SVGHMI: attempt to prevent crazy styling with HMI:TextStyleList when inkscape store style in tspan instead of text element.
// widget_custom.ysl2
// widget entierely defined from JS code in Inkscape description field
// a preliminary implementation was initially attempted but disabled
// code collected around before code refactoring
/*const "mark" > =HMI=\n*/
/* TODO re-enable
function evaluate_js_from_descriptions() {
var Page;
var Input;
var Display;
var res = [];
const "midmark" > \n«$mark»
apply """//*[contains(child::svg:desc, $midmark) or \
starts-with(child::svg:desc, $mark)]""",2
return res;
// template "*", mode="code_from_descs" {
// ||
// {
// var path, role, name, priv;
// var id = "«@id»";
// ||
// /* if label is used, use it as default name */
// if "@inkscape:label"
// |> name = "«@inkscape:label»";
// | /* -------------- */
// // this breaks indent, but fixing indent could break string literals
// value "substring-after(svg:desc, $mark)";
// // nobody reads generated code anyhow...
// ||
// /* -------------- */
// res.push({
// path:path,
// role:role,
// name:name,
// priv:priv
// })
// }
// ||
// }