// widget_jump.ysl2
template "widget[@type='Jump']", mode="widget_class"{
class JumpWidget extends Widget{
activable = false;
active = false;
disabled = false;
frequency = 2;
update_activity() {
if(this.active) {
/* show active */
this.active_elt.setAttribute("style", this.active_elt_style);
/* hide inactive */
this.inactive_elt.setAttribute("style", "display:none");
} else {
/* show inactive */
this.inactive_elt.setAttribute("style", this.inactive_elt_style);
/* hide active */
this.active_elt.setAttribute("style", "display:none");
make_on_click() {
let that = this;
const name = this.args[0];
return function(evt){
/* TODO: suport path pointing to local variable whom value
would be an HMI_TREE index to jump to a relative page */
const index = that.indexes.length > 0 ? that.indexes[0] + that.offset : undefined;
switch_page(name, index);
notify_page_change(page_name, index) {
if(this.activable) {
const ref_index = this.indexes.length > 0 ? this.indexes[0] + this.offset : undefined;
const ref_name = this.args[0];
this.active = ((ref_name == undefined || ref_name == page_name) && index == ref_index);
dispatch(value) {
this.disabled = !Number(value);
if(this.disabled) {
/* show disabled */
this.disabled_elt.setAttribute("style", this.disabled_elt_style);
/* hide inactive */
this.inactive_elt.setAttribute("style", "display:none");
/* hide active */
this.active_elt.setAttribute("style", "display:none");
} else {
/* hide disabled */
this.disabled_elt.setAttribute("style", "display:none");
template "widget[@type='Jump']", mode="widget_defs" {
param "hmi_element";
const "activity" optional_labels("active inactive");
const "have_activity","string-length($activity)>0";
value "$activity";
const "disability" optional_labels("disabled");
const "have_disability","$have_activity and string-length($disability)>0";
value "$disability";
| init: function() {
| this.element.onclick = this.make_on_click();
if "$have_activity" {
| this.active_elt_style = this.active_elt.getAttribute("style");
| this.inactive_elt_style = this.inactive_elt.getAttribute("style");
| this.activable = true;
choose {
when "$have_disability" {
| this.disabled_elt_style = this.disabled_elt.getAttribute("style");
otherwise {
| this.unsubscribable = true;
| },
template "widget[@type='Jump']", mode="per_page_widget_template"{
param "page_desc";
/* check that given path is compatible with page's reference path */
if "path" {
/* TODO: suport local variable containing an HMI_TREE index to jump to a relative page */
/* when no page name provided, check for same page */
const "target_page_name" choose {
when "arg" value "arg[1]/@value";
otherwise value "$page_desc/arg[1]/@value";
const "target_page_path" choose {
when "arg" value "$hmi_pages_descs[arg[1]/@value = $target_page_name]/path[1]/@value";
otherwise value "$page_desc/path[1]/@value";
if "not(func:same_class_paths($target_page_path, path[1]/@value))"
error > Jump id="«@id»" to page "«$target_page_name»" with incompatible path "«path[1]/@value» (must be same class as "«$target_page_path»")
emit "declarations:jump"
var jumps_need_update = false;
var jump_history = [[default_page, undefined]];
function update_jumps() {
jumps_need_update = false;