author Andrey Skvortsov <andrej.skvortzov@gmail.com>
Fri, 25 May 2018 17:40:29 +0300
changeset 2167 b8f795bdfe9f
parent 1845 3abde7651c38
child 2348 3a755d690398
permissions -rw-r--r--
fix hangs on mouse selection in case if wxPython uses wxWidgets with GTK3+ support

This is default configuration on Debian Buster+ and Ubuntu 18.04+.
Probably it'll fix completely problem with 'clipboard already open'
described in the previous commit 5ce6d08f ("make clipboard open minimal time as wxPython documentation recommends")
	@echo "Please specify target 'source_list', 'template' or 'locales'"

	@echo To generate translation template message.pot file:
	python mki18n.py -p --domain=Beremiz

	@echo "Generate .mo files for all languages:"
	python mki18n.py -m --moTarget=../locale --domain=Beremiz

	echo @To "Generate list with source files: app.fil:"
	find .. -name "*.py" -exec grep -q '_(' {} ';' -print -o -name "*XSD*" -print -o -name "*.csv" -print | grep -v '/build/' | grep -v '/pyjs/' > app.fil
	echo "../plcopen/Additional_Function_Blocks.xml" >> app.fil
	echo "../plcopen/Standard_Function_Blocks.xml"   >> app.fil

.PHONY: all, template, locales, source_list