author Edouard Tisserant
Wed, 10 Mar 2021 09:59:18 +0100
changeset 3182 a7941f053a83
parent 2586 b89484560a97
child 3750 f62625418bff
permissions -rw-r--r--
Runtime: Added PostStart methot to PLCObject, called after PLC is started, with all libraries and python object already created, and python extensions "Start" methods being called.
This is called before python thread processing py_eval blocks starts. Example purpose: attach additional ressource to web services
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import traceback
import sys

from runtime.Worker import worker
MainWorker = worker()

_PLCObjectSingleton = None

def GetPLCObjectSingleton():
    assert _PLCObjectSingleton is not None
    return _PLCObjectSingleton

def LogMessageAndException(msg, exp=None):
    if exp is None:
        exp = sys.exc_info()
    if _PLCObjectSingleton is not None:
        _PLCObjectSingleton.LogMessage(0, msg + '\n'.join(traceback.format_exception(*exp)))

def CreatePLCObjectSingleton(*args, **kwargs):
    global _PLCObjectSingleton
    from runtime.PLCObject import PLCObject  # noqa # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
    _PLCObjectSingleton = PLCObject(*args, **kwargs)

def default_evaluator(tocall, *args, **kwargs):
        res = (tocall(*args, **kwargs), None)
    except Exception:
        res = (None, sys.exc_info())
    return res