author Edouard Tisserant
Wed, 01 Mar 2023 10:54:54 +0100
changeset 3740 ac0e6de439b5
parent 3263 1205b2d0acf2
permissions -rw-r--r--
Linux runtime: overrun detection for real-time timers and for plc execution.

If real-time timer wakes-up PLC thread too late (10% over period), then
warning is logged.

If PLC code (IO retreive, execution, IO publish) takes longer than requested
PLC execution cycle, then warning is logged, and CPU hoogging is mitigated
by delaying next PLC execution a few cylces more until having at least
1ms minimal idle time.
include yslt_noindent.yml2

in xsl decl svgtmpl(match, xmlns="") alias template;

            /* From Inkscape */

            /* Namespace to invoke python code */

            extension-element-prefixes="ns func exsl regexp str dyn"
            exclude-result-prefixes="ns func exsl regexp str dyn" {

    const "hmi_elements", "//svg:*[starts-with(@inkscape:label, 'HMI:')]";
    const "widgetparams", "ns:GetWidgetParams()";

    const "indexed_hmitree", "/.."; // compatibility with parse_labels.ysl2
    include parse_labels.ysl2
    const "_parsed_widgets" apply "$hmi_elements", mode="parselabel";
    const "parsed_widgets","exsl:node-set($_parsed_widgets)";

    const "svg_widget", "$parsed_widgets/widget[1]";
    const "svg_widget_type", "$svg_widget/@type";
    const "svg_widget_path", "$svg_widget/@path";
    const "svg_widget_count", "count($parsed_widgets/widget)";

    // Templates to change label paths(s)
    template "@* | node()", mode="replace_params" {
        xsl:copy apply "@* | node()", mode="replace_params";

    template "arg", mode="replace_params";
    template "path", mode="replace_params";
    template "widget", mode="replace_params" {
        xsl:copy {
            apply "@* | node()", mode="replace_params";
            copy "$widgetparams/*";

    // all attribs are usually copied
    svgtmpl "@*", mode="inline_svg" xsl:copy;

    // except labels, ignored
    svgtmpl "@inkscape:label[starts-with(., 'HMI:')]", mode="inline_svg";

    template "node()", mode="inline_svg" xsl:copy {

      // in case this node widget's main element inject label
      if "@id = $svg_widget/@id" {
          const "substituted_widget" apply "$svg_widget", mode="replace_params";
          const "substituted_widget_ns", "exsl:node-set($substituted_widget)";
          const "new_label" apply "$substituted_widget_ns", mode="genlabel";
          attrib "inkscape:label" > «$new_label»
      // all nodes are copied as well
      apply "@* | node()", mode="inline_svg";

    template "/" {
        comment > Widget dropped in Inkscape from Beremiz

        choose {
            when "$svg_widget_count < 1"
                error > No widget detected on selected SVG
            when "$svg_widget_count > 1"
                error > Multiple widget DnD not yet supported

        apply "/", mode="inline_svg";