author Edouard Tisserant
Thu, 09 Dec 2021 10:21:45 +0100
changeset 3395 93ad018fb602
parent 3384 bd337d21f686
child 3622 98ce26040117
permissions -rw-r--r--
RUNTIME: Variable forcing now uses limited list and buffer instead of systematical instance tree traversal and in-tree "fvalue" to keep track of forced value for pointed variables (external, located). Pointer swapping is performed when forcing externals and located, with backup being restored when forcing is reset. Retain still uses tree traversal.
// detachable_pages.ysl2
// compute what elements are required by pages
// and decide where to cut when removing/attaching
// pages elements on page switch

const "hmi_pages_descs", "$parsed_widgets/widget[@type = 'Page']";
const "hmi_pages", "$hmi_elements[@id = $hmi_pages_descs/@id]";

const "default_page" choose {
    when "count($hmi_pages) > 1" {
        choose {
            when "$hmi_pages_descs/arg[1]/@value = 'Home'" > Home
            otherwise {
                error > No Home page defined!
    when "count($hmi_pages) = 0" {
        error > No page defined!
    otherwise > «func:widget($hmi_pages/@id)/arg[1]/@value»

emit "preamble:default-page" {
    | var default_page = "«$default_page»";

const "keypads_descs", "$parsed_widgets/widget[@type = 'Keypad']";
const "keypads", "$hmi_elements[@id = $keypads_descs/@id]";

// returns all directly or indirectly refered elements
def "func:refered_elements" {
    param "elems";
    const "descend", "$elems/descendant-or-self::svg:*";
    const "clones", "$descend[self::svg:use]";
    const "originals", "//svg:*[concat('#',@id) = $clones/@xlink:href]";
    choose {
        when "$originals"
            result "$descend | func:refered_elements($originals)";
            result "$descend";

// variable "overlapping_geometry" was added for optimization.
// It avoids calling func:overlapping_geometry 3 times for each page
// (apparently libxml doesn't cache exslt function results)
// in order to optimize further, func:overlapping_geometry 
// should be implemented in python or even C,
// as this is still the main bottleneck here
const "_overlapping_geometry" {
    foreach "$hmi_pages | $keypads" {
        const "k", "concat('overlapping:', @id)";
        value "ns:ProgressStart($k, concat('collecting membership of ', @inkscape:label))";
        elt {
            attrib "id" > «@id»
            copy "func:overlapping_geometry(.)";
        value "ns:ProgressEnd($k)";

const "overlapping_geometry", "exsl:node-set($_overlapping_geometry)";

def "func:all_related_elements" {
    param "page";
    const "page_overlapping_geometry", "$overlapping_geometry/elt[@id = $page/@id]/*";
    const "page_overlapping_elements", "//svg:*[@id = $page_overlapping_geometry/@Id]";
    const "page_sub_elements", "func:refered_elements($page | $page_overlapping_elements)";
    result "$page_sub_elements";

def "func:required_elements" {
    param "pages"; 
        when "$pages"{
            result """func:all_related_elements($pages[1])
                      | func:required_elements($pages[position()!=1])""";
            result "/..";

const "required_page_elements",
    "func:required_elements($hmi_pages | $keypads)/ancestor-or-self::svg:*";

const "required_list_elements", "func:refered_elements(($hmi_lists | $hmi_textlists)[@id = $required_page_elements/@id])/ancestor-or-self::svg:*";

const "required_elements", "$defs | $required_list_elements | $required_page_elements";

const "discardable_elements", "//svg:*[not(@id = $required_elements/@id)]";

def "func:sumarized_elements" {
    param "elements";
    const "short_list", "$elements[not(ancestor::*/@id = $elements/@id)]";
    const "filled_groups", """$short_list/parent::*[
            not(@id = $discardable_elements/@id) and
            not(@id = $short_list/@id)
    const "groups_to_add", "$filled_groups[not(ancestor::*/@id = $filled_groups/@id)]";
    result "$groups_to_add | $short_list[not(ancestor::*/@id = $filled_groups/@id)]";

def "func:detachable_elements" {
    param "pages";
        when "$pages"{
            result """func:sumarized_elements(func:all_related_elements($pages[1]))
                      | func:detachable_elements($pages[position()!=1])""";
            result "/..";

// Avoid nested detachables
const "_detachable_elements", "func:detachable_elements($hmi_pages | $keypads)";
const "detachable_elements", "$_detachable_elements[not(ancestor::*/@id = $_detachable_elements/@id)]";

emit "declarations:detachable-elements" {
    | var detachable_elements = {
    foreach "$detachable_elements"{
    |     "«@id»":[id("«@id»"), id("«../@id»")]`if "position()!=last()" > ,`
    | }

const "forEach_widgets_ids", "$parsed_widgets/widget[@type = 'ForEach']/@id";
const "forEach_widgets", "$hmi_widgets[@id = $forEach_widgets_ids]";
const "in_forEach_widget_ids", "func:refered_elements($forEach_widgets)[not(@id = $forEach_widgets_ids)]/@id";

template "svg:*", mode="page_desc" {
    if "ancestor::*[@id = $hmi_pages/@id]" error > HMI:Page «@id» is nested in another HMI:Page

    const "desc", "func:widget(@id)";
    const "pagename", "$desc/arg[1]/@value";
    const "msg", "concat('generating page description ', $pagename)";
    value "ns:ProgressStart($pagename, $msg)";
    const "page", ".";
    const "p", "$geometry[@Id = $page/@id]";

    const "page_all_elements", "func:all_related_elements($page)";

    const "all_page_widgets","$hmi_widgets[@id = $page_all_elements/@id and @id != $page/@id]";
    const "page_managed_widgets","$all_page_widgets[not(@id=$in_forEach_widget_ids)]";
    const "page_relative_widgets",
        "$page_managed_widgets[func:is_descendant_path(func:widget(@id)/path/@value, $desc/path/@value)]";

    // Take closest ancestor in detachable_elements
    // since nested detachable elements are filtered out
    const "sumarized_page", 

    const "required_detachables", 
           ancestor-or-self::*[@id = $detachable_elements/@id]""";

    |   "«$pagename»": {
    //|     widget: hmi_widgets["«@id»"],
    |     bbox: [«$p/@x», «$p/@y», «$p/@w», «$p/@h»],
    if "$desc/path/@value" {
        if "count($desc/path/@index)=0"
            warning > Page id="«$page/@id»" : No match for path "«$desc/path/@value»" in HMI tree
    |     page_index: «$desc/path/@index»,
    |     page_class: "«$indexed_hmitree/*[@hmipath = $desc/path/@value]/@class»",
    |     widgets: [
    foreach "$page_managed_widgets" {
        const "widget_paths_relativeness" 
            foreach "func:widget(@id)/path" {
                value "func:is_descendant_path(@value, $desc/path/@value)";
                if "position()!=last()" > ,
    |         [hmi_widgets["«@id»"], [«$widget_paths_relativeness»]]`if "position()!=last()" > ,`
    |     ],
    |     jumps: [
    foreach "$parsed_widgets/widget[@id = $all_page_widgets/@id and @type='Jump']" {
    |         hmi_widgets["«@id»"]`if "position()!=last()" > ,`
    |     ],
    |     required_detachables: {
    foreach "$required_detachables" {
    |         "«@id»": detachable_elements["«@id»"]`if "position()!=last()" > ,`
    |     }
    apply "$parsed_widgets/widget[@id = $all_page_widgets/@id]", mode="widget_page"{
        with "page_desc", "$desc";
    |   }`if "position()!=last()" > ,`
    value "ns:ProgressEnd($pagename)";

emit "definitions:page-desc" {
    | var page_desc = {
    apply "$hmi_pages", mode="page_desc";
    | }

template "*", mode="widget_page";

emit "debug:detachable-pages" {
    foreach "$detachable_elements"{
        |  «@id»
    | In Foreach:
    foreach "$in_forEach_widget_ids"{
        |  «.»
    | Overlapping 
    apply "$overlapping_geometry", mode="testtree";