Bug on Debug trying to start (and stop) before PLC started fixed.
Adding support for detecting platform default settings for target type and canfestival node.
Clear tests folder, leaving only multi-platform tests.
function pyjs_extend(klass, base) {
function klass_object_inherit() {}
klass_object_inherit.prototype = base.prototype;
klass_object = new klass_object_inherit();
for (var i in base.prototype.__class__) {
v = base.prototype.__class__[i];
if (typeof v == "function" && (v.class_method || v.static_method || v.unbound_method))
klass_object[i] = v;
function klass_inherit() {}
klass_inherit.prototype = klass_object;
klass.prototype = new klass_inherit();
klass_object.constructor = klass;
klass.prototype.__class__ = klass_object;
for (var i in base.prototype) {
v = base.prototype[i];
if (typeof v == "function" && v.instance_method)
klass.prototype[i] = v;
/* creates a class, derived from bases, with methods and variables */
function pyjs_type(clsname, bases, methods)
var fn_cls = function() {};
fn_cls.__name__ = clsname;
var fn = function() {
var instance = new fn_cls();
if(instance.__init__) instance.__init__.apply(instance, arguments);
return instance;
fn_cls.__initialize__ = function() {
if (fn_cls.__was_initialized__) return;
fn_cls.__was_initialized__ = true;
fn_cls.prototype.__class__.__new__ = fn;
fn_cls.prototype.__class__.__name__ = clsname;
fn_cls.__extend_baseclasses = function() {
var bi;
for (bi in fn_cls.__baseclasses)
var b = fn_cls.__baseclasses[bi];
if (b.__was_initialized__)
for (bi in fn_cls.__baseclasses)
var b = fn_cls.__baseclasses[bi];
pyjs_extend(fn_cls, b);
if (!bases) {
bases = [pyjslib.__Object];
fn_cls.__baseclasses = bases;
for (k in methods) {
var mth = methods[k];
var mtype = typeof mth;
if (mtype == "function" ) {
fn_cls.prototype[k] = mth;
fn_cls.prototype.__class__[k] = function () {
return fn_cls.prototype[k].call.apply(
fn_cls.prototype[k], arguments);
fn_cls.prototype.__class__[k].unbound_method = true;
fn_cls.prototype.instance_method = true;
fn_cls.prototype.__class__[k].__name__ = k;
fn_cls.prototype[k].__name__ = k;
} else {
fn_cls.prototype.__class__[k] = mth;
return fn;
function pyjs_kwargs_call(obj, func, star_args, args)
var call_args;
if (star_args)
if (!pyjslib.isIteratable(star_args))
throw (pyjslib.TypeError(func.__name__ + "() arguments after * must be a sequence" + pyjslib.repr(star_args)));
call_args = Array();
var __i = star_args.__iter__();
var i = 0;
try {
while (true) {
} catch (e) {
if (e != pyjslib.StopIteration) {
throw e;
if (args)
var n = star_args.length;
for (var i=0; i < args.length; i++) {
call_args = args;
return func.apply(obj, call_args);
function pyjs_kwargs_function_call(func, star_args, args)
return pyjs_kwargs_call(null, func, star_args, args);
function pyjs_kwargs_method_call(obj, method_name, star_args, args)
var method = obj[method_name];
if (method.parse_kwargs)
args = method.parse_kwargs.apply(null, args);
return pyjs_kwargs_call(obj, method, star_args, args);
//String.prototype.__getitem__ = String.prototype.charAt;
//String.prototype.upper = String.prototype.toUpperCase;
//String.prototype.lower = String.prototype.toLowerCase;
var str = String;