author Edouard Tisserant <>
Thu, 10 Dec 2020 11:37:27 +0100
changeset 3087 9b50ffe6264a
parent 2993 b76f303ffce6
permissions -rw-r--r--
Python Safe Globals now have more reliable triggering of OnChange call. Added "Onchange" object to accessible runtime variables that let user python code see count of changes and first and last values.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# This file is part of Beremiz runtime.
# Copyright (C) 2020: Mario de Sousa
# See COPYING.Runtime file for copyrights details.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

import json
import os
import ctypes

from formless import annotate, webform

import runtime.NevowServer as NS

# Will contain references to the C functions 
# (implemented in beremiz/bacnet/runtime/server.c)
# used to get/set the BACnet specific configuration paramters
BacnetGetParamFuncs = {}
BacnetSetParamFuncs = {}

# Upon PLC load, this Dictionary is initialised with the BACnet configuration
# hardcoded in the C file
# (i.e. the configuration inserted in Beremiz IDE when project was compiled)
_BacnetDefaultConfiguration = None

# Dictionary that contains the BACnet configuration currently being shown
# on the web interface
# This configuration will almost always be identical to the current
# configuration in the PLC (i.e., the current state stored in the 
# C variables in the .so file).
# The configuration viewed on the web will only be different to the current 
# configuration when the user edits the configuration, and when
# the user asks to save the edited configuration but it contains an error.
_BacnetWebviewConfiguration = None

# Dictionary that stores the BACnet configuration currently stored in a file
# Currently only used to decide whether or not to show the "Delete" button on the
# web interface (only shown if _BacnetSavedConfiguration is not None)
_BacnetSavedConfiguration = None

# File to which the new BACnet configuration gets stored on the PLC
# Note that the stored configuration is likely different to the
# configuration hardcoded in C generated code (.so file), so
# this file should be persistent across PLC reboots so we can
# re-configure the PLC (change values of variables in .so file)
# before it gets a chance to start running
#_BACnetConfFilename = None
_BACnetConfFilename = os.path.join(WorkingDir, "bacnetconf.json")

class BN_StrippedString(annotate.String):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        annotate.String.__init__(self, strip = True, *args, **kwargs)

BACnet_parameters = [
    #    param. name             label                                            ctype type      annotate type
    # (C code var name)         (used on web interface)                          (C data type)    (web data type)
    #                                                                                             (annotate.String,
    #                                                                                              annotate.Integer, ...)
    ("network_interface"      , _("Network Interface")                         , ctypes.c_char_p, BN_StrippedString),
    ("port_number"            , _("UDP Port Number")                           , ctypes.c_char_p, BN_StrippedString),
    ("comm_control_passwd"    , _("BACnet Communication Control Password")     , ctypes.c_char_p, annotate.String),
    ("device_id"              , _("BACnet Device ID")                          , ctypes.c_int,    annotate.Integer),
    ("device_name"            , _("BACnet Device Name")                        , ctypes.c_char_p, annotate.String),
    ("device_location"        , _("BACnet Device Location")                    , ctypes.c_char_p, annotate.String),
    ("device_description"     , _("BACnet Device Description")                 , ctypes.c_char_p, annotate.String),
    ("device_appsoftware_ver" , _("BACnet Device Application Software Version"), ctypes.c_char_p, annotate.String)

def _CheckBacnetPortnumber(port_number):
    """ check validity of the port number """
        portnum = int(port_number)
        if (portnum < 0) or (portnum > 65535):
           raise Exception
    except Exception:    
        return False
    return True    

def _CheckBacnetDeviceID(device_id):
    # check validity of the Device ID 
    # NOTE: BACnet device (object) IDs are 22 bits long (not counting the 10 bits for the type ID)
    #       so the Device instance ID is limited from 0 to 22^2-1 = 4194303
    #       However, 4194303 is reserved for special use (similar to NULL pointer), so last
    #       valid ID becomes 4194302
        devid = int(device_id)
        if (devid < 0) or (devid > 4194302):
            raise Exception
    except Exception:    
        return False
    return True    

def _CheckBacnetConfiguration(BACnetConfig):
    res = True    
    res = res and _CheckBacnetPortnumber(BACnetConfig["port_number"])
    res = res and _CheckBacnetDeviceID  (BACnetConfig["device_id"])
    return res

def _CheckBacnetWebConfiguration(BACnetConfig):
    res = True
    # check the port number
    if not _CheckBacnetPortnumber(BACnetConfig["port_number"]):
        raise annotate.ValidateError(
            {"port_number": "Invalid port number: " + str(BACnetConfig["port_number"])},
            _("BACnet configuration error:"))
        res = False
    if not _CheckBacnetDeviceID(BACnetConfig["device_id"]):
        raise annotate.ValidateError(
            {"device_id": "Invalid device ID: " + str(BACnetConfig["device_id"])},
            _("BACnet configuration error:"))
        res = False
    return res

def _SetBacnetSavedConfiguration(BACnetConfig):
    """ Stores in a file a dictionary containing the BACnet parameter configuration """
    global _BacnetSavedConfiguration

    if BACnetConfig == _BacnetDefaultConfiguration :
        _BacnetSavedConfiguration = None
    else :
        with open(os.path.realpath(_BACnetConfFilename), 'w') as f:
            json.dump(BACnetConfig, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
        _BacnetSavedConfiguration = BACnetConfig

def _DelBacnetSavedConfiguration():
    """ Deletes the file cotaining the persistent BACnet configuration """
    if os.path.exists(_BACnetConfFilename):

def _GetBacnetSavedConfiguration():
    # Returns a dictionary containing the BACnet parameter configuration
    # that was last saved to file. If no file exists, then return None
        #if os.path.isfile(_BACnetConfFilename):
        saved_config = json.load(open(_BACnetConfFilename))
    except Exception:    
        return None

    if _CheckBacnetConfiguration(saved_config):
        return saved_config
        return None

def _GetBacnetPLCConfiguration():
    # Returns a dictionary containing the current BACnet parameter configuration
    # stored in the C variables in the loaded PLC (.so file)
    current_config = {}
    for par_name, x1, x2, x3 in BACnet_parameters:
        value = BacnetGetParamFuncs[par_name]()
        if value is not None:
            current_config[par_name] = value
    return current_config

def _SetBacnetPLCConfiguration(BACnetConfig):
    # Stores the BACnet parameter configuration into the
    # the C variables in the loaded PLC (.so file)
    for par_name in BACnetConfig:
        value = BACnetConfig[par_name]
        #PLCObject.LogMessage("BACnet web server extension::_SetBacnetPLCConfiguration()  Setting "
        #                       + par_name + " to " + str(value) )
        if value is not None:
    # update the configuration shown on the web interface
    global _BacnetWebviewConfiguration 
    _BacnetWebviewConfiguration = _GetBacnetPLCConfiguration()

def _GetBacnetWebviewConfigurationValue(ctx, argument):
    # Callback function, called by the web interface (
    # to fill in the default value of each parameter
        return _BacnetWebviewConfiguration[]
    except Exception:
        return ""

# The configuration of the web form used to see/edit the BACnet parameters
webFormInterface = [(name, web_dtype (label=web_label, default=_GetBacnetWebviewConfigurationValue)) 
                    for name, web_label, c_dtype, web_dtype in BACnet_parameters]

def OnBacnetButtonSave(**kwargs):
    # Function called when user clicks 'Save' button in web interface
    # The function will configure the BACnet plugin in the PLC with the values
    # specified in the web interface. However, values must be validated first!

    #PLCObject.LogMessage("BACnet web server extension::OnBacnetButtonSave()  Called")
    newConfig = {}
    for par_name, x1, x2, x3 in BACnet_parameters:
        value = kwargs.get(par_name, None)
        if value is not None:
            newConfig[par_name] = value

    # First check if configuration is OK.
    if not _CheckBacnetWebConfiguration(newConfig):

    # store to file the new configuration so that 
    # we can recoup the configuration the next time the PLC
    # has a cold start (i.e. when is retarted)

    # Configure PLC with the current BACnet parameters

def OnBacnetButtonReset(**kwargs):
    # Function called when user clicks 'Delete' button in web interface
    # The function will delete the file containing the persistent
    # BACnet configution

    # Delete the file
    # Set the current configuration to the default (hardcoded in C)
    # Reset global variable
    global _BacnetSavedConfiguration
    _BacnetSavedConfiguration = None

# location_str is replaced by extension's value in CTNGenerateC call
def _runtime_%(location_str)s_bacnet_websettings_init():
    # Callback function, called (by when a new PLC program
    # (i.e. file) is transfered to the PLC runtime
    # and oaded into memory

    #PLCObject.LogMessage("BACnet web server extension::OnLoadPLC() Called...")

    if PLCObject.PLClibraryHandle is None:
        # PLC was loaded but we don't have access to the library of compiled code (.so lib)?
        # Hmm... This shold never occur!! 

    # Map the get/set functions (written in C code) we will be using to get/set the configuration parameters
    for name, web_label, c_dtype, web_dtype in BACnet_parameters:
        # location_str is replaced by extension's value in CTNGenerateC call
        GetParamFuncName = "__bacnet_%(location_str)s_get_ConfigParam_" + name
        SetParamFuncName = "__bacnet_%(location_str)s_set_ConfigParam_" + name
        # XXX TODO : stop reading from PLC .so file. This code is template code
        #            that can use modbus extension build data
        BacnetGetParamFuncs[name]          = getattr(PLCObject.PLClibraryHandle, GetParamFuncName)
        BacnetGetParamFuncs[name].restype  = c_dtype
        BacnetGetParamFuncs[name].argtypes = None
        BacnetSetParamFuncs[name]          = getattr(PLCObject.PLClibraryHandle, SetParamFuncName)
        BacnetSetParamFuncs[name].restype  = None
        BacnetSetParamFuncs[name].argtypes = [c_dtype]

    # Default configuration is the configuration done in Beremiz IDE
    # whose parameters get hardcoded into C, and compiled into the .so file
    # We read the default configuration from the .so file before the values
    # get changed by the user using the web server, or by the call (further on)
    # to _SetBacnetPLCConfiguration(BacnetSavedConfiguration)
    global _BacnetDefaultConfiguration 
    _BacnetDefaultConfiguration = _GetBacnetPLCConfiguration()
    # Show the current PLC configuration on the web interface        
    global _BacnetWebviewConfiguration
    _BacnetWebviewConfiguration = _GetBacnetPLCConfiguration()
    # Read from file the last used configuration, which is likely
    # different to the hardcoded configuration.
    # We Reset the current configuration (i.e., the config stored in the 
    # variables of .so file) to this saved configuration
    # so the PLC will start off with this saved configuration instead
    # of the hardcoded (in Beremiz C generated code) configuration values.
    # Note that _SetBacnetPLCConfiguration() will also update 
    # _BacnetWebviewConfiguration , if necessary.
    global _BacnetSavedConfiguration
    _BacnetSavedConfiguration  = _GetBacnetSavedConfiguration()
    if _BacnetSavedConfiguration is not None:
        if _CheckBacnetConfiguration(_BacnetSavedConfiguration):
    WebSettings = NS.newExtensionSetting("BACnet extension", "bacnet_token")

    # Configure the web interface to include the BACnet config parameters
        "BACnetConfigParm",                # name
        _("BACnet Configuration"),         # description
        webFormInterface,                  # fields
        _("Apply"),  # button label
        OnBacnetButtonSave)                      # callback    

    # Add the Delete button to the web interface
        "BACnetConfigDelSaved",                   # name
        _("BACnet Configuration"),                # description
        [ ("status",
           annotate.String(label=_("Current state"),
                           default=lambda *k:getBacnetConfigStatus())),
        ],                                       # fields  (empty, no parameters required!)
        _("Reset"), # button label

def getBacnetConfigStatus():
    if _BacnetWebviewConfiguration == _BacnetDefaultConfiguration :
        return "Unchanged"
    return "Modified"

# location_str is replaced by extension's value in CTNGenerateC call
def _runtime_%(location_str)s_bacnet_websettings_cleanup():
    # Callback function, called (by when a PLC program is unloaded from memory

    #PLCObject.LogMessage("BACnet web server extension::OnUnLoadPLC() Called...")
    BacnetGetParamFuncs = {}
    BacnetSetParamFuncs = {}
    _BacnetWebviewConfiguration = None
    _BacnetSavedConfiguration   = None