author laurent
Thu, 08 Oct 2009 11:26:40 +0200
changeset 411 8261c8f1e365
parent 367 a76ee5307bb7
child 418 01f6bfc01251
permissions -rw-r--r--
Bug on Debug trying to start (and stop) before PLC started fixed.
Adding support for detecting platform default settings for target type and canfestival node.
Clear tests folder, leaving only multi-platform tests.
import wx
import os
import modules
from plugger import PlugTemplate, opjimg
from PythonEditor import PythonEditorFrame

from xml.dom import minidom
from xmlclass import *
import cPickle

PythonClasses = GenerateClassesFromXSD(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "python_xsd.xsd")) 

#                         Undo Buffer for PythonCode

# Length of the buffer

Class implementing a buffer of changes made on the current editing model
class UndoBuffer:

    # Constructor initialising buffer
    def __init__(self, currentstate, issaved = False):
        self.Buffer = []
        self.CurrentIndex = -1
        self.MinIndex = -1
        self.MaxIndex = -1
        # if current state is defined
        if currentstate:
            self.CurrentIndex = 0
            self.MinIndex = 0
            self.MaxIndex = 0
        # Initialising buffer with currentstate at the first place
        for i in xrange(UNDO_BUFFER_LENGTH):
            if i == 0:
        # Initialising index of state saved
        if issaved:
            self.LastSave = 0
            self.LastSave = -1
    # Add a new state in buffer
    def Buffering(self, currentstate):
        self.CurrentIndex = (self.CurrentIndex + 1) % UNDO_BUFFER_LENGTH
        self.Buffer[self.CurrentIndex] = currentstate
        # Actualising buffer limits
        self.MaxIndex = self.CurrentIndex
        if self.MinIndex == self.CurrentIndex:
            # If the removed state was the state saved, there is no state saved in the buffer
            if self.LastSave == self.MinIndex:
                self.LastSave = -1
            self.MinIndex = (self.MinIndex + 1) % UNDO_BUFFER_LENGTH
        self.MinIndex = max(self.MinIndex, 0)
    # Return current state of buffer
    def Current(self):
        return self.Buffer[self.CurrentIndex]
    # Change current state to previous in buffer and return new current state
    def Previous(self):
        if self.CurrentIndex != self.MinIndex:
            self.CurrentIndex = (self.CurrentIndex - 1) % UNDO_BUFFER_LENGTH
            return self.Buffer[self.CurrentIndex]
        return None
    # Change current state to next in buffer and return new current state
    def Next(self):
        if self.CurrentIndex != self.MaxIndex:
            self.CurrentIndex = (self.CurrentIndex + 1) % UNDO_BUFFER_LENGTH
            return self.Buffer[self.CurrentIndex]
        return None
    # Return True if current state is the first in buffer
    def IsFirst(self):
        return self.CurrentIndex == self.MinIndex
    # Return True if current state is the last in buffer
    def IsLast(self):
        return self.CurrentIndex == self.MaxIndex

    # Note that current state is saved
    def CurrentSaved(self):
        self.LastSave = self.CurrentIndex
    # Return True if current state is saved
    def IsCurrentSaved(self):
        return self.LastSave == self.CurrentIndex

class PythonCodeTemplate:
    def __init__(self):
                {"bitmap" : opjimg("editPYTHONcode"),
                 "name" : _("Edit Python File"), 
                 "tooltip" : _("Edit Python File"),
                 "method" : "_OpenView"},

        filepath = self.PythonFileName()
        self.Buffering = False
        self.PythonCode = PythonClasses["Python"]()
        self.PythonBuffer = UndoBuffer(self.Copy(self.PythonCode), False)
        if os.path.isfile(filepath):
            xmlfile = open(filepath, 'r')
            tree = minidom.parse(xmlfile)
            for child in tree.childNodes:
                if child.nodeType == tree.ELEMENT_NODE and child.nodeName == "Python":
                    self.PythonCode.loadXMLTree(child, ["xmlns", "xmlns:xsi", "xsi:schemaLocation"])
                    self.PythonBuffer = UndoBuffer(self.Copy(self.PythonCode), True)

    def PluginPath(self):
        return os.path.join(self.PlugParent.PluginPath(), "modules", self.PlugType)

    def PythonFileName(self):
        return os.path.join(self.PlugPath(), "python.xml")

    def GetFilename(self):
        if self.PythonBuffer.IsCurrentSaved():
            return "python"
            return "~python~"

    def SetPythonCode(self, text):
    def GetPythonCode(self):
        return self.PythonCode.gettext()
    _View = None
    def _OpenView(self):
        if not self._View:
            def _onclose():
                self._View = None
            def _onsave():
            self._View = PythonEditorFrame(self.GetPlugRoot().AppFrame, self)
            self._View._onclose = _onclose
            self._View._onsave = _onsave
    def OnPlugSave(self):
        filepath = self.PythonFileName()
        text = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n"
        extras = {"xmlns":"",
                  "xsi:schemaLocation" : "python_xsd.xsd"}
        text += self.PythonCode.generateXMLText("Python", 0, extras)

        xmlfile = open(filepath,"w")
        return True
#                      Current Buffering Management Functions

    Return a copy of the project
    def Copy(self, model):
        return cPickle.loads(cPickle.dumps(model))

    def BufferPython(self):
    def StartBuffering(self):
        self.Buffering = True
    def EndBuffering(self):
        if self.Buffering:
            self.PythonCode = self.Copy(self.PythonCode)
            self.Buffering = False
    def PythonCodeIsSaved(self):
        if self.PythonBuffer:
            return self.PythonBuffer.IsCurrentSaved()
            return True

    def LoadPrevious(self):
        self.PythonCode = self.Copy(self.PythonBuffer.Previous())
    def LoadNext(self):
        self.PythonCode = self.Copy(self.PythonBuffer.Next())
    def GetBufferState(self):
        first = self.PythonBuffer.IsFirst()
        last = self.PythonBuffer.IsLast()
        return not first, not last

def _GetClassFunction(name):
    def GetRootClass():
        __import__("plugins.python.modules." + name)
        return getattr(modules, name).RootClass
    return GetRootClass

class RootClass(PythonCodeTemplate):

    # For root object, available Childs Types are modules of the modules packages.
    PlugChildsTypes = [(name, _GetClassFunction(name), help) for name, help in zip(modules.__all__,modules.helps)]
    def PluginPath(self):
        return os.path.join(self.PlugParent.PluginPath(), self.PlugType)
    def PlugGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
        Generate C code
        @param current_location: Tupple containing plugin IEC location : %I0.0.4.5 => (0,0,4,5)
        @param locations: List of complete variables locations \
            [{"IEC_TYPE" : the IEC type (i.e. "INT", "STRING", ...)
            "NAME" : name of the variable (generally "__IW0_1_2" style)
            "DIR" : direction "Q","I" or "M"
            "SIZE" : size "X", "B", "W", "D", "L"
            "LOC" : tuple of interger for IEC location (0,1,2,...)
            }, ...]
        @return: [(C_file_name, CFLAGS),...] , LDFLAGS_TO_APPEND
        current_location = self.GetCurrentLocation()
        # define a unique name for the generated C file
        location_str = "_".join(map(lambda x:str(x), current_location))
        plugin_root = self.GetPlugRoot()
        plc_python_filepath = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], "plc_python.c")
        plc_python_file = open(plc_python_filepath, 'r')
        plc_python_code =
        python_eval_fb_list = []
        for v in plugin_root._VariablesList:
            if v["vartype"] == "FB" and v["type"] in ["PYTHON_EVAL","PYTHON_POLL"]:
        python_eval_fb_count = max(1, len(python_eval_fb_list))
        # prepare python code
        plc_python_code = plc_python_code % {
           "python_eval_fb_count": python_eval_fb_count,
           "location": location_str}
        Gen_Pythonfile_path = os.path.join(buildpath, "python_%s.c"%location_str)
        pythonfile = open(Gen_Pythonfile_path,'w')
        runtimefile_path = os.path.join(buildpath, ""%location_str)
        runtimefile = open(runtimefile_path, 'w')
        if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__':
            matiec_flags = " -I../../matiec/lib"
            matiec_flags = " -I../matiec/lib"
        return [(Gen_Pythonfile_path, matiec_flags)], "", True, (""%location_str, file(runtimefile_path,"rb"))