author laurent
Thu, 08 Oct 2009 11:26:40 +0200
changeset 411 8261c8f1e365
parent 361 331d698e1118
child 421 c9ec111ad275
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
Bug on Debug trying to start (and stop) before PLC started fixed.
Adding support for detecting platform default settings for target type and canfestival node.
Clear tests folder, leaving only multi-platform tests.
from .. import toolchain_gcc
from wxPopen import ProcessLogger

class Xenomai_target(toolchain_gcc):
    extension = ".so"
    def getXenoConfig(self):
        """ Get xeno-config from target parameters """
        return self.getTarget().getcontent()["value"].getXenoConfig()
    def getBuilderLDFLAGS(self):
        # get xeno-config from target parameters
        xeno_config = self.getXenoConfig()

        status, result, err_result = ProcessLogger(self.logger, xeno_config + " --xeno-ldflags", no_stdout=True).spin()
        if status:
            self.logger.write_error(_("Unable to get Xenomai's LDFLAGS\n"))
        xeno_ldlags = result.strip()
        return toolchain_gcc.getBuilderLDFLAGS(self) + [xeno_ldlags, "-shared", "-lnative"]

    def getBuilderCFLAGS(self):
        # get xeno-config from target parameters
        xeno_config = self.getXenoConfig()

        status, result, err_result = ProcessLogger(self.logger, xeno_config + " --xeno-cflags", no_stdout=True).spin()
        if status:
            self.logger.write_error(_("Unable to get Xenomai's CFLAGS\n"))
        xeno_cflags = result.strip()
        return toolchain_gcc.getBuilderCFLAGS(self) + [xeno_cflags]