Changed keyboard to show on defined position.
* svghmi.js
added size paramter to edit_value
changed show_modal function to offset keyboard if paramter passed
in on_edit_click:
function get position if key_pos element is defined in input widget
Reworked keypad widget to extand class widget,
added support for changing keyboard position to user defined location
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<PyFile xmlns:xhtml="" xmlns:xsd="">
<xhtml:p><![CDATA[import threading, time
MyT = None
Stop = False
def StartLog():
global MyT
MyT=threading.Thread(target = DoLog)
def DoLog():
global Stop
while not Stop:
PLCObject.LogMessage("Python side Logging (PLC is %s)"%PLCObject.PLCStatus)
def StopLog():
global MyT,Stop