author usveticic
Thu, 01 Oct 2020 14:23:27 +0200
changeset 3062 9ec338a99a18
parent 3035 d1fc8c55c1d3
child 3090 9e172e4e50c7
permissions -rw-r--r--
Button fix if no active or inactive state,
Widget animate changed to use anitmateTransform and added option to change rotation
Widget circular slider fixed so it is working on got and reprogramed so it similar to normal slider
Widget slider added support for changing size still need some changes to work properly
Added slider to svghmi test project
Changed svg in svhgmi_v2 project
// widget_dropdown.ysl2

template "widget[@type='DropDown']", mode="widget_defs" {
    param "hmi_element";
    labels("text box button");
    dispatch: function(value) {
        if(!this.opened) this.set_selection(value);
    init: function() {
        this.button_elt.setAttribute("onclick", "hmi_widgets['«$hmi_element/@id»'].on_button_click()");
        // Save original size of rectangle
        this.box_bbox = this.box_elt.getBBox()

        // Compute margins
        text_bbox = this.text_elt.getBBox()
        lmargin = text_bbox.x - this.box_bbox.x;
        tmargin = text_bbox.y - this.box_bbox.y;
        this.margins = [lmargin, tmargin].map(x => Math.max(x,0));

        // It is assumed that list content conforms to Array interface.
        this.content = [
        ``foreach "arg" | "«@value»",

        // Index of first visible element in the menu, when opened
        this.menu_offset = 0;

        // How mutch to lift the menu vertically so that it does not cross bottom border
        this.lift = 0;

        // Event handlers cannot be object method ('this' is unknown)
        // as a workaround, handler given to addEventListener is bound in advance.
        this.bound_close_on_click_elsewhere = this.close_on_click_elsewhere.bind(this);

        this.opened = false;
    // Called when a menu entry is clicked
    on_selection_click: function(selection) {
        this.apply_hmi_value(0, selection);
    on_button_click: function() {;
    on_backward_click: function(){
    set_selection: function(value) {
        let display_str;
        if(value >= 0 && value < this.content.length){
            // if valid selection resolve content
            display_str = this.content[value];
            this.last_selection = value;
        } else {
            // otherwise show problem
            display_str = "?"+String(value)+"?";
        // It is assumed that first span always stays,
        // and contains selection when menu is closed
        this.text_elt.firstElementChild.textContent = display_str;
    grow_text: function(up_to) {
        let count = 1;
        let txt = this.text_elt; 
        let first = txt.firstElementChild;
        // Real world (pixels) boundaries of current page
        let bounds = svg_root.getBoundingClientRect(); 
        this.lift = 0;
        while(count < up_to) {
            let next = first.cloneNode();
            // relative line by line text flow instead of absolute y coordinate
            next.setAttribute("dy", "1.1em");
            // default content to allow computing text element bbox
            next.textContent = "...";
            // append new span to text element
            // now check if text extended by one row fits to page
            // FIXME : exclude margins to be more accurate on box size
            let rect = txt.getBoundingClientRect();
            if(rect.bottom > bounds.bottom){
                // in case of overflow at the bottom, lift up one row
                let backup = first.getAttribute("dy");
                // apply lift asr a dy added too first span (y attrib stays)
                first.setAttribute("dy", "-"+String((this.lift+1)*1.1)+"em");
                rect = txt.getBoundingClientRect();
                if( >{
                    this.lift += 1;
                } else {
                    // if it goes over the top, then backtrack
                    // restore dy attribute on first span
                        first.setAttribute("dy", backup);
                    // remove unwanted child
                    return count;
        return count;
    close_on_click_elsewhere: function(e) {
        // inhibit events not targetting spans (menu items)
        if( !== this.text_elt){
            // close menu in case click is outside box
            if( !== this.box_elt)
    close: function(){
        // Stop hogging all click events
        svg_root.removeEventListener("click", this.bound_close_on_click_elsewhere, true);
        // Restore position and sixe of widget elements
        // Put the button back in place
        // Mark as closed (to allow dispatch)
        this.opened = false;
        // Dispatch last cached value
    // Set text content when content is smaller than menu (no scrolling)
    set_complete_text: function(){
        let spans = this.text_elt.children; 
        let c = 0;
        for(let item of this.content){
            let span=spans[c];
            span.textContent = item;
            span.setAttribute("onclick", "hmi_widgets['«$hmi_element/@id»'].on_selection_click("+c+")");
    // Move partial view :
    // false : upward, lower value
    // true  : downward, higher value
    scroll: function(forward){
        let contentlength = this.content.length;
        let spans = this.text_elt.children; 
        let spanslength = spans.length;
        // reduce accounted menu size according to jumps
        if(this.menu_offset != 0) spanslength--;
        if(this.menu_offset < contentlength - 1) spanslength--;
            this.menu_offset = Math.min(
                contentlength - spans.length + 1, 
                this.menu_offset + spanslength);
            this.menu_offset = Math.max(
                this.menu_offset - spanslength);
    // Setup partial view text content
    // with jumps at first and last entry when appropriate
    set_partial_text: function(){
        let spans = this.text_elt.children; 
        let contentlength = this.content.length;
        let spanslength = spans.length;
        let i = this.menu_offset, c = 0;
        while(c < spanslength){
            let span=spans[c];
            // backward jump only present if not exactly at start
            if(c == 0 && i != 0){
                span.textContent = "↑  ↑  ↑";
                span.setAttribute("onclick", "hmi_widgets['«$hmi_element/@id»'].on_backward_click()");
            // presence of forward jump when not right at the end
            }else if(c == spanslength-1 && i < contentlength - 1){
                span.textContent = "↓  ↓  ↓";
                span.setAttribute("onclick", "hmi_widgets['«$hmi_element/@id»'].on_forward_click()");
            // otherwise normal content
                span.textContent = this.content[i];
                span.setAttribute("onclick", "hmi_widgets['«$hmi_element/@id»'].on_selection_click("+i+")");
    open: function(){
        let length = this.content.length;
        // systematically reset text, to strip eventual whitespace spans
        // grow as much as needed or possible
        let slots = this.grow_text(length);
        // Depending on final size
        if(slots == length) {
            // show all at once
        } else {
            // eventualy align menu to current selection, compensating for lift
            let offset = this.last_selection - this.lift;
            if(offset > 0)
                this.menu_offset = Math.min(offset + 1, length - slots + 1);
                this.menu_offset = 0;
            // show surrounding values
        // Now that text size is known, we can set the box around it
        // Take button out until menu closed
        // Rise widget to top by moving it to last position among siblings
        // disable interaction with background
        svg_root.addEventListener("click", this.bound_close_on_click_elsewhere, true);
        // mark as open
        this.opened = true;
    // Put text element in normalized state
    reset_text: function(){
        let txt = this.text_elt; 
        let first = txt.firstElementChild;
        // remove attribute eventually added to first text line while opening
        // keep only the first line of text
        for(let span of Array.from(txt.children).slice(1)){
    // Put rectangle element in saved original state
    reset_box: function(){
        let m = this.box_bbox;
        let b = this.box_elt;
        b.x.baseVal.value = m.x;
        b.y.baseVal.value = m.y;
        b.width.baseVal.value = m.width;
        b.height.baseVal.value = m.height;
    // Use margin and text size to compute box size
    adjust_box_to_text: function(){
        let [lmargin, tmargin] = this.margins;
        let m = this.text_elt.getBBox();
        let b = this.box_elt;
        b.x.baseVal.value = m.x - lmargin;
        b.y.baseVal.value = m.y - tmargin;
        b.width.baseVal.value = 2 * lmargin + m.width;
        b.height.baseVal.value = 2 * tmargin + m.height;