SVGHMI: Add support for fixed X range (duration) on XY garph.
// detachable_pages.ysl2
// compute what elements are required by pages
// and decide where to cut when removing/attaching
// pages elements on page switch
const "hmi_pages_descs", "$parsed_widgets/widget[@type = 'Page']";
const "hmi_pages", "$hmi_elements[@id = $hmi_pages_descs/@id]";
const "default_page" choose {
when "count($hmi_pages) > 1" {
choose {
when "$hmi_pages_descs/arg[1]/@value = 'Home'" > Home
otherwise {
error > No Home page defined!
when "count($hmi_pages) = 0" {
error > No page defined!
otherwise > «func:widget($hmi_pages/@id)/arg[1]/@value»
emit "preamble:default-page" {
| var default_page = "«$default_page»";
const "keypads_descs", "$parsed_widgets/widget[@type = 'Keypad']";
const "keypads", "$hmi_elements[@id = $keypads_descs/@id]";
// returns all directly or indirectly refered elements
def "func:refered_elements" {
param "elems";
const "descend", "$elems/descendant-or-self::svg:*";
const "clones", "$descend[self::svg:use]";
const "originals", "//svg:*[concat('#',@id) = $clones/@xlink:href]";
choose {
when "$originals"
result "$descend | func:refered_elements($originals)";
result "$descend";
// variable "overlapping_geometry" was added for optimization.
// It avoids calling func:overlapping_geometry 3 times for each page
// (apparently libxml doesn't cache exslt function results)
// in order to optimize further, func:overlapping_geometry
// should be implemented in python or even C,
// as this is still the main bottleneck here
const "_overlapping_geometry" {
foreach "$hmi_pages | $keypads" {
const "k", "concat('overlapping:', @id)";
value "ns:ProgressStart($k, concat('collecting membership of ', @inkscape:label))";
elt {
attrib "id" > «@id»
copy "func:overlapping_geometry(.)";
value "ns:ProgressEnd($k)";
const "overlapping_geometry", "exsl:node-set($_overlapping_geometry)";
def "func:all_related_elements" {
param "page";
const "page_overlapping_geometry", "$overlapping_geometry/elt[@id = $page/@id]/*";
const "page_overlapping_elements", "//svg:*[@id = $page_overlapping_geometry/@Id]";
const "page_sub_elements", "func:refered_elements($page | $page_overlapping_elements)";
result "$page_sub_elements";
def "func:required_elements" {
param "pages";
when "$pages"{
result """func:all_related_elements($pages[1])
| func:required_elements($pages[position()!=1])""";
result "/..";
const "required_page_elements",
"func:required_elements($hmi_pages | $keypads)/ancestor-or-self::svg:*";
const "required_list_elements", "func:refered_elements(($hmi_lists | $hmi_textlists)[@id = $required_page_elements/@id])/ancestor-or-self::svg:*";
const "required_elements", "$defs | $required_list_elements | $required_page_elements";
const "discardable_elements", "//svg:*[not(@id = $required_elements/@id)]";
def "func:sumarized_elements" {
param "elements";
const "short_list", "$elements[not(ancestor::*/@id = $elements/@id)]";
const "filled_groups", """$short_list/parent::*[
not(@id = $discardable_elements/@id) and
not(@id = $short_list/@id)
const "groups_to_add", "$filled_groups[not(ancestor::*/@id = $filled_groups/@id)]";
result "$groups_to_add | $short_list[not(ancestor::*/@id = $filled_groups/@id)]";
def "func:detachable_elements" {
param "pages";
when "$pages"{
result """func:sumarized_elements(func:all_related_elements($pages[1]))
| func:detachable_elements($pages[position()!=1])""";
result "/..";
// Avoid nested detachables
const "_detachable_elements", "func:detachable_elements($hmi_pages | $keypads)";
const "detachable_elements", "$_detachable_elements[not(ancestor::*/@id = $_detachable_elements/@id)]";
emit "declarations:detachable-elements" {
| var detachable_elements = {
foreach "$detachable_elements"{
| "«@id»":[id("«@id»"), id("«../@id»")]`if "position()!=last()" > ,`
| }
const "forEach_widgets_ids", "$parsed_widgets/widget[@type = 'ForEach']/@id";
const "forEach_widgets", "$hmi_widgets[@id = $forEach_widgets_ids]";
const "in_forEach_widget_ids", "func:refered_elements($forEach_widgets)[not(@id = $forEach_widgets_ids)]/@id";
template "svg:*", mode="page_desc" {
if "ancestor::*[@id = $hmi_pages/@id]" error > HMI:Page «@id» is nested in another HMI:Page
const "desc", "func:widget(@id)";
const "pagename", "$desc/arg[1]/@value";
const "msg", "concat('generating page description ', $pagename)";
value "ns:ProgressStart($pagename, $msg)";
const "page", ".";
const "p", "$geometry[@Id = $page/@id]";
const "page_all_elements", "func:all_related_elements($page)";
const "all_page_widgets","$hmi_widgets[@id = $page_all_elements/@id and @id != $page/@id]";
const "page_managed_widgets","$all_page_widgets[not(@id=$in_forEach_widget_ids)]";
const "page_relative_widgets",
"$page_managed_widgets[func:is_descendant_path(func:widget(@id)/path/@value, $desc/path/@value)]";
// Take closest ancestor in detachable_elements
// since nested detachable elements are filtered out
const "sumarized_page",
const "required_detachables",
ancestor-or-self::*[@id = $detachable_elements/@id]""";
| "«$pagename»": {
//| widget: hmi_widgets["«@id»"],
| bbox: [«$p/@x», «$p/@y», «$p/@w», «$p/@h»],
if "$desc/path/@value" {
if "count($desc/path/@index)=0"
warning > Page id="«$page/@id»" : No match for path "«$desc/path/@value»" in HMI tree
| page_index: «$desc/path/@index»,
| page_class: "«$indexed_hmitree/*[@hmipath = $desc/path/@value]/@class»",
| widgets: [
foreach "$page_managed_widgets" {
const "widget_paths_relativeness"
foreach "func:widget(@id)/path" {
value "func:is_descendant_path(@value, $desc/path/@value)";
if "position()!=last()" > ,
| [hmi_widgets["«@id»"], [«$widget_paths_relativeness»]]`if "position()!=last()" > ,`
| ],
| jumps: [
foreach "$parsed_widgets/widget[@id = $all_page_widgets/@id and @type='Jump']" {
| hmi_widgets["«@id»"]`if "position()!=last()" > ,`
| ],
| required_detachables: {
foreach "$required_detachables" {
| "«@id»": detachable_elements["«@id»"]`if "position()!=last()" > ,`
| }
apply "$parsed_widgets/widget[@id = $all_page_widgets/@id]", mode="widget_page"{
with "page_desc", "$desc";
| }`if "position()!=last()" > ,`
value "ns:ProgressEnd($pagename)";
emit "definitions:page-desc" {
| var page_desc = {
apply "$hmi_pages", mode="page_desc";
| }
template "*", mode="widget_page";
emit "debug:detachable-pages" {
foreach "$detachable_elements"{
| «@id»
| In Foreach:
foreach "$in_forEach_widget_ids"{
| «.»
| Overlapping
apply "$overlapping_geometry", mode="testtree";