author Andrey Skvortsov <>
Wed, 26 Sep 2018 12:13:23 +0300
changeset 2344 94045bfa2d94
parent 2165 02a2b5dee5e3
child 2641 c9deff128c37
permissions -rw-r--r--
use nice and pretty mono font in graphical languages (SFC, FBD, LD) as well

it looks like that was original idea, but some bug squashed in and
default font was used for POU.

at the same time fix use of mono font in the header of Variable panel

Template C code used to produce target Ethercat C code

Copyright (C) 2011-2014: Laurent BESSARD, Edouard TISSERANT

Distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

See COPYING file for copyrights details.


#include <rtdm/rtdm.h>
#include <native/task.h>
#include <native/timer.h>

#include "ecrt.h"

#include "beremiz.h"
#include "iec_types_all.h"

// declaration of interface variables

// process data
uint8_t *domain1_pd = NULL;

const static ec_pdo_entry_reg_t domain1_regs[] = {


long long wait_period_ns = 100000LL;

// EtherCAT
static ec_master_t *master = NULL;
static ec_domain_t *domain1 = NULL;
static int first_sent=0;
#define SLOGF(level, format, args...)\
    char sbuf[256];\
    int slen = snprintf(sbuf , sizeof(sbuf) , format , ##args);\
    LogMessage(level, sbuf, slen);\

/* Beremiz plugin functions */
int __init_%(location)s(int argc,char **argv)
    uint32_t abort_code;
    size_t result_size;
    abort_code = 0;
    result_size = 0;

    master = ecrt_request_master(%(master_number)d);
    if (!master) {
        SLOGF(LOG_CRITICAL, "EtherCAT master request failed!");
        return -1;

    if(!(domain1 = ecrt_master_create_domain(master))){
        SLOGF(LOG_CRITICAL, "EtherCAT Domain Creation failed!");
        goto ecat_failed;

    // slaves PDO configuration

    if (ecrt_domain_reg_pdo_entry_list(domain1, domain1_regs)) {
        SLOGF(LOG_CRITICAL, "EtherCAT PDO registration failed!");
        goto ecat_failed;

    ecrt_master_set_send_interval(master, common_ticktime__);

    // slaves initialization

    // extracting default value for not mapped entry in output PDOs

    if (ecrt_master_activate(master)){
        SLOGF(LOG_CRITICAL, "EtherCAT Master activation failed");
        goto ecat_failed;

    if (!(domain1_pd = ecrt_domain_data(domain1))) {
        SLOGF(LOG_CRITICAL, "Failed to map EtherCAT process data");
        goto ecat_failed;

    SLOGF(LOG_INFO, "Master %(master_number)d activated.");
    first_sent = 0;

    return 0;

    return -1;


void __cleanup_%(location)s(void)
    //release master
    first_sent = 0;

void __retrieve_%(location)s(void)
    // receive ethercat


static RTIME _last_occur=0;
static RTIME _last_publish=0;
RTIME _current_lag=0;
RTIME _max_jitter=0;
static inline RTIME max(RTIME a,RTIME b){return a>b?a:b;}

void __publish_%(location)s(void)
        RTIME current_time = rt_timer_read();
        // Limit spining max 1/5 of common_ticktime
        RTIME maxdeadline = current_time + (common_ticktime__ / 5);
        RTIME deadline = _last_occur ? 
            _last_occur + common_ticktime__ : 
            current_time + _max_jitter; 
        if(deadline > maxdeadline) deadline = maxdeadline;
        _current_lag = deadline - current_time;
        if(_last_publish != 0){
            RTIME period = current_time - _last_publish;
            if(period > common_ticktime__ )
                _max_jitter = max(_max_jitter, period - common_ticktime__);
                _max_jitter = max(_max_jitter, common_ticktime__ - period);
        _last_publish = current_time;
        _last_occur = current_time;
        while(current_time < deadline) {
            _last_occur = current_time; //Drift backward by default
            current_time = rt_timer_read();
        if( _max_jitter * 10 < common_ticktime__ && _current_lag < _max_jitter){
            //Consuming security margin ?
            _last_occur = current_time; //Drift forward
    first_sent = 1;