author Edouard Tisserant
Thu, 09 Dec 2021 10:21:45 +0100
changeset 3395 93ad018fb602
parent 3269 5d174cdf4d98
permissions -rw-r--r--
RUNTIME: Variable forcing now uses limited list and buffer instead of systematical instance tree traversal and in-tree "fvalue" to keep track of forced value for pointed variables (external, located). Pointer swapping is performed when forcing externals and located, with backup being restored when forcing is reset. Retain still uses tree traversal.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<PyFile xmlns:xhtml="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
    <variable name="AlarmNotify" type="HMI_INT"/>
    <variable name="SendAlarm" type="HMI_INT" onchange="TriggerAlarm"/>
    <variable name="AlarmText" type="HMI_STRING" initial="'POS'"/>
    <variable name="AlarmStatus" type="HMI_STRING" initial="'alarm'"/>
from twisted.web.resource import Resource
import json, time, random, collections

Alarms = []
AlarmIndex = {}
lastid = 0

def TriggerAlarm(changed_var_name):
    global Alarms, lastid
    new_entry = [time.time(), PLCGlobals.AlarmText, PLCGlobals.AlarmStatus, lastid]
    AlarmIndex[lastid] = new_entry
    lastid = lastid + 1
    PLCGlobals.AlarmNotify = random.randint(0, 4294967296)

class AlarmJsonResource(Resource):
    def render_GET(self, request):
        return ''

    def render_POST(self, request):
        newstr = request.content.getvalue()
        newdata = json.loads(newstr)
        args = newdata[u'args']
        range_feedback = newdata[u'range']
        slider_position = newdata[u'position']
        visible = newdata[u'visible']
        extra = newdata[u'extra']
        options = newdata[u'options']

        if len(options) == 1 :
            action, = options
            if action == "action_reset":
                del Alarms[:]
        elif len(options) == 2 :
            action, alarmid = options
            if action == "onClick[acknowledge]":
                AlarmIndex[int(alarmid)][2] = "ack"

        answer = self.renderTable(range_feedback, slider_position, visible, extra)
        janswer = json.dumps(answer)
        return janswer

    def renderTable(self, old_range, old_position, visible, extra):
        if len(extra) > 0 and extra[0] != "":
            fAlarms = [alrm for alrm in Alarms if alrm[1].find(extra[0])!=-1]
            fAlarms = Alarms[:]
        new_range = len(fAlarms)
        delta = new_range - visible
        new_position = 0 if delta <= 0 else delta if old_position > delta else old_position
        new_visible = new_range if delta <= 0 else visible
        visible_alarms = []
        for ts, text, status, alarmid in fAlarms[new_position:new_position + new_visible]:
                "time": time.ctime(ts),
                "text": text, # TODO translate text
                "status": status,
                "alarmid": alarmid

        return new_range, new_position, visible_alarms


AddPathToSVGHMIServers("alarms", AlarmJsonResource)
