IDE: Make ST code generation more verbose, since it can be really long in case of big programs, and it is better to let the user know build is still in progress.
// i18n.ysl2
template "svg:tspan", mode="extract_i18n" {
if "string-length(.) > 0" line {
value ".";
template "svg:text", mode="extract_i18n" {
msg {
attrib "id" value "@id";
attrib "label" value "substring(@inkscape:label,2)";
apply "svg:*", mode="extract_i18n";
const "translatable_texts", "//svg:text[starts-with(@inkscape:label, '_')]";
const "translatable_strings" apply "$translatable_texts", mode="extract_i18n";
emit "preamble:i18n" {
const "translations", "ns:GetTranslations($translatable_strings)";
> var langs = [ ["Default", "C"],
foreach "$translations/langs/lang" {
> ["«.»","«@code»"]
if "position()!=last()" > ,
| ];
| var translations = [
foreach "$translatable_texts" {
const "n","position()";
const "current_id","@id";
const "text_unlinked_uses","$result_svg_ns//svg:text[@original = $current_id]/@id";
> [[
foreach "@id | $text_unlinked_uses" {
> id("«.»")
if "position()!=last()" > ,
> ],[
foreach "$translations/messages/msgid[$n]/msg" {
> "
foreach "line" {
value ".";
if "position()!=last()" > \\\\n
> "
if "position()!=last()" > ,
> ]]
if "position()!=last()" > ,
> \n
| ]