = boolean : false
          id = ID
          value = nonNegativeInteger
          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
          Content: (annotation?)
        "type": SYNTAXELEMENT,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateElement(
                "minLength", ["fixed", "id", "value"], ONLY_ANNOTATION)
        "reduce": GenerateFacetReducing("minLength", True)

    "pattern": {
        "struct": """
          id = ID
          value = string
          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
          Content: (annotation?)
        "type": SYNTAXELEMENT,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateElement("pattern", ["id", "value"], ONLY_ANNOTATION)
        "reduce": GenerateFacetReducing("pattern", False)

    "redefine": {
        "struct": """
          id = ID
          schemaLocation = anyURI
          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
          Content: (annotation | (simpleType | complexType | group | attributeGroup))*
        "type": SYNTAXELEMENT,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateElement(
                "refine", ["id", "schemaLocation"],
                re.compile("((?:annotation |(?:simpleType |complexType |group |attributeGroup ))*)"))
        "reduce": ReduceRedefine

    "restriction": {
        "struct": """
          base = QName
          id = ID
          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
          Content: (annotation?, (group | all | choice | sequence)?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))
        "type": SYNTAXELEMENT,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateElement(
                ["base", "id"],
                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:(?:simpleType )?(?:(?:minExclusive |minInclusive |maxExclusive |maxInclusive |totalDigits |fractionDigits |length |minLength |maxLength |enumeration |whiteSpace |pattern )*)))")),
            "simpleContent": GenerateElement(
                ["base", "id"],
                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:(?:simpleType )?(?:(?:minExclusive |minInclusive |maxExclusive |maxInclusive |totalDigits |fractionDigits |length |minLength |maxLength |enumeration |whiteSpace |pattern )*)?(?:(?:attribute |attributeGroup )*(?:anyAttribute )?)))")),
            "complexContent": GenerateElement(
                ["base", "id"],
                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:(?:simpleType )?(?:group |all |choice |sequence )?(?:(?:attribute |attributeGroup )*(?:anyAttribute )?)))")),
        "reduce": ReduceRestriction

    "schema": {
        "struct": """
          attributeFormDefault = (qualified | unqualified) : unqualified
          blockDefault = (#all | List of (extension | restriction | substitution))  : ''
          elementFormDefault = (qualified | unqualified) : unqualified
          finalDefault = (#all | List of (extension | restriction | list | union))  : ''
          id = ID
          targetNamespace = anyURI
          version = token
          xml:lang = language
          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
          Content: ((include | import | redefine | annotation)*, (((simpleType | complexType | group | attributeGroup) | element | attribute | notation), annotation*)*)
        "type": SYNTAXELEMENT,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateElement(
                re.compile("((?:include |import |redefine |annotation )*(?:(?:(?:simpleType |complexType |group |attributeGroup )|element |attribute |annotation )(?:annotation )*)*)"))

    "selector": {
        "struct": """
          id = ID
          xpath = a subset of XPath expression, see below
          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
          Content: (annotation?)
        "type": SYNTAXELEMENT,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateElement("selector", ["id", "xpath"], ONLY_ANNOTATION)
        "reduce": ReduceSelector

    "sequence": {
        "struct": """
          id = ID
          maxOccurs = (nonNegativeInteger | unbounded)  : 1
          minOccurs = nonNegativeInteger : 1
          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
          Content: (annotation?, (element | group | choice | sequence | any)*)
        "type": SYNTAXELEMENT,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateElement(
                "sequence", ["id", "maxOccurs", "minOccurs"],
                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:element |group |choice |sequence |any )*)"))
        "reduce": ReduceSequence

    "simpleContent": {
        "struct": """
          id = ID
          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
          Content: (annotation?, (restriction | extension))
        "type": SYNTAXELEMENT,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateElement(
                "simpleContent", ["id"],
                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:restriction |extension ))"))
        "reduce": ReduceSimpleContent

    "simpleType": {
        "struct": """
          final = (#all | List of (list | union | restriction))
          id = ID
          name = NCName
          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
          Content: (annotation?, (restriction | list | union))
        "type": SYNTAXELEMENT,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateElement(
                "simpleType", ["final", "id", "name"],
                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:restriction |list |union ))"))
        "reduce": ReduceSimpleType

    "totalDigits": {
        "struct": """
          fixed = boolean : false
          id = ID
          value = positiveInteger
          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
          Content: (annotation?)
        "type": SYNTAXELEMENT,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateElement(
                "totalDigits", ["fixed", "id", "value"], ONLY_ANNOTATION),
        "reduce": GenerateFacetReducing("totalDigits", True)

    "union": {
        "struct": """
          id = ID
          memberTypes = List of QName
          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
          Content: (annotation?, simpleType*)
        "type": SYNTAXELEMENT,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateElement(
                "union", ["id", "memberTypes"],
                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:simpleType )*)"))
        "reduce": ReduceUnion

    "unique": {
        "struct": """
          id = ID
          name = NCName
          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
          Content: (annotation?, (selector, field+))
        "type": SYNTAXELEMENT,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateElement(
                "unique", ["id", "name"],
                re.compile("((?:annotation )?(?:selector |(?:field )+))"))
        "reduce": ReduceUnique

    "whiteSpace": {
        "struct": """
          fixed = boolean : false
          id = ID
          value = (collapse | preserve | replace)
          {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
          Content: (annotation?)
        "type": SYNTAXELEMENT,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateElement(
                "whiteSpace", ["fixed", "id", "value"], ONLY_ANNOTATION)
        "reduce": GenerateFacetReducing("whiteSpace", True)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #                       Syntax attributes definition
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    "abstract": {
        "type": SYNTAXATTRIBUTE,
        "extract": {
            "default": GetBoolean
        "default": {
            "default": False

    "attributeFormDefault": {
        "type": SYNTAXATTRIBUTE,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateEnumeratedExtraction(
                "member attributeFormDefault", ["qualified", "unqualified"])
        "default": {
            "default": "unqualified"

    "base": {
        "type": SYNTAXATTRIBUTE,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateModelNameExtraction("member base", QName_model)

    "block": {
        "type": SYNTAXATTRIBUTE,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateGetList("block", ["restriction", "extension", "substitution"])

    "blockDefault": {
        "type": SYNTAXATTRIBUTE,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateGetList("block", ["restriction", "extension", "substitution"])
        "default": {
            "default": ""

    "default": {
        "type": SYNTAXATTRIBUTE,
        "extract": {
            "default": GetAttributeValue

    "elementFormDefault": {
        "type": SYNTAXATTRIBUTE,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateEnumeratedExtraction("member elementFormDefault", ["qualified", "unqualified"])
        "default": {
            "default": "unqualified"

    "final": {
        "type": SYNTAXATTRIBUTE,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateGetList("final", ["restriction", "extension", "substitution"]),
            "simpleType": GenerateGetList("final", ["list", "union", "restriction"])

    "finalDefault": {
        "type": SYNTAXATTRIBUTE,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateGetList("finalDefault", ["restriction", "extension", "list", "union"])
        "default": {
            "default": ""

    "fixed": {
        "type": SYNTAXATTRIBUTE,
        "extract": {
            "default": GetBoolean,
            "attribute": GetAttributeValue,
            "element": GetAttributeValue
        "default": {
            "default": False,
            "attribute": None,
            "element": None

    "form": {
        "type": SYNTAXATTRIBUTE,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateEnumeratedExtraction("member form", ["qualified", "unqualified"])

    "id": {
        "type": SYNTAXATTRIBUTE,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateModelNameExtraction("member id", NCName_model)

    "itemType": {
        "type": SYNTAXATTRIBUTE,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateModelNameExtraction("member itemType", QName_model)

    "memberTypes": {
        "type": SYNTAXATTRIBUTE,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateModelNameListExtraction("member memberTypes", QNames_model)

    "maxOccurs": {
        "type": SYNTAXATTRIBUTE,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateLimitExtraction(),
            "all": GenerateLimitExtraction(1, 1, False)
        "default": {
            "default": 1

    "minOccurs": {
        "type": SYNTAXATTRIBUTE,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateLimitExtraction(unbounded=False),
            "all": GenerateLimitExtraction(0, 1, False)
        "default": {
            "default": 1

    "mixed": {
        "type": SYNTAXATTRIBUTE,
        "extract": {
            "default": GetBoolean
        "default": {
            "default": None,
            "complexType": False

    "name": {
        "type": SYNTAXATTRIBUTE,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateModelNameExtraction("member name", NCName_model)

    "namespace": {
        "type": SYNTAXATTRIBUTE,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateModelNameExtraction("member namespace", URI_model),
            "any": GetNamespaces
        "default": {
            "default": None,
            "any": "##any"

    "nillable": {
        "type": SYNTAXATTRIBUTE,
        "extract": {
            "default": GetBoolean

    "processContents": {
        "type": SYNTAXATTRIBUTE,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateEnumeratedExtraction("member processContents", ["lax", "skip", "strict"])
        "default": {
            "default": "strict"

    "ref": {
        "type": SYNTAXATTRIBUTE,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateModelNameExtraction("member ref", QName_model)

    "refer": {
        "type": SYNTAXATTRIBUTE,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateModelNameExtraction("member refer", QName_model)

    "schemaLocation": {
        "type": SYNTAXATTRIBUTE,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateModelNameExtraction("member schemaLocation", URI_model)

    "source": {
        "type": SYNTAXATTRIBUTE,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateModelNameExtraction("member source", URI_model)

    "substitutionGroup": {
        "type": SYNTAXATTRIBUTE,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateModelNameExtraction("member substitutionGroup", QName_model)

    "targetNamespace": {
        "type": SYNTAXATTRIBUTE,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateModelNameExtraction("member targetNamespace", URI_model)

    "type": {
        "type": SYNTAXATTRIBUTE,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateModelNameExtraction("member type", QName_model)

    "use": {
        "type": SYNTAXATTRIBUTE,
        "extract": {
            "default": GenerateEnumeratedExtraction("member usage", ["required", "optional", "prohibited"])
        "default": {
            "default": "optional"

    "value": {
        "type": SYNTAXATTRIBUTE,
        "extract": {
            "default": GetAttributeValue,
            "fractionDigits": GenerateIntegerExtraction(minInclusive=0),
            "length": GenerateIntegerExtraction(minInclusive=0),
            "maxLength": GenerateIntegerExtraction(minInclusive=0),
            "minLength": GenerateIntegerExtraction(minInclusive=0),
            "totalDigits": GenerateIntegerExtraction(minExclusive=0),
            "whiteSpace": GenerateEnumeratedExtraction("value", ["collapse", "preserve", "replace"])

    "version": {
        "type": SYNTAXATTRIBUTE,
        "extract": {
            "default": GetToken

    "xpath": {
        "type": SYNTAXATTRIBUTE,
        "extract": {
            # "default": NotSupportedYet("xpath")
            "default": GetAttributeValue

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #                           Simple types definition
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    "string": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "string",
        "extract": GetAttributeValue,
        "facets": STRING_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(lambda x: x),
        "initial": lambda: "",
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, string_types)},

    "normalizedString": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "normalizedString",
        "extract": GetNormalizedString,
        "facets": STRING_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(lambda x: x),
        "initial": lambda: "",
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, string_types)

    "token": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "token",
        "extract": GetToken,
        "facets": STRING_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(lambda x: x),
        "initial": lambda: "",
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, string_types)

    "base64Binary": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "base64Binary",
        "extract": NotSupportedYet("base64Binary"),
        "facets": STRING_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
        "initial": lambda: 0,
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, (int, long))

    "hexBinary": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "hexBinary",
        "extract": GetHexInteger,
        "facets": STRING_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(lambda x: ("%."+str(int(round(len("%X" % x)/2.)*2))+"X") % x),
        "initial": lambda: 0,
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, (int, long))

    "integer": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "integer",
        "extract": GenerateIntegerExtraction(),
        "facets": DECIMAL_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
        "initial": lambda: 0,
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, int)

    "positiveInteger": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "positiveInteger",
        "extract": GenerateIntegerExtraction(minExclusive=0),
        "facets": DECIMAL_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
        "initial": lambda: 1,
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, int)

    "negativeInteger": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "negativeInteger",
        "extract": GenerateIntegerExtraction(maxExclusive=0),
        "facets": DECIMAL_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
        "initial": lambda: -1,
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, int)

    "nonNegativeInteger": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "nonNegativeInteger",
        "extract": GenerateIntegerExtraction(minInclusive=0),
        "facets": DECIMAL_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
        "initial": lambda: 0,
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, int)

    "nonPositiveInteger": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "nonPositiveInteger",
        "extract": GenerateIntegerExtraction(maxInclusive=0),
        "facets": DECIMAL_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
        "initial": lambda: 0,
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, int)

    "long": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "long",
        "extract": GenerateIntegerExtraction(minInclusive=-2**63, maxExclusive=2**63),
        "facets": DECIMAL_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
        "initial": lambda: 0,
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, int)

    "unsignedLong": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "unsignedLong",
        "extract": GenerateIntegerExtraction(minInclusive=0, maxExclusive=2**64),
        "facets": DECIMAL_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
        "initial": lambda: 0,
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, int)

    "int": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "int",
        "extract": GenerateIntegerExtraction(minInclusive=-2**31, maxExclusive=2**31),
        "facets": DECIMAL_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
        "initial": lambda: 0,
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, int)

    "unsignedInt": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "unsignedInt",
        "extract": GenerateIntegerExtraction(minInclusive=0, maxExclusive=2**32),
        "facets": DECIMAL_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
        "initial": lambda: 0,
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, int)

    "short": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "short",
        "extract": GenerateIntegerExtraction(minInclusive=-2**15, maxExclusive=2**15),
        "facets": DECIMAL_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
        "initial": lambda: 0,
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, int)

    "unsignedShort": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "unsignedShort",
        "extract": GenerateIntegerExtraction(minInclusive=0, maxExclusive=2**16),
        "facets": DECIMAL_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
        "initial": lambda: 0,
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, int)

    "byte": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "byte",
        "extract": GenerateIntegerExtraction(minInclusive=-2**7, maxExclusive=2**7),
        "facets": DECIMAL_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
        "initial": lambda: 0,
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, int)

    "unsignedByte": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "unsignedByte",
        "extract": GenerateIntegerExtraction(minInclusive=0, maxExclusive=2**8),
        "facets": DECIMAL_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
        "initial": lambda: 0,
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, int)

    "decimal": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "decimal",
        "extract": GenerateFloatExtraction("decimal"),
        "facets": DECIMAL_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateFloatXMLText(decimal=3),
        "initial": lambda: 0.,
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, (int, float))

    "float": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "float",
        "extract": GenerateFloatExtraction("float", ["INF", "-INF", "NaN"]),
        "facets": NUMBER_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateFloatXMLText(["INF", "-INF", "NaN"]),
        "initial": lambda: 0.,
        "check": lambda x: {"INF": True, "-INF": True, "NaN": True}.get(x, isinstance(x, (int, float)))

    "double": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "double",
        "extract": GenerateFloatExtraction("double", ["INF", "-INF", "NaN"]),
        "facets": NUMBER_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateFloatXMLText(["INF", "-INF", "NaN"]),
        "initial": lambda: 0.,
        "check": lambda x: {"INF": True, "-INF": True, "NaN": True}.get(x, isinstance(x, (int, float)))

    "boolean": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "boolean",
        "extract": GetBoolean,
        "facets": GenerateDictFacets(["pattern", "whiteSpace"]),
        "generate": GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(lambda x: {True: "true", False: "false"}[x]),
        "initial": lambda: False,
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, bool)

    "duration": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "duration",
        "extract": NotSupportedYet("duration"),
        "facets": NUMBER_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
        "initial": lambda: "",
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, string_types)

    "dateTime": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "dateTime",
        "extract": GetDateTime,
        "facets": NUMBER_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(datetime.datetime.isoformat),
        "initial": lambda: datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0),
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, datetime.datetime)

    "date": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "date",
        "extract": GetDate,
        "facets": NUMBER_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(datetime.date.isoformat),
        "initial": lambda: datetime.date(1, 1, 1),
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, datetime.date)

    "time": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "time",
        "extract": GetTime,
        "facets": NUMBER_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(datetime.time.isoformat),
        "initial": lambda: datetime.time(0, 0, 0, 0),
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, datetime.time)

    "gYear": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "gYear",
        "extract": NotSupportedYet("gYear"),
        "facets": NUMBER_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
        "initial": lambda: "",
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, string_types)

    "gYearMonth": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "gYearMonth",
        "extract": NotSupportedYet("gYearMonth"),
        "facets": NUMBER_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
        "initial": lambda: "",
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, string_types)

    "gMonth": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "gMonth",
        "extract": NotSupportedYet("gMonth"),
        "facets": NUMBER_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
        "initial": lambda: "",
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, string_types)

    "gMonthDay": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "gMonthDay",
        "extract": NotSupportedYet("gMonthDay"),
        "facets": NUMBER_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
        "initial": lambda: "",
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, string_types)

    "gDay": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "gDay",
        "extract": NotSupportedYet("gDay"),
        "facets": NUMBER_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(str),
        "initial": lambda: "",
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, string_types)

    "Name": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "Name",
        "extract": GenerateModelNameExtraction("Name", Name_model),
        "facets": STRING_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(lambda x: x),
        "initial": lambda: "",
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, string_types)

    "QName": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "QName",
        "extract": GenerateModelNameExtraction("QName", QName_model),
        "facets": STRING_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(lambda x: x),
        "initial": lambda: "",
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, string_types)

    "NCName": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "NCName",
        "extract": GenerateModelNameExtraction("NCName", NCName_model),
        "facets": STRING_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(lambda x: x),
        "initial": lambda: "",
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, string_types)

    "anyURI": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "anyURI",
        "extract": GenerateModelNameExtraction("anyURI", URI_model),
        "facets": STRING_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(lambda x: x),
        "initial": lambda: "",
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, string_types)

    "language": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "language",
        "extract": GenerateModelNameExtraction("language", LANGUAGE_model),
        "facets": STRING_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(lambda x: x),
        "initial": lambda: "en",
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, string_types)

    "ID": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "ID",
        "extract": GenerateModelNameExtraction("ID", Name_model),
        "facets": STRING_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(lambda x: x),
        "initial": lambda: "",
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, string_types)

    "IDREF": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "IDREF",
        "extract": GenerateModelNameExtraction("IDREF", Name_model),
        "facets": STRING_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(lambda x: x),
        "initial": lambda: "",
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, string_types)

    "IDREFS": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "IDREFS",
        "extract": GenerateModelNameExtraction("IDREFS", Names_model),
        "facets": STRING_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(lambda x: x),
        "initial": lambda: "",
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, string_types)

    "ENTITY": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "ENTITY",
        "extract": GenerateModelNameExtraction("ENTITY", Name_model),
        "facets": STRING_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(lambda x: x),
        "initial": lambda: "",
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, string_types)

    "ENTITIES": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "ENTITIES",
        "extract": GenerateModelNameExtraction("ENTITIES", Names_model),
        "facets": STRING_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(lambda x: x),
        "initial": lambda: "",
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, string_types)

    "NOTATION": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "NOTATION",
        "extract": GenerateModelNameExtraction("NOTATION", Name_model),
        "facets": STRING_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(lambda x: x),
        "initial": lambda: "",
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, string_types)

    "NMTOKEN": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "NMTOKEN",
        "extract": GenerateModelNameExtraction("NMTOKEN", NMToken_model),
        "facets": STRING_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(lambda x: x),
        "initial": lambda: "",
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, string_types)

    "NMTOKENS": {
        "type": SIMPLETYPE,
        "basename": "NMTOKENS",
        "extract": GenerateModelNameExtraction("NMTOKENS", NMTokens_model),
        "facets": STRING_FACETS,
        "generate": GenerateSimpleTypeXMLText(lambda x: x),
        "initial": lambda: "",
        "check": lambda x: isinstance(x, string_types)

    # Complex Types
    "anyType": {"type": COMPLEXTYPE, "extract": lambda x: None},