python3 support: pylint, W1633 # (round-builtin) round built-in referenced
because round behavior is changed to default behavior in Python3
(Banker round). It can cause slight differences in some cases.
Mostly graphical editors are affected, there could be single pixel differences.
Now I couldn't locate any visual differences in test programs.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<PyFile xmlns:xhtml="">
<variable name="Test_Python_Var" type="INT" initial="4"/>
<variable name="Second_Python_Var" type="INT" initial="5"/>
import time,sys,ctypes
Python_to_C_Call = PLCBinary.Python_to_C_Call
Python_to_C_Call.restype = ctypes.c_int
Python_to_C_Call.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int)]
def MyPythonFunc(arg):
i = ctypes.c_int()
if(Python_to_C_Call(arg, i)):
res = i.value
print "toC:", arg, "from C:", res, "FBID:", FBID
print "Failed Python_to_C_Call failed"
res = None
print "Python read PLC global :",PLCGlobals.Test_Python_Var
PLCGlobals.Second_Python_Var = 789
return res
async_error_test_code = """
def badaboom():
import wx
def badaboomwx():
from threading import Timer
a = Timer(3, badaboom)
b = Timer(6, badaboomwx)
global x, y
x = 2
y = 5
print "py_runtime init:", x, ",", y
print "py_runtime cleanup"
global x, y
print "py_runtime start", x * x + y * y
print "py_runtime stop"