author Edouard Tisserant <edouard.tisserant@gmail.com>
Sun, 21 Feb 2021 21:38:44 +0100
changeset 3155 99ce78ddd353
parent 2346 ac16bad593cf
permissions -rw-r--r--
SVGHMI: finally found why HMI:Input wasnt't initializing properly: vsprintf takes a list. Also, removed intermediate variable last_val, since edit_value() works on strings anyhow, and in case of formated floats, it is better to workl on already formated value.
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  <fileHeader companyName="Unknown" productName="Generic PLC" productVersion="1" creationDateTime="2013-01-29T14:01:00" contentDescription="This example shows logging functionality in Beremiz.&#10;Here are shown two ways of logging:&#10;- from IEC PLC program;&#10;- from python extension.&#10;"/>
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        <scaling x="0" y="0"/>
        <scaling x="0" y="0"/>
        <scaling x="0" y="0"/>
      <pou name="program0" pouType="program">
            <variable name="beat">
            <variable name="count">
            <variable name="LOGGER0">
                <derived name="LOGGER"/>
            <variable name="lvl">
                <derived name="LOGLEVEL"/>
                <simpleValue value="INFO"/>
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                <derived name="TOF"/>
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              <expression>'IEC side logging: beat #'</expression>
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                <xhtml:p><![CDATA[This example shows logging functionality in Beremiz.
Here are shown two ways of logging:
- from IEC PLC program;
- from python extension.

In IEC PLC program every third second (beat) new message is generated and put in PLC log.
See function blocks below.

Every 15 seconds status of PLC program is put in PLC log from python extension.
For more information about logging from python look at 0.x: py_ext_0 implementation in project tree. 
      <configuration name="config">
        <resource name="resource1">
          <task name="task0" priority="0" interval="T#100ms">
            <pouInstance name="prg" typeName="program0"/>