MQTT: WIP, now connects to broker. Added MQTT 3 support and protocol version selection in IDE.
* Generated by erpcgen 1.12.0 on Mon May 20 17:54:19 2024.
#if !defined(_c_erpc_PLCObject_server_h_)
#define _c_erpc_PLCObject_server_h_
#include "erpc_PLCObject_common.h"
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C"
typedef void * erpc_service_t;
/*! @brief BeremizPLCObjectService identifiers */
enum _BeremizPLCObjectService_ids
kBeremizPLCObjectService_service_id = 1,
kBeremizPLCObjectService_AppendChunkToBlob_id = 1,
kBeremizPLCObjectService_GetLogMessage_id = 2,
kBeremizPLCObjectService_GetPLCID_id = 3,
kBeremizPLCObjectService_GetPLCstatus_id = 4,
kBeremizPLCObjectService_GetTraceVariables_id = 5,
kBeremizPLCObjectService_MatchMD5_id = 6,
kBeremizPLCObjectService_NewPLC_id = 7,
kBeremizPLCObjectService_PurgeBlobs_id = 8,
kBeremizPLCObjectService_RepairPLC_id = 9,
kBeremizPLCObjectService_ResetLogCount_id = 10,
kBeremizPLCObjectService_SeedBlob_id = 11,
kBeremizPLCObjectService_SetTraceVariablesList_id = 12,
kBeremizPLCObjectService_StartPLC_id = 13,
kBeremizPLCObjectService_StopPLC_id = 14,
//! @name BeremizPLCObjectService
uint32_t AppendChunkToBlob(const binary_t * data, const binary_t * blobID, binary_t * newBlobID);
uint32_t GetLogMessage(uint8_t level, uint32_t msgID, log_message * message);
uint32_t GetPLCID(PSKID * plcID);
uint32_t GetPLCstatus(PLCstatus * status);
uint32_t GetTraceVariables(uint32_t debugToken, TraceVariables * traces);
uint32_t MatchMD5(const char * MD5, bool * match);
uint32_t NewPLC(const char * md5sum, const binary_t * plcObjectBlobID, const list_extra_file_1_t * extrafiles, bool * success);
uint32_t PurgeBlobs(void);
uint32_t RepairPLC(void);
uint32_t ResetLogCount(void);
uint32_t SeedBlob(const binary_t * seed, binary_t * blobID);
uint32_t SetTraceVariablesList(const list_trace_order_1_t * orders, int32_t * debugtoken);
uint32_t StartPLC(void);
uint32_t StopPLC(bool * success);
/*! @brief Return BeremizPLCObjectService_service service object. */
erpc_service_t create_BeremizPLCObjectService_service(void);
/*! @brief Destroy BeremizPLCObjectService_service service object. */
void destroy_BeremizPLCObjectService_service(erpc_service_t service);
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif // _c_erpc_PLCObject_server_h_