author Andrey Skvortsov <andrej.skvortzov@gmail.com>
Fri, 05 Oct 2018 13:11:28 +0300
changeset 2435 925adaa2cd5c
parent 2289 cf0934b42d66
permissions -rw-r--r--
cleanup pyc files between running pytest

this is need to avoid problem sometimes tests are run inside docker
container and sometimes local.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/_pytest/config/__init__.py", line 409, in _importconftest
mod = conftestpath.pyimport()
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/py/_path/local.py", line 686, in pyimport
raise self.ImportMismatchError(modname, modfile, self)
ImportMismatchError: ('conftest', '/beremiz/tests/tools/conftest.py', local('/home/developer/beremiz/tests/tools/conftest.py'))
ERROR: could not load /home/developer/beremiz/tests/tools/conftest.py
/* This project contains wamp client config to be loaded at runtime startup. */

wampconf.json is in "Project Files", so it is copied to runtime's working directory, and then loaded after program transfer + runtime restart.

Otherwise, wamp config file path can be forced :
./Beremiz_service.py -c /path/to/my/wampconf.json /working/dir

/* Crossbar install */
#sudo apt-get update
#sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get -y install build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev libreadline-dev libbz2-dev libsqlite3-dev libncurses5dev
sudo apt-get -y install python3-pip
sudo python3 -m pip install -U pip
sudo pip3 install crossbar
crossbar version

/* Start Crossbar command: */
crossbar start

/* Crossbar test router configuration is available in .crossbar directory. */
Tested on version:

          :::::          _____                      __
    :::::   :   :::::   / ___/____ ___   ___  ___  / /  ___ _ ____
    :::::::   :::::::  / /__ / __// _ \ (_-< (_-< / _ \/ _ `// __/
    :::::   :   :::::  \___//_/   \___//___//___//_.__/\_,_//_/
    :::::::::::::::::   Crossbar v18.7.2

    Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Crossbar.io Technologies GmbH, licensed under AGPL 3.0.

 Crossbar.io        : 18.7.2
   Autobahn         : 18.7.1
   Twisted          : 18.7.0-EPollReactor
   LMDB             : 0.94/lmdb-0.9.22
   Python           : 3.6.6/CPython
 Frozen executable  : no
 Operating system   : Linux-4.16.0-2-rt-amd64-x86_64-with-debian-buster-sid
 Host machine       : x86_64
 Release key        : RWS9T4NltFjmKSMbEtETnOMxRjLhOEZ6e80T5MYzTTh/+NP9Jk20sJmA