RUNTIME: Variable forcing now uses limited list and buffer instead of systematical instance tree traversal and in-tree "fvalue" to keep track of forced value for pointed variables (external, located). Pointer swapping is performed when forcing externals and located, with backup being restored when forcing is reset. Retain still uses tree traversal.
#! gmake
# Makefile to generate XSLT stylesheets from ysl2 files in the same directory
# This uses YML2.
# hg clone
# It should be just fine if yml2 is cloned just asside beremiz
# otherwise, point yml2path to yml2 source directory
# make yml2path=path/to/yml/dir
yml2path ?= $(abspath ../../yml2)
ysl2files := gen_index_xhtml.ysl2 gen_dnd_widget_svg.ysl2 analyse_widget.ysl2
ysl2includes := $(filter-out $(ysl2files), $(wildcard *.ysl2))
xsltfiles := $(patsubst %.ysl2, %.xslt, $(ysl2files))
%.xslt: %.ysl2 $(ysl2includes) svghmi.js ../yslt_noindent.yml2
$(yml2path)/yml2c -I $(yml2path):../ $< -o $@.tmp
xmlstarlet fo $@.tmp > $@
rm $@.tmp
rm -f $(xsltfiles)