Runtime: and twisted reactor now share main thread with runtime.Worker.
This fixes exception when invoking python interactive shell from Runtime's tray
icon right-click menu.
Probably a consequence of wxPython upgrade, together with initial bad idea to
move in non-main thread.
// widget_textstylelist.ysl2
widget_desc("TextStyleList") {
TextStyleList widget is a svg:group, list items are labeled elements
in that group.
To use a TextStyleList, clone (svg:use) one of the items inside the widget
that expects a TextStyleList.
In this list, only style matters. Text content is ignored.
shortdesc > A named list of named texts
arg name="listname"
widget_defs("TextStyleList") {
| styles: {
foreach "$hmi_element/*[@inkscape:label]" {
const "style", "func:refered_elements(.)[self::svg:text]/@style";
| «@inkscape:label»: "«$style»",
| },