author usveticic
Thu, 01 Oct 2020 14:23:27 +0200
changeset 3062 9ec338a99a18
parent 2450 5024c19ca8f0
child 3750 f62625418bff
permissions -rw-r--r--
Button fix if no active or inactive state,
Widget animate changed to use anitmateTransform and added option to change rotation
Widget circular slider fixed so it is working on got and reprogramed so it similar to normal slider
Widget slider added support for changing size still need some changes to work properly
Added slider to svghmi test project
Changed svg in svhgmi_v2 project
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# This file is part of Beremiz, a Integrated Development Environment for
# programming IEC 61131-3 automates supporting plcopen standard and CanFestival.
# Copyright (C) 2007: Edouard TISSERANT and Laurent BESSARD
# See COPYING file for copyrights details.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
import getopt
from past.builtins import long

# Translation between IEC types and Can Open types
IECToCOType = {
    "BOOL":    0x01,
    "SINT":    0x02,
    "INT":     0x03,
    "DINT":    0x04,
    "LINT":    0x10,
    "USINT":   0x05,
    "UINT":    0x06,
    "UDINT":   0x07,
    "ULINT":   0x1B,
    "REAL":    0x08,
    "LREAL":   0x11,
    "STRING":  0x09,
    "BYTE":    0x05,
    "WORD":    0x06,
    "DWORD":   0x07,
    "LWORD":   0x1B,
    "WSTRING": 0x0B

# Constants for PDO types
RPDO = 1
TPDO = 2

SlavePDOType = {"I": TPDO, "Q": RPDO}
PDOTypeBaseIndex = {RPDO: 0x1400, TPDO: 0x1800}
PDOTypeBaseCobId = {RPDO: 0x200, TPDO: 0x180}

VariableIncrement = 0x100
VariableStartIndex = {TPDO: 0x2000, RPDO: 0x4000}
VariableDirText = {TPDO: "__I", RPDO: "__Q"}
VariableTypeOffset = dict(zip(["", "X", "B", "W", "D", "L"], range(6)))

TrashVariables = [(1, 0x01), (8, 0x05), (16, 0x06), (32, 0x07), (64, 0x1B)]

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#                  Specific exception for PDO mapping errors
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

class PDOmappingException(Exception):

def LE_to_BE(value, size):
    Convert Little Endian to Big Endian
    @param value: value expressed in integer
    @param size: number of bytes generated
    @return: a string containing the value converted

    data = ("%" + str(size * 2) + "." + str(size * 2) + "X") % value
    list_car = [data[i:i+2] for i in xrange(0, len(data), 2)]
    return "".join([chr(int(car, 16)) for car in list_car])

def GetNodePDOIndexes(node, type, parameters=False):
    Find the PDO indexes of a node
    @param node: node
    @param type: type of PDO searched (RPDO or TPDO or both)
    @param parameters: indicate which indexes are expected (PDO paramaters : True or PDO mappings : False)
    @return: a list of indexes found

    indexes = []
    if type & RPDO:
        indexes.extend([idx for idx in node.GetIndexes() if 0x1400 <= idx <= 0x15FF])
    if type & TPDO:
        indexes.extend([idx for idx in node.GetIndexes() if 0x1800 <= idx <= 0x19FF])
    if not parameters:
        return [idx + 0x200 for idx in indexes]
        return indexes

def SearchNodePDOMapping(loc_infos, node):
    Find the PDO indexes of a node
    @param node: node
    @param type: type of PDO searched (RPDO or TPDO or both)
    @param parameters: indicate which indexes are expected (PDO paramaters : True or PDO mappings : False)
    @return: a list of indexes found

    model = (loc_infos["index"] << 16) + (loc_infos["subindex"] << 8)

    for PDOidx in GetNodePDOIndexes(node, loc_infos["pdotype"]):
        values = node.GetEntry(PDOidx)
        if values is not None:
            for subindex, mapping in enumerate(values):
                if subindex != 0 and mapping & 0xFFFFFF00 == model:
                    return PDOidx, subindex
    return None

def GeneratePDOMappingDCF(idx, cobid, transmittype, pdomapping):
    Build concise DCF value for configuring a PDO
    @param idx: index of PDO parameters
    @param cobid: PDO generated COB ID
    @param transmittype : PDO transmit type
    @param pdomapping: list of PDO mappings
    @return: a tuple of value and number of parameters to add to DCF

    dcfdata = []
    # Create entry for RPDO or TPDO parameters and Disable PDO
    #           ---- INDEX -----   --- SUBINDEX ----   ----- SIZE ------   ------ DATA ------
    dcfdata += [LE_to_BE(idx, 2) + LE_to_BE(0x01, 1) + LE_to_BE(0x04, 4) + LE_to_BE(0x80000000 + cobid, 4)]
    # Set Transmit type
    dcfdata += [LE_to_BE(idx, 2) + LE_to_BE(0x02, 1) + LE_to_BE(0x01, 4) + LE_to_BE(transmittype, 1)]
    if len(pdomapping) > 0:
        # Disable Mapping
        dcfdata += [LE_to_BE(idx + 0x200, 2) + LE_to_BE(0x00, 1) + LE_to_BE(0x01, 4) + LE_to_BE(0x00, 1)]
        # Map Variables
        for subindex, (_name, loc_infos) in enumerate(pdomapping):
            value = (loc_infos["index"] << 16) + (loc_infos["subindex"] << 8) + loc_infos["size"]
            dcfdata += [LE_to_BE(idx + 0x200, 2) + LE_to_BE(subindex + 1, 1) + LE_to_BE(0x04, 4) + LE_to_BE(value, 4)]
        # Re-enable Mapping
        dcfdata += [LE_to_BE(idx + 0x200, 2) + LE_to_BE(0x00, 1) + LE_to_BE(0x01, 4) + LE_to_BE(len(pdomapping), 1)]
    # Re-Enable PDO
    dcfdata += [LE_to_BE(idx, 2) + LE_to_BE(0x01, 1) + LE_to_BE(0x04, 4) + LE_to_BE(cobid, 4)]
    return "".join(dcfdata), len(dcfdata)

class ConciseDCFGenerator(object):

    def __init__(self, nodelist, nodename):
        # Dictionary of location informations classed by name
        self.IECLocations = {}
        # Dictionary of location that have not been mapped yet
        self.LocationsNotMapped = {}
        # Dictionary of location informations classed by name
        self.MasterMapping = {}
        # List of COB IDs available
        self.ListCobIDAvailable = range(0x180, 0x580)
        # Dictionary of mapping value where unexpected variables are stored
        self.TrashVariables = {}
        # Dictionary of pointed variables
        self.PointedVariables = {}

        self.NodeList = nodelist
        self.Manager = self.NodeList.Manager
        self.MasterNode = self.Manager.GetCurrentNodeCopy()

    def GetPointedVariables(self):
        return self.PointedVariables

    def RemoveUsedNodeCobId(self, node):
        Remove all PDO COB ID used by the given node from the list of available COB ID
        @param node: node
        @return: a tuple of number of RPDO and TPDO for the node

        # Get list of all node TPDO and RPDO indexes
        nodeRpdoIndexes = GetNodePDOIndexes(node, RPDO, True)
        nodeTpdoIndexes = GetNodePDOIndexes(node, TPDO, True)

        # Mark all the COB ID of the node already mapped PDO as not available
        for PdoIdx in nodeRpdoIndexes + nodeTpdoIndexes:
            pdo_cobid = node.GetEntry(PdoIdx, 0x01)
            # Extract COB ID, if PDO isn't active
            if pdo_cobid > 0x600:
                pdo_cobid -= 0x80000000
            # Remove COB ID from the list of available COB ID
            if pdo_cobid in self.ListCobIDAvailable:

        return len(nodeRpdoIndexes), len(nodeTpdoIndexes)

    def PrepareMasterNode(self):
        Add mandatory entries for DCF generation into MasterNode.

        # Adding DCF entry into Master node
        if not self.MasterNode.IsEntry(0x1F22):
            self.MasterNode.AddEntry(0x1F22, 1, "")
        self.Manager.AddSubentriesToCurrent(0x1F22, 127, self.MasterNode)

        # Adding trash mappable variables for unused mapped datas
        idxTrashVariables = 0x2000 + self.MasterNode.GetNodeID()
        # Add an entry for storing unexpected all variable
        self.Manager.AddMapVariableToCurrent(idxTrashVariables, self.MasterNode.GetNodeName()+"_trashvariables", 3, len(TrashVariables), self.MasterNode)
        for subidx, (size, typeidx) in enumerate(TrashVariables):
            # Add a subentry for storing unexpected variable of this size
            self.Manager.SetCurrentEntry(idxTrashVariables, subidx + 1, "TRASH%d" % size, "name", None, self.MasterNode)
            self.Manager.SetCurrentEntry(idxTrashVariables, subidx + 1, typeidx, "type", None, self.MasterNode)
            # Store the mapping value for this entry
            self.TrashVariables[size] = (idxTrashVariables << 16) + ((subidx + 1) << 8) + size

        RPDOnumber, TPDOnumber = self.RemoveUsedNodeCobId(self.MasterNode)

        # Store the indexes of the first RPDO and TPDO available for MasterNode
        self.CurrentPDOParamsIdx = {RPDO: 0x1400 + RPDOnumber, TPDO: 0x1800 + TPDOnumber}

        # Prepare MasterNode with all nodelist slaves
        for idx, (nodeid, nodeinfos) in enumerate(self.NodeList.SlaveNodes.items()):
            node = nodeinfos["Node"]

            RPDOnumber, TPDOnumber = self.RemoveUsedNodeCobId(node)

            # Get Slave's default SDO server parameters
            RSDO_cobid = node.GetEntry(0x1200, 0x01)
            if not RSDO_cobid:
                RSDO_cobid = 0x600 + nodeid
            TSDO_cobid = node.GetEntry(0x1200, 0x02)
            if not TSDO_cobid:
                TSDO_cobid = 0x580 + nodeid

            # Configure Master's SDO parameters entries
            self.Manager.ManageEntriesOfCurrent([0x1280 + idx], [], self.MasterNode)
            self.MasterNode.SetEntry(0x1280 + idx, 0x01, RSDO_cobid)
            self.MasterNode.SetEntry(0x1280 + idx, 0x02, TSDO_cobid)
            self.MasterNode.SetEntry(0x1280 + idx, 0x03, nodeid)

    def GetMasterNode(self):
        Return MasterNode.
        return self.MasterNode

    def AddParamsToDCF(self, nodeid, data, nbparams):
        Add entry to DCF, for the requested nodeID
        @param nodeid: id of the slave (int)
        @param data: data to add to slave DCF (string)
        @param nbparams: number of params added to slave DCF (int)
        # Get current DCF for slave
        nodeDCF = self.MasterNode.GetEntry(0x1F22, nodeid)

        # Extract data and number of params in current DCF
        if nodeDCF is not None and nodeDCF != '':
            tmpnbparams = [i for i in nodeDCF[:4]]
            nbparams += int(''.join(["%2.2x" % ord(i) for i in tmpnbparams]), 16)
            data = nodeDCF[4:] + data

        # Build new DCF
        dcf = LE_to_BE(nbparams, 0x04) + data
        # Set new DCF for slave
        self.MasterNode.SetEntry(0x1F22, nodeid, dcf)

    def GetEmptyPDO(self, nodeid, pdotype, start_index=None):
        Search a not configured PDO for a slave
        @param node: the slave node object
        @param pdotype: type of PDO to generated (RPDO or TPDO)
        @param start_index: Index where search must start (default: None)
        @return tuple of PDO index, COB ID and number of subindex defined
        # If no start_index defined, start with PDOtype base index
        if start_index is None:
            index = PDOTypeBaseIndex[pdotype]
            index = start_index

        # Search for all PDO possible index until find a configurable PDO
        # starting from start_index
        while index < PDOTypeBaseIndex[pdotype] + 0x200:
            values = self.NodeList.GetSlaveNodeEntry(nodeid, index + 0x200)
            if values is not None and values[0] > 0:
                # Check that all subindex upper than 0 equal 0 => configurable PDO
                if reduce(lambda x, y: x and y, map(lambda x: x == 0, values[1:]), True):
                    cobid = self.NodeList.GetSlaveNodeEntry(nodeid, index, 1)
                    # If no COB ID defined in PDO, generate a new one (not used)
                    if cobid == 0:
                        if len(self.ListCobIDAvailable) == 0:
                            return None
                        # Calculate COB ID from standard values
                        if index < PDOTypeBaseIndex[pdotype] + 4:
                            cobid = PDOTypeBaseCobId[pdotype] + 0x100 * (index - PDOTypeBaseIndex[pdotype]) + nodeid
                        if cobid not in self.ListCobIDAvailable:
                            cobid = self.ListCobIDAvailable.pop(0)
                    return index, cobid, values[0]
            index += 1
        return None

    def AddPDOMapping(self, nodeid, pdotype, pdoindex, pdocobid, pdomapping, sync_TPDOs):
        Record a new mapping request for a slave, and add related slave config to the DCF
        @param nodeid: id of the slave (int)
        @param pdotype: type of PDO to generated (RPDO or TPDO)
        @param pdomapping: list od variables to map with PDO
        # Add an entry to MasterMapping
        self.MasterMapping[pdocobid] = {
            "type":    InvertPDOType[pdotype],
            "mapping": [None] + [(loc_infos["type"], name) for name, loc_infos in pdomapping]

        # Return the data to add to DCF
        if sync_TPDOs:
            return GeneratePDOMappingDCF(pdoindex, pdocobid, 0x01, pdomapping)
            return GeneratePDOMappingDCF(pdoindex, pdocobid, 0xFF, pdomapping)
        return 0, ""

    def GenerateDCF(self, locations, current_location, sync_TPDOs):
        Generate Concise DCF of MasterNode for the locations list given
        @param locations: list of locations to be mapped
        @param current_location: tuple of the located prefixes not to be considered
        @param sync_TPDOs: indicate if TPDO must be synchronous

        # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        #               Verify that locations correspond to real slave variables
        # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        # Get list of locations check if exists and mappables -> put them in IECLocations
        for location in locations:
            COlocationtype = IECToCOType[location["IEC_TYPE"]]
            name = location["NAME"]
            if name in self.IECLocations:
                if self.IECLocations[name]["type"] != COlocationtype:
                    raise PDOmappingException(_("Type conflict for location \"%s\"") % name)
                # Get only the part of the location that concern this node
                loc = location["LOC"][len(current_location):]
                # loc correspond to (ID, INDEX, SUBINDEX [,BIT])
                if len(loc) not in (2, 3, 4):
                    raise PDOmappingException(_("Bad location size : %s") % str(loc))
                elif len(loc) == 2:

                direction = location["DIR"]

                sizelocation = location["SIZE"]

                # Extract and check nodeid
                nodeid, index, subindex = loc[:3]

                # Check Id is in slave node list
                if nodeid not in self.NodeList.SlaveNodes.keys():
                    raise PDOmappingException(
                        _("Non existing node ID : {a1} (variable {a2})").
                        format(a1=nodeid, a2=name))

                # Get the model for this node (made from EDS)
                node = self.NodeList.SlaveNodes[nodeid]["Node"]

                # Extract and check index and subindex
                if not node.IsEntry(index, subindex):
                    msg = _("No such index/subindex ({a1},{a2}) in ID : {a3} (variable {a4})").\
                          format(a1="%x" % index, a2="%x" % subindex, a3=nodeid, a4=name)
                    raise PDOmappingException(msg)

                # Get the entry info
                subentry_infos = node.GetSubentryInfos(index, subindex)

                # If a PDO mappable
                if subentry_infos and subentry_infos["pdo"]:
                    if sizelocation == "X" and len(loc) > 3:
                        numbit = loc[3]
                    elif sizelocation != "X" and len(loc) > 3:
                        raise PDOmappingException(
                            _("Cannot set bit offset for non bool '{a1}' variable (ID:{a2},Idx:{a3},sIdx:{a4}))").
                            format(a1=name, a2=nodeid, a3="%x" % index, a4="%x" % subindex))
                        numbit = None

                    if location["IEC_TYPE"] != "BOOL" and subentry_infos["type"] != COlocationtype:
                        raise PDOmappingException(
                            _("Invalid type \"{a1}\"-> {a2} != {a3}  for location \"{a4}\"").

                    typeinfos = node.GetEntryInfos(COlocationtype)
                    self.IECLocations[name] = {
                        "type":         COlocationtype,
                        "pdotype":      SlavePDOType[direction],
                        "nodeid":       nodeid,
                        "index":        index,
                        "subindex":     subindex,
                        "bit":          numbit,
                        "size":         typeinfos["size"],
                        "sizelocation": sizelocation
                    raise PDOmappingException(
                        _("Not PDO mappable variable : '{a1}' (ID:{a2},Idx:{a3},sIdx:{a4}))").
                        format(a1=name, a2=nodeid, a3="%x" % index, a4="%x" % subindex))

        # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        #                         Search for locations already mapped
        # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        for name, locationinfos in self.IECLocations.items():
            node = self.NodeList.SlaveNodes[locationinfos["nodeid"]]["Node"]

            # Search if slave has a PDO mapping this locations
            result = SearchNodePDOMapping(locationinfos, node)
            if result is not None:
                index, subindex = result
                # Get COB ID of the PDO
                cobid = self.NodeList.GetSlaveNodeEntry(locationinfos["nodeid"], index - 0x200, 1)

                # Add PDO to MasterMapping
                if cobid not in self.MasterMapping.keys():
                    # Verify that PDO transmit type is conform to sync_TPDOs
                    transmittype = self.NodeList.GetSlaveNodeEntry(locationinfos["nodeid"], index - 0x200, 2)
                    if sync_TPDOs and transmittype != 0x01 or transmittype != 0xFF:
                        if sync_TPDOs:
                            # Change TransmitType to SYNCHRONE
                            data, nbparams = GeneratePDOMappingDCF(index - 0x200, cobid, 0x01, [])
                            # Change TransmitType to ASYCHRONE
                            data, nbparams = GeneratePDOMappingDCF(index - 0x200, cobid, 0xFF, [])

                        # Add entry to slave dcf to change transmit type of
                        self.AddParamsToDCF(locationinfos["nodeid"], data, nbparams)

                    mapping = [None]
                    values = node.GetEntry(index)
                    # Store the size of each entry mapped in PDO
                    for value in values[1:]:
                        if value != 0:
                            mapping.append(value % 0x100)
                    self.MasterMapping[cobid] = {"type": InvertPDOType[locationinfos["pdotype"]], "mapping": mapping}

                # Indicate that this PDO entry must be saved
                if locationinfos["bit"] is not None:
                    if not isinstance(self.MasterMapping[cobid]["mapping"][subindex], list):
                        self.MasterMapping[cobid]["mapping"][subindex] = [1] * self.MasterMapping[cobid]["mapping"][subindex]
                    if locationinfos["bit"] < len(self.MasterMapping[cobid]["mapping"][subindex]):
                        self.MasterMapping[cobid]["mapping"][subindex][locationinfos["bit"]] = (locationinfos["type"], name)
                    self.MasterMapping[cobid]["mapping"][subindex] = (locationinfos["type"], name)

                # Add location to those that haven't been mapped yet
                if locationinfos["nodeid"] not in self.LocationsNotMapped.keys():
                    self.LocationsNotMapped[locationinfos["nodeid"]] = {TPDO: [], RPDO: []}
                self.LocationsNotMapped[locationinfos["nodeid"]][locationinfos["pdotype"]].append((name, locationinfos))

        # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        #                         Build concise DCF for the others locations
        # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        for nodeid, locations in self.LocationsNotMapped.items():
            node = self.NodeList.SlaveNodes[nodeid]["Node"]

            # Initialize number of params and data to add to node DCF
            nbparams = 0
            dataparams = ""

            # Generate the best PDO mapping for each type of PDO
            for pdotype in (TPDO, RPDO):
                if len(locations[pdotype]) > 0:
                    pdosize = 0
                    pdomapping = []
                    result = self.GetEmptyPDO(nodeid, pdotype)
                    if result is None:
                        raise PDOmappingException(
                            _("Unable to define PDO mapping for node %02x") % nodeid)
                    pdoindex, pdocobid, pdonbparams = result
                    for name, loc_infos in locations[pdotype]:
                        pdosize += loc_infos["size"]
                        # If pdo's size > 64 bits
                        if pdosize > 64 or len(pdomapping) >= pdonbparams:
                            # Generate a new PDO Mapping
                            data, nbaddedparams = self.AddPDOMapping(nodeid, pdotype, pdoindex, pdocobid, pdomapping, sync_TPDOs)
                            dataparams += data
                            nbparams += nbaddedparams
                            pdosize = loc_infos["size"]
                            pdomapping = [(name, loc_infos)]
                            result = self.GetEmptyPDO(nodeid, pdotype, pdoindex + 1)
                            if result is None:
                                raise PDOmappingException(
                                    _("Unable to define PDO mapping for node %02x") % nodeid)
                            pdoindex, pdocobid, pdonbparams = result
                            pdomapping.append((name, loc_infos))
                    # If there isn't locations yet but there is still a PDO to generate
                    if len(pdomapping) > 0:
                        # Generate a new PDO Mapping
                        data, nbaddedparams = self.AddPDOMapping(nodeid, pdotype, pdoindex, pdocobid, pdomapping, sync_TPDOs)
                        dataparams += data
                        nbparams += nbaddedparams

            # Add number of params and data to node DCF
            self.AddParamsToDCF(nodeid, dataparams, nbparams)

        # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        #                         Master Node Configuration
        # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        # Generate Master's Configuration from informations stored in MasterMapping
        for cobid, pdo_infos in self.MasterMapping.items():
            # Get next PDO index in MasterNode for this PDO type
            current_idx = self.CurrentPDOParamsIdx[pdo_infos["type"]]

            # Search if there is already a PDO in MasterNode with this cob id
            for idx in GetNodePDOIndexes(self.MasterNode, pdo_infos["type"], True):
                if self.MasterNode.GetEntry(idx, 1) == cobid:
                    current_idx = idx

            # Add a PDO to MasterNode if not PDO have been found
            if current_idx == self.CurrentPDOParamsIdx[pdo_infos["type"]]:
                addinglist = [current_idx, current_idx + 0x200]
                self.Manager.ManageEntriesOfCurrent(addinglist, [], self.MasterNode)
                self.MasterNode.SetEntry(current_idx, 0x01, cobid)

                # Increment the number of PDO for this PDO type
                self.CurrentPDOParamsIdx[pdo_infos["type"]] += 1

            # Change the transmit type of the PDO
            if sync_TPDOs:
                self.MasterNode.SetEntry(current_idx, 0x02, 0x01)
                self.MasterNode.SetEntry(current_idx, 0x02, 0xFF)

            mapping = []
            for item in pdo_infos["mapping"]:
                if isinstance(item, list):

            # Add some subentries to PDO mapping if there is not enough
            if len(mapping) > 1:
                self.Manager.AddSubentriesToCurrent(current_idx + 0x200, len(mapping) - 1, self.MasterNode)

            # Generate MasterNode's PDO mapping
            for subindex, variable in enumerate(mapping):
                if subindex == 0:
                new_index = False

                if isinstance(variable, (int, long)):
                    # If variable is an integer then variable is unexpected
                    self.MasterNode.SetEntry(current_idx + 0x200, subindex, self.TrashVariables[variable])
                    typeidx, varname = variable
                    variable_infos = self.IECLocations[varname]

                    # Calculate base index for storing variable
                    mapvariableidx = \
                        VariableStartIndex[variable_infos["pdotype"]] + \
                        VariableTypeOffset[variable_infos["sizelocation"]] * VariableIncrement + \

                    # Generate entry name
                    indexname = "%s%s%s_%d" % (VariableDirText[variable_infos["pdotype"]],
                                               '_'.join(map(str, current_location)),

                    # Search for an entry that has an empty subindex
                    while mapvariableidx < VariableStartIndex[variable_infos["pdotype"]] + 0x2000:
                        # Entry doesn't exist
                        if not self.MasterNode.IsEntry(mapvariableidx):
                            # Add entry to MasterNode
                            self.Manager.AddMapVariableToCurrent(mapvariableidx, "beremiz"+indexname, 3, 1, self.MasterNode)
                            new_index = True
                            nbsubentries = self.MasterNode.GetEntry(mapvariableidx, 0x00)
                            # Get Number of subentries already defined
                            nbsubentries = self.MasterNode.GetEntry(mapvariableidx, 0x00)
                            # if entry is full, go to next entry possible or stop now
                            if nbsubentries == 0xFF:
                                mapvariableidx += 8 * VariableIncrement

                    # Verify that a not full entry has been found
                    if mapvariableidx < VariableStartIndex[variable_infos["pdotype"]] + 0x2000:
                        # Generate subentry name
                        if variable_infos["bit"] is not None:
                            subindexname = "%(index)d_%(subindex)d_%(bit)d" % variable_infos
                            subindexname = "%(index)d_%(subindex)d" % variable_infos
                        # If entry have just been created, no subentry have to be added
                        if not new_index:
                            self.Manager.AddSubentriesToCurrent(mapvariableidx, 1, self.MasterNode)
                            nbsubentries += 1
                        # Add informations to the new subentry created
                        self.MasterNode.SetMappingEntry(mapvariableidx, nbsubentries, values={"name": subindexname})
                        self.MasterNode.SetMappingEntry(mapvariableidx, nbsubentries, values={"type": typeidx})

                        # Set value of the PDO mapping
                        typeinfos = self.Manager.GetEntryInfos(typeidx)
                        if typeinfos is not None:
                            value = (mapvariableidx << 16) + ((nbsubentries) << 8) + typeinfos["size"]
                            self.MasterNode.SetEntry(current_idx + 0x200, subindex, value)

                        # Add variable to pointed variables
                        self.PointedVariables[(mapvariableidx, nbsubentries)] = "%s_%s" % (indexname, subindexname)

def GenerateConciseDCF(locations, current_location, nodelist, sync_TPDOs, nodename):
    Fills a CanFestival network editor model, with DCF with requested PDO mappings.
    @param locations: List of complete variables locations \
        [{"IEC_TYPE" : the IEC type (i.e. "INT", "STRING", ...)
        "NAME" : name of the variable (generally "__IW0_1_2" style)
        "DIR" : direction "Q","I" or "M"
        "SIZE" : size "X", "B", "W", "D", "L"
        "LOC" : tuple of interger for IEC location (0,1,2,...)
        }, ...]
    @param nodelist: CanFestival network editor model
    @return: a modified copy of the given CanFestival network editor model

    dcfgenerator = ConciseDCFGenerator(nodelist, nodename)
    dcfgenerator.GenerateDCF(locations, current_location, sync_TPDOs)
    masternode, pointers = dcfgenerator.GetMasterNode(), dcfgenerator.GetPointedVariables()
    # allow access to local OD from Master PLC
    pointers.update(LocalODPointers(locations, current_location, masternode))
    return masternode, pointers

def LocalODPointers(locations, current_location, slave):
    IECLocations = {}
    pointers = {}
    for location in locations:
        COlocationtype = IECToCOType[location["IEC_TYPE"]]
        name = location["NAME"]
        if name in IECLocations:
            if IECLocations[name] != COlocationtype:
                raise PDOmappingException(_("Type conflict for location \"%s\"") % name)
            # Get only the part of the location that concern this node
            loc = location["LOC"][len(current_location):]
            # loc correspond to (ID, INDEX, SUBINDEX [,BIT])
            if len(loc) not in (2, 3, 4):
                raise PDOmappingException(_("Bad location size : %s") % str(loc))
            elif len(loc) != 2:

            # Extract and check nodeid
            index, subindex = loc[:2]

            # Extract and check index and subindex
            if not slave.IsEntry(index, subindex):
                raise PDOmappingException(
                    _("No such index/subindex ({a1},{a2}) (variable {a3})").
                    format(a1="%x" % index, a2="%x" % subindex, a3=name))

            # Get the entry info
            subentry_infos = slave.GetSubentryInfos(index, subindex)
            if subentry_infos["type"] != COlocationtype:
                raise PDOmappingException(
                    _("Invalid type \"{a1}\"-> {a2} != {a3} for location \"{a4}\"").

            IECLocations[name] = COlocationtype
            pointers[(index, subindex)] = name
    return pointers

if __name__ == "__main__":  # pylint: disable=all
    def usage():
Usage of test :

    %s [options]

    --help  (-h)
            Displays help informations for config_utils

    --reset (-r)
            Reset the reference result of config_utils test.
            Use with caution. Be sure that config_utils
            is currently working properly.
""" % sys.argv[0])

    # Boolean that indicate if reference result must be redefined
    reset = False

    # Extract command options
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hr", ["help", "reset"])
    except getopt.GetoptError:
        # print help information and exit:

    # Test each option
    for o, a in opts:
        if o in ("-h", "--help"):
        elif o in ("-r", "--reset"):
            reset = True

    # Extract workspace base folder
    base_folder = sys.path[0]
    for i in xrange(3):
        base_folder = os.path.split(base_folder)[0]
    # Add CanFestival folder to search pathes
    sys.path.append(os.path.join(base_folder, "CanFestival-3", "objdictgen"))

    from nodemanager import *
    from nodelist import *

    # Open the test nodelist contained into test_config folder
    manager = NodeManager()
    nodelist = NodeList(manager)
    result = nodelist.LoadProject("test_config")

    # List of locations, we try to map for test
    locations = [
        {"IEC_TYPE": "BYTE",  "NAME": "__IB0_1_64_24576_1", "DIR": "I", "SIZE": "B", "LOC": (0, 1, 64, 24576, 1)},
        {"IEC_TYPE": "INT",   "NAME": "__IW0_1_64_25601_2", "DIR": "I", "SIZE": "W", "LOC": (0, 1, 64, 25601, 2)},
        {"IEC_TYPE": "INT",   "NAME": "__IW0_1_64_25601_3", "DIR": "I", "SIZE": "W", "LOC": (0, 1, 64, 25601, 3)},
        {"IEC_TYPE": "INT",   "NAME": "__QW0_1_64_25617_2", "DIR": "Q", "SIZE": "W", "LOC": (0, 1, 64, 25617, 1)},
        {"IEC_TYPE": "BYTE",  "NAME": "__IB0_1_64_24578_1", "DIR": "I", "SIZE": "B", "LOC": (0, 1, 64, 24578, 1)},
        {"IEC_TYPE": "UDINT", "NAME": "__ID0_1_64_25638_1", "DIR": "I", "SIZE": "D", "LOC": (0, 1, 64, 25638, 1)},
        {"IEC_TYPE": "UDINT", "NAME": "__ID0_1_64_25638_2", "DIR": "I", "SIZE": "D", "LOC": (0, 1, 64, 25638, 2)},
        {"IEC_TYPE": "UDINT", "NAME": "__ID0_1_64_25638_3", "DIR": "I", "SIZE": "D", "LOC": (0, 1, 64, 25638, 3)},
        {"IEC_TYPE": "UDINT", "NAME": "__ID0_1_64_25638_4", "DIR": "I", "SIZE": "D", "LOC": (0, 1, 64, 25638, 4)},
        {"IEC_TYPE": "UDINT", "NAME": "__ID0_1_4096_0",     "DIR": "I", "SIZE": "D", "LOC": (0, 1, 4096, 0)}

    # Generate MasterNode configuration
        masternode, pointedvariables = GenerateConciseDCF(locations, (0, 1), nodelist, True, "TestNode")
    except ValueError as message:
        print("%s\nTest Failed!" % message)

    import pprint
    # Get Text corresponding to MasterNode
    result_node = masternode.PrintString()
    result_vars = pprint.pformat(pointedvariables)
    result = result_node + "\n********POINTERS*********\n" + result_vars + "\n"

    # If reset has been choosen
    if reset:
        # Write Text into reference result file
        testfile = open("test_config/result.txt", "w")

        print("Reset Successful!")
        testfile = open("test_config/result_tmp.txt", "w")

        os.system("diff test_config/result.txt test_config/result_tmp.txt")