author Edouard Tisserant <>
Thu, 10 Dec 2020 11:37:27 +0100
changeset 3087 9b50ffe6264a
parent 3034 793ce2117258
child 3094 3e184f1e1012
permissions -rw-r--r--
Python Safe Globals now have more reliable triggering of OnChange call. Added "Onchange" object to accessible runtime variables that let user python code see count of changes and first and last values.
// widget_input.ysl2

template "widget[@type='Input']", mode="widget_defs" {
    param "hmi_element";
    const "value_elt" {
    const "have_value","string-length($value_elt)>0";
    value "$value_elt";
    if "$have_value"
    |     frequency: 5,
    |     last_val: undefined,
    |     dispatch: function(value) {
    |         this.last_val = value;
    if "$have_value"
    |         this.value_elt.textContent = String(value);

    |     },
    const "edit_elt_id","$hmi_element/*[@inkscape:label='edit'][1]/@id";
    |     init: function() {
    if "$edit_elt_id" {
    |         id("«$edit_elt_id»").setAttribute("onclick", "hmi_widgets['«$hmi_element/@id»'].on_edit_click()");
    foreach "$hmi_element/*[regexp:test(@inkscape:label,'^[=+\-].+')]" {
    |         id("«@id»").setAttribute("onclick", "hmi_widgets['«$hmi_element/@id»'].on_op_click('«func:escape_quotes(@inkscape:label)»')");
    |     },
    |     on_op_click: function(opstr) {
    |         let new_val = this.change_hmi_value(0, opstr);
    //     if "$have_value"{
    // |         this.value_elt.textContent = String(new_val);
    //           /* TODO gray out value until refreshed */
    //     }
    |     },
    |     on_edit_click: function(opstr) {
    |         var size = (typeof this.key_pos_elt !== 'undefined') ?  this.key_pos_elt.getBBox() : undefined
    |         edit_value("«path/@value»", "«path/@type»", this, this.last_val, size);
    |     },

    |     edit_callback: function(new_val) {
    |         this.apply_hmi_value(0, new_val);
    //     if "$have_value"{
    // |         this.value_elt.textContent = String(new_val);
    //           /* TODO gray out value until refreshed */
    //     }
    |     },